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annie christian

i love this band because like me they have no time for capital letters.

annie christian are:
larry lean - vocals, guitar and resident dancer
chris adams - guitar
david hunter - bass
andrew hastings - drums

i always thought they were joy division on speed then bingo! they cover jd's transmission. pure genius.

frankly, annie christian are great, they always have been. the first i heard of them was when they had 'nothing is real', a striking track crammed full of words and angry guitars, included on a free melody maker cd back in may 1998. i'd read about them a while before and they really aroused my interest. a band who nick a prince song for their name and express a distaste of capital letters surely must have style. (capital letters have never ben interesting and should only be reserved for insurance forms and writing dEUS. that's my philosophy, anyway.........) then wahey! they start releasing singles! 'someday my prince will come again' was snatched into my grimy paws and raved about for weeks. the b-sides were equally stunning and i knew this band were going to be special. a couple more brilliant singles followed then came the live performance. and it was an experience. annie christian were loud and fast and they put on a show. larry runs about the stage, acts out the songs (dancing!) and perhaps most importantly, he climbs on the amps. this takes a lot of skill and talent to do, i know, i've tried. for lively bands to stand still is, in my view, a complete travesty. annie christain give their audiences something to listen to and look at, something which many modern bands seem to be lacking at the moment. they have a real popstar for a singer, they sound and look good and put on amazing live performances. so i guess that means world domination then?

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