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Salute Someone For Their

Positive Mental Attitude

The premise of this webpage is that recognizing positive attitudes is the first step to seeing positive change in the world. Positive thinking will foster positive action and positive accomplishment. No one has to spend a dime to be courteous or thoughtful or level-headed or fair. But when you encounter one of those genuinely kind individuals who extend themselves without thought of recompense or reward, their generosity is priceless.

In fifty words or less write how you or someone you know has displayed a positive mental attitude. If you know someone who always lights a candle instead of cursing the darkness, then submit their name (and e-mail address if you want our panel to notify them that they have been saluted). Their name and your salute will be posted here if chosen for a positive mental attitude award. Simply use our nomination form by clicking here.


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Words To Live By

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. -Helen Adams Keller

The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion. --