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Phillipians 2:14 & 15- Do all things without murmurings and disputings: That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world.

WHAT A LIFE CHANGING MESSAGE. When I studied this passage a few months ago it really hit home. Often we wonder what God has planned for us and look for some better circumstances in which we can shine. We tend to sit around and complain about our current situation, we have certain people that we argue with, and often find discontentment around every corner. It is easy to forget the things that became important to us when we were born again. God wants us to shine, but we often hold ourselves back by not changing a few simple habits. This passage doesn't include a long list of requirements that lead to holiness. Simply stated it says stop arguing and complaining.

We complain about the corruptness that is all around us. If God knows the number of hairs on our head he certainly knows about our situation. The greatest part of this passage is the promise it holds. To be blameless and harmless, without rebuke. Even in a crooked and perverse environment we can be seen as someone who doesn't need corrected. When we begin to cease complaining we begin see things in a different light. Little by little we become less concerned about what is fair and begin to see the real purpose for our circumstances. Soon God becomes the focal point of our attention not the situation. Then He can begin to work on it through us.

Being the sons of God is an honor that He bestowed on us, and He wants to shine through us. There is no greater love than that. God could perform a miracle and change any situation, but instead He usually chooses to do it through us. He could send a legion of angels to proclaim the gospel, but instead has chosen to do it through us. We can't be the light he wants us to be if we sit around and complain, gossip, and bicker. To be a light for Christ is a priviledge that we should not take lightly. I may never master this concept in my lifetime, but by his grace I am beginning to see the life changing results the promise holds.



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