Malcolm's Wedgie Should we all gang together and give Ian a big wedgie? Yes 88.89 % (8) No 0.00 % (0) Maybe 0.00 % (0) Only if he says it's okay 11.11 % (1) Total votes: 9
Ian's Heinie Do you like Ian's butt? Hell no! 41.67 % (5) A little. 0.00 % (0) It's nice. 8.33 % (1) Mah' goodness! 50.00 % (6) Total votes: 12
T For Breakfast Does anybody here remember Mr. T cereal? YES 16.67 % (1) NO 16.67 % (1) Was it the 'T' shaped cereal? 33.33 % (2) Did you just watch "Pee Wee's Big Adventure," too? 33.33 % (2) Total votes: 6 (Written by Bryan MacAfee)
Mac's Back! How many of you are happy MacAfee's home? I SURE AM! 12.50 % (1) Yeah, that's nice. 12.50 % (1) Whatever. 25.00 % (2) He's what?!? 12.50 % (1) Go back to Athens! 12.50 % (1) He left? 25.00 % (2) Total votes: 8
Serving Carey Who shall serve Carey? Show me the Way! 12.50 % (1) Do I get paid? 62.50 % (5) I don't think so... 0.00 % (0) Of course not... 25.00 % (2) Total votes: 8 (Written by Carey Fisher)
First Word! Think of a word. Any word. What letter did it start with? A-E 52.63 % (10) F-J 15.79 % (3) K-O 5.26 % (1) P-T 21.05 % (4) U-Z 5.26 % (1) Total votes: 19
Reactions! If you were a kind of reaction, what would you be? Evaporation 5.88 % (1) Sublimation 17.65 % (3) Condensation 17.65 % (3) Melting 17.65 % (3) Freezing 41.18 % (7) Total votes: 17
Penguins Do you like penguins? They're kinda cute. 7.14 % (1) Fluffy = Fun. 57.14 % (8) I suppose so... 0.00 % (0) Not too much. 0.00 % (0) No, birds are dumb. 0.00 % (0) I don't like Dan. 35.71 % (5) Total votes: 14
Modern Art What do you think of Modern Art? Great stuff, man! 8.33 % (1) It's okay I guess. 25.00 % (3) It's uhm... I dunno. 8.33 % (1) I'm not a big fan. 8.33 % (1) I hate the filth! 33.33 % (4) I am a modern artist. 16.67 % (2) Total votes: 12
Dan's Classes Does anyone really care if Dan has only one class on Tuesdays and Thursdays? Sure, that's great! 10.00 % (1) Good for him. 0.00 % (0) Wow, neat. 20.00 % (2) And I care why? 20.00 % (2) Screw him, I say! 20.00 % (2) My schedule's better. 30.00 % (3) Total votes: 10
Ianobomb Is Ian Da Bomb? Yes Ian Da Bomb 50.00 % (8) Ian is sorta Da Bomb 6.25 % (1) Ian is just kinda bubbly 18.75 % (3) Ian no bomb at all 25.00 % (4) Total votes: 16 (Written by Ian Malcolm)
Jailbird Who thinks Ian should go to jail? I DO! 14.29 % (2) Yeah, he's dangerous. 28.57 % (4) If he deserves it. 0.00 % (0) Nah, he's okay. 7.14 % (1) No, I like danger. 35.71 % (5) Only if I can join him. 14.29 % (2) Total votes: 14
Enterprise, Pt. I Who's watching the "Enterprise" premier tonight? Me! I am! Yo! Me! 42.86 % (3) I want to, but can't. 42.86 % (3) "Enterprise"? What? 0.00 % (0) You gotta be kiddin' me. 0.00 % (0) Sod that! No way! 0.00 % (0) No, "Dawson's Creek" is on. 14.29 % (1) Total votes: 7
Enterprise, Pt. II Well, "Enterprise" has finally debuted! What did you think? WOW! Bring on more! 10.00 % (1) It was pretty entertaining. 0.00 % (0) I liked it okay. 10.00 % (1) Sulibans, eh? I dunno. 0.00 % (0) I missed it. 60.00 % (6) Coulda' been better. 0.00 % (0) Totally sucked! Ugh! 0.00 % (0) Bite me. Trek sucks. 20.00 % (2) Total votes: 10
