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Perfect Strangers (NSYNC) - Meet Jenn, an easygoing workaholic who barely has enough time to finish the stack of work on her desk let alone go on a date. Who knows how long her string of dateless nights would have continued if Stephanie, a coworker, hadn’t suggested a blind date. After a lot of convincing, Jenn finally gives in and goes on a date with the mystery man, maybe you’ve heard of him, his name’s Lance Bass…

Perpetual Bliss (NSYNC) - Tina and Chris have an unusual relationship. This is how it goes, Tina insults Chris, Chris retaliates, Tina shoots back a witty comment, and Chris gives up. It’s all in good fun though; no anger is involved until they’re releasing all that pent up sexual frustration. They can’t wait until they get home so they stop on the side of the road; lets just hope they don’t get caught…

Updated 03.18.03

Email - August