Mark Henry

Height: 6'1''

Weight: 400 lbs.

Finishing move: The World's Strongest Slam

Titles held: 1x WWE European Champ

Manager/Valet(s): Mae Young

Nicknames: The World's Strongest Man, Sexual Chocolate

Mark Henry was sponsored by the WWF in the 1996 Olympics in weightlifting, and signed him to a ten year deal after the games were over. Henry debuted at IYH: Mind Games and beat Jerry "The King" Lawler. However, weeks before the Survivor Series, he injured his ankle while training. He returned a year later, and beat The Brooklyn Brawler. He teamed with Ken Shamrock to take on The Rock and Faarooq. Henry attacked Shamrock at the end of the match and joined the Nation. He drew no. 21 in the Royal Rumble, but was eliminated by Faarooq. He teamed with the Nation at IYH: No Way Out, and was a part of the 15 team battle royal at WrestleMania XIV, with partner D'lo Brown.

After WrestleMania, The Rock took control of the Nation and added Owen Hart to the fold. Henry teamed with Owen and D'lo at IYH: Over the Edge and beat Triple H and The New Age Outlaws. He helped the Rock beat Vader in the KOTR tournament, which got him a feud with Vader. He beat Vader at IYH: Fully Loaded. Just before SummerSlam, in an attempt to humiliate Chyna, The Rock ordered Mark Henry to give her a kiss. All he got was a chairshot from Shawn Michaels, and beatings from Chyna at SummerSlam and subsequent Raws, one of which where he beat Chyna and X-pac. He attempted to serve Chyna with a sexual harrassment lawsuit while reading bad poetry before his matches. He and D'lo also kicked The Rock and The Godfather out of the Nation, and Henry actually beat The Rock at IYH: Judgement Day. He started teaming with D'lo, but they weren't successful in their challenge of the New Age Outlaws and The Headbangers in a Triple Threat Match at the Survivor Series. Problems arose when he started calling himself Sexual Chocolate and taking on Terri Runnels and Jacqueline as his valets. They soon turned against him. After competing in the Royal Rumble, he and D'lo got a shot at Jeff Jarrett and Owen Hart at IYH: St. Valentine's Day Massacre. Jarrett and Owen won, and Mark was sidelined with a knee injury. He returned in May, saving D'lo from an attack by Droz and Prince Albert. They challenged once again for the tag team belts at Over the Edge '99, but lost to champions X-pac and Kane. After that, he was told by the WWF doctor that he had high blood pressure and was out of action once again. D'lo put him on a strict diet, which led to Henry costing D'lo the European and IC titles at SummerSlam against Jeff Jarrett. To reward him, Jarrett gave him the Euro belt, which Henry lost back to D'lo at Unforgiven. Mark then admitted he was a sex addict, but was encouraged that there was nothing wrong by The Godfather. When Viscera wrestled Godfather for the hoes, he told Henry he could do anything to them if he won them. Of course, Henry turned on The Godfather, but they teamed a few months later at the Armageddon tag team battle royal. The next night, Henry revealed his relationship with the octogenarian Mae Young.

Henry was sent down to the WWF developmental territories, where he honed his skills over the next couple of years. He returned when the WWF roster split occurred in April 2002, and was drafted to Vince McMahon's Smackdown brand. He began to take bets on whether or not he could perform various feats of strength, but was attacked by Test, who was angry that he kept losing the bets. Test managed to beat Henry in a match later in the month. Henry didn't have much more success, losing to Chris Jericho and Lance Storm over the next few weeks. He teamed with Rikishi and entered the tournament to crown tag team champs on Smackdown, but they lost in the first round to the Guerreros.

Henry returned almost a year later to the Raw brand, joining up with Theodore Long's stable of Rodney Mack and Jazz, black wrestlers who felt they were being held down. Long directed his rage toward Raw co-GM Steve Austin, and Henry joined Eric Bischoff's Survivor Series team. If their team won, Austin would be gone. Henry was the second man eliminated, after eliminating Booker T. Their team did win, however, and Henry got another match with Booker at Armageddon, which he lost.