Trix? What's up with this Trix stuff? I've been wondering... 22.22 % (2) It intrigues me, I guess. 0.00 % (0) I already know. 11.11 % (1) I don't care. 22.22 % (2) I just noticed it. 0.00 % (0) Well duh, isn't it obvious? 0.00 % (0) Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids. 44.44 % (4) Sulibans, eh? I dunno. 0.00 % (0) Total votes: 9
King Ian Who thinks Ian should be the new King of Afghanistan? Yes 54.55 % (6) No 9.09 % (1) Maybe Prime Minister 36.36 % (4) Total votes: 11 (Written by Ian Malcolm)
Bad Ian! Is Ian plotting to kill me again? Yes! 50.00 % (4) No 12.50 % (1) Perhaps 0.00 % (0) One can never know his motives 37.50 % (3) Total votes: 8 (Written by Courtney Saul)
Ian's Skank Who wants to be Ian's winter skank? Dan 15.38 % (2) Jakab 53.85 % (7) Jeff 0.00 % (0) Josh 0.00 % (0) Kyle 15.38 % (2) MacAfee 7.69 % (1) Phil 7.69 % (1) Total votes: 13 (Written by Ian Malcolm)
A New Poll Who Cares? I do. 11.11 % (1) Not me. 44.44 % (4) No comment. 44.44 % (4) Total votes: 9
Halloween How do you guys like my decorating? I like it! 63.64 % (7) It's nice; festive. 27.27 % (3) I'm okay with it. 9.09 % (1) Could'a been better. 0.00 % (0) Stupid costume. 0.00 % (0) It's changed? 0.00 % (0) Total votes: 11
Candy!! Who's goin' Trick-or-Treatin' this Wednesday? Me! Yes! CANDY! 0.00 % (0) I am, but I'm not dressing up. 0.00 % (0) I might, don't know yet. 25.00 % (2) I probably won't get out. 50.00 % (4) Uh, no. I'm too mature for that. 12.50 % (1) I can't. "Dawson's Creek" is on. 12.50 % (1) Total votes: 8
Ian again Should Ian get a job that actually works him? Yeah, he posts too much. 33.33 % (5) It would make a man of him. 26.67 % (4) Nah, he's fine. 13.33 % (2) I like his posts. 26.67 % (4) Who cares? 0.00 % (0) Total votes: 15
Ian's Hair Should Ian restyle his hair? No, it's fine now. 16.67 % (4) Yeah, a Mr. T 3-part! 33.33 % (8) Afro man! 25.00 % (6) Bruce Willis bald. 12.50 % (3) Hippie mop-top. 8.33 % (2) Other. 4.17 % (1) Total votes: 24
taH pagh taHbe'! nuqDaq yuch Dapol? HIja'! 35.71 % (5) ghobe'. 7.14 % (1) jISaHbe'... 7.14 % (1) Hab SoSlI' Quch. 0.00 % (0) Qapla'! 42.86 % (6) ghuy'cha!! 7.14 % (1) Total votes: 14
Thanksgiving Anyone thankful for anything? I am of something. 57.14 % (4) I'm not. Hmph! 0.00 % (0) I'm thankful of Ian. 28.57 % (2) I like cabbage. 0.00 % (0) Josh fixed the banner. 14.29 % (1) Total votes: 7
Adam Where did Adam come from? Utah Mormons. 0.00 % (0) The Nortons. 8.33 % (1) His Mum. 0.00 % (0) McDonalds. 25.00 % (3) The waters off Greece. 8.33 % (1) Don't ask, don't tell. 16.67 % (2) All of the above. 41.67 % (5) Total votes: 12
Dan Driving. What say you of this calamity? Good. 26.32 % (5) Bad. 5.26 % (1) Scary. 31.58 % (6) Ouch! 10.53 % (2) I'm gonna sell my car. 26.32 % (5) Total votes: 19
Weekend Is Sunday part of the weekend? Yes! 68.42 % (13) No! 5.26 % (1) Perhaps... 26.32 % (5) Total votes: 19
Presents! Did Santa bring everyone what they wanted? Yes, I'm satisfied. 43.75 % (7) Gosh darn it, I didn't get enough socks and underwear! 6.25 % (1) Ha! I'm Jewish, I got 8 days of presents! 12.50 % (2) I've always wanted a rabid puppy; thanks dad!! 6.25 % (1) I saw mommy kissing Santa Clause, and she gave me 50 bucks not to tell daddy. 31.25 % (5) Total votes: 16 (Written by Jakab Norton)