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Welcome to the home of our very own RENT webring. This is a ring of well-kept websites devoted to or containing information related to the musical RENT. To join, go here, and fill out the form. Next, add the html fragment. In order to do so, look below the sample logo and navigation. Then copy and paste everything between the "html fragment" tags, replacing "--mail--" with your e-mail address, and "--id--" with the id number given to you when you submitted your site. Last, e-mail us to let us know you did so. Thanks!

As I said, this is a webring for well-kept websites. In order to be added to the webring, you MUST HAVE something original on your site about RENT. We are looking for content here, folks. Please do not submit a site you have just started and have yet to do anything to- we can only add the sites that ALREADY have the information. However, don't be scared away! If you are not accepted immediately, PLEASE feel free to try again. :) I don't mean to sound like an evil bitch-- I don't think I am. You'll have to ask Mary.

my RENT website inspires!
to websites of inspiration...
<-- * list * join * random * --> *


Arrive from another site in the ring? Go look at our frames page.

go home already!