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Sanctification in terms that us rednecks can understand!!!!!

The word sanctify comes from the greek word hagiazo. Hagiazo simply means to make holy or consecrate. Look at 1 Corinthians 1:2.
Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints with all that in every place.......
Paul is addressing those that are sanctified in Christ Jesus. Notice how Paul calls them out as saints. The word saint is translated from the same root as sanctify. Saint comes from the word hagios, which means set apart. Notice how they are not called out as Christians. So often today you will here someone say they are a Christian and there is so little fruit displayed in their life. Does it simply mean that they are part of a club that gets together once a week?

Paul called the people he was writing to sanctified saints. How much would you be accepted at your church if you stood up at testimony time and proclaimed to be a saint. I hope you could do that my friend, because that is the type of testimony that will take you to heaven. Being sanctified means that God has set you aside for service to Him by the merits of Christ.

I pray that you have found that "Victory in Jesus" that has saved you from your sin and that now you are walking as one of His saints with the realization that you are not only set apart for His service today but soon to accept your prize and spend eternity with Him.

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