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How you can come to know Jesus

It is as simple as asking Him into your heart.

Just pray something like this in your own personal words: Jesus I know that I have done alot of the wrong things in my life. I may not know alot about you, but I do know that you died for me and that I can spend eternity with you. Please come live in my heart and show me how to live for you.

That may sound to simple, but it is the absolute truth.
1John 1:9 says "if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

If you don't understand that and need to know more please feel free to write me. Everyone has different questions and ideas about about God. Please e-mail me with any specific questions you have and I will answer them as God enables me. As you wait for a reply just pray for understanding and assurance. God has many gifts for you my freind and all you need to do is ask for them.
Yeild to His call today.

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