Ron Simmons

Height: 6'2''

Weight: 260 lbs.

Finishing Move: The Dominator

Titles Held: 1x WCW Champ, 3x WWE Tag Team Champ, 1x WCW Tag Team Champ

Manager/valet(s): Sunny, Clarence Mason, Jacqueline

Other Aliases: Faarooq

Faarooq arrived in the WWF in 1996, as Faarooq Asad, and attacked Intercontinental Champion Ahmed Johnson, putting him out of action. The IC title was vacated and Faarooq made it to the finals before losing to Wildman Marc Mero. Frustrated, he dumped his manager Sunny and formed the Nation of Domination, a militant organization whose motto was "By any means necessary..." and was comprised of himself, Crush, Savio Vega, rappers J.C. Ice and Wolfie D, Clarence Mason and a number of bodyguards. Ahmed Johnson returned and threatened to take the NOD apart.

After months of gang attacks on Ahmed, Ahmed recruited the Legion of Doom as partners and they beat Faarooq, Savio and Crush in a Chicago Streetfight at WrestleMania XIII. Growing frustrated with his men, Faarooq fired everybody in the Nation except for bodyguard D'lo Brown. He hired only black members, and expanded to include Kama Mustafa and Ahmed Johnson himself. Crush retaliated by forming the Disciples of Apocalypse, a biker gang, and Savio formed Los Boriquas, an all Latino gang. As the groups clashed, Faarooq kicked Ahmed out of the Nation and hired Rocky Maivia. Around the end of 1997, Rocky, or the Rock, gained a cocky attitude after his feud with Steve Austin where he came out IC Champ. He started to undermine Faarooq's authority, first by hiring Mark Henry without Faarooq's consent.

Support for Rocky grew, as he gave expensive gifts to the other Nation members, and mocked Faarooq. In his match against Ken Shamrock at WrestleMania XIV, Faarooq came out and refused to save Rocky as he was getting mauled by Shamrock. The next night, Faarooq got into a fist fight with Rocky, but the other Nation members turned on Faarooq and the Rock declared himself Ruler of the Nation. Rock beat Faarooq at IYH: Over the Edge, and Faarooq wallowed in obscurity until the Jackyl paired him with Bradshaw, calling them the Acolytes. The Jackyl left the WWF shortly thereafter, and the Acolytes joined the Undertaker's Ministry of Darkness, serving as the muscle and helping to initiate new members like Mideon and Viscera. They won the tag team titles in May of 1999 from Kane and X-pac. They lost them to the Hardy Boyz a few weeks later, but regained them at Fully Loaded. After a few weeks, they lost them again to Kane and X-pac. As the Fall approached, the Ministry was disbanded and the Acolytes gained a reputation as beer-drinking, cigar-smoking, poker-playing bar room brawlers. They feuded with incoming team the Dudley Boyz around the end of the year.

In 2000, the Acolytes started their own little business, calling it the Acolyte Protection Agency, or APA, and offered their services to protect anyone in exchange for cash. They lost to Bull Buchanan and the Big Bossman at Backlash and appeared to lose focus. The team of T & A attacked the APA and injured Faarooq. They took over the office, calling it the T & APA but the real APA came back at Armageddon 2000 and took back their business.

They became the target of the RTC, who disliked the APA's beer and cigars. They teamed with Tazz to beat Buchanan, Val Venis and the Goodfather at WrestleMania X-Seven. When the summer came around, the Shane McMahon-led WCW started to invade WWF programming. The APA rallied the WWF Superstars and got them to fight back against the outsiders. The APA won the tag team titles from the Dudleys, but later in the night, the Dudleys joined former ECW wrestlers who eventually merged with WCW to create the Alliance. The APA beat WCW tag champs Chuck Palumbo & Sean O'Haire at Invasion, but lost the belts to Diamond Dallas Page and Kanyon a few weeks later. The Alliance was eventually driven out of the WWF, and the APA was still going strong.

However, after WrestleMania X-8, the WWF roster split as Vince McMahon and Ric Flair held a draft to determine which wrestlers would go to Raw and which would go to Smackdown. Bradshaw was drafted to Raw, while Faarooq went to Smackdown, and the APA held one last celebration on the last show with the full roster, closing the APA Office. Faarooq made friends with Smackdown wrestler and former teammate Mark Henry, and began taking bets on whether or not Henry could perform various feats of strength. Test grew angry as he lost more and more money to Faarooq, and attacked him. Faarooq beat Test the next week, and competed through the summer without incident. He briefly teamed up with Reverend D-von under his real name Ron Simmons, but in November D-von jumped to Raw and Simmons decided that it was time to retire.