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Jello kills
See. I told you I had friends...

Sander lives in the Netherlands... I met him in a band chatroom last year. We chatted for hours, and despite the fact I was under the impression he was female the entire time, he still chose to befriend me. Sander is a great person..... everyone should get themselves a Sander.

This is my cousin, Anne.
And until she gets off her arse to send me a photo, this will continue to be my cousin, Anne.
Who knows...
If this picture stays up long enough, perhaps she'll develop horns or grow a mustache...

This is Little Shit.
He's way too cool for me.

Sharon is my twin. We don't share any genetic makings, but we do share a birthday. She spends her days and nights in the Netherlands, though, she's been known to kick back in my skull..... sometimes, even in my pocket. Just don't give her doughnuts.... she can't hang with 'em.

'Tis a dustybunny.

The elusive Mr. Xavier. Getting him to not run from a camera aimed in his general direction is unheard of... and I'm proud to say that after many failed attempts, I finally have proof that Xaviers do exist.

This insane ball of fluff is my dog, Sparky.

Don't actually know him, but I had to put the man somewhere...

Everyone knows Jiggy Wiggle the coked-out mouse

MooCow my moocow.

This is EEP..... my fictitious child.
Oh right, like you don't have
a fictitious child

Ah, my partner in crime. This be Rachy and myself. When not dressed as X-Mas trees and presents, we are usually quite normal. I dodge her contact lenses, she flings me onto front lawns. I almost kill her with a hammer, she drinks all my apple juice. It's good she lives in New Zealand 'cause when together, we are hell. She truly belongs in the next room over, however, and I miss her. There's no one I'd rather share the same ridiculous laugh with.

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[home~ gimme sugar]