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      1981 - 1998

This web site is a tribute to my daughter Melissa Kern. On Aug. 15, 1998 Melissa and her unborn child, Mariah, died in a fatal car accident. This site is to honor her life and the accomplishments she achieved during her 17 years. You will see photos, read letters and poems written by her friends and family in her memory. Melissa affected many peoples' lives in her positive, giving way. Even in death she gave her donated organs, improving the quality of many peoples' lives.

Memorial scholarships have been awarded to three of her closest friends who graduated in June, 1999. Angels

Melissa is honored as one of the Methuen High School Angels, as three of her other classmates were also killed in a car accident on Oct. 3, 1998. We all believe that Melissa is an angel in heaven, taking care of all the children there as she did here. We miss her more and more each day. She's sadly missed by her many friends.

Written by Lisa Brown, Melissa's mother, January 20, 1999.

Sweet Melissa, forever you'll be the heart, the soul, a part of me
It hurts so, deep down inside
to know my sweet beautiful daughter has died.

Why, I ask, why? It's just not fair.
Give me answers, it's too hard to bare.

She was an angel and never once bad.
Tears stream down my face, I am so sad.
I try, I really try, to carry on.
What else to do, now that you're gone.

I visit your grave each and every day
hoping to feel you and know what to say.
Why so young you were and with child,
the pain overwhelming, only seconds are mild.

Your soul now in heaven I know you're not there.
I want to be with you so badly -
I dare
To hear your voice, laugh or just talk to me
Why didn't he save you and that car, let you be.

angelsI'm guided by prayer
each and every night.
But I still want you back
I wish all my might.

I am thankful for all
the joys you had.
You made me proud
even knowing your dad.

Please come to me in my dreams
like you did weeks ago
It cheers me up
when I'm alone and low.
I see you playing with baby Mariah
I wanted to see her, my one desire.

Tell me why am I left here
what am I to do?
Please show me the way
til I get there with you.

I know you'd say,
Be strong for the sake of your brother
"Be happy, I'm in a good place
my sweet mother."

I so miss you my sweet daughter.
Love always,
Mom 11/1/98

One Year Anniversary
Two Year Anniversary
Yearbook Tribute
Third Year Anniversary

Please send me a message or one of your favorite poems. My daughter was an "Angel" and always will be.

Webpage Design by JDzMomVisit the J.D.Daniels Memorial