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Channel and Blue Catfish !
A nice channel cat.( notice the rounded anal fin.)
Channel and Blue CATFISH !!

The differences between the channel and the blue catfish are sometimes hard to identify in the field. The majority of the catfishermen that I know use size to determine the species of their catch. The big cats are blues, and the smaller ones are channels. Size is not a reliable species identifier!

Blue and channel catfish look very similar to the casual eye. They can both be grey, black, brown, yellowish brown, or greenish brown depending on where you caught them. They both belong to the Ictalurus family which means that they both have a very pronounced fork in their caudal ( tail ) fin. There is one big difference to help you identify your catch. The channel catfish has a rounded anal fin ( fin on bottom of fish nearest the tail ) with 24 - 29 rays. The blue catfish has a straight edged anal fin, with 30 -35 rays.

With the help of stocking programs channel and blue catfish often inhabit the same body of water. They also share many food items. To see what my favorite blue and channel catfish baits are click here.,

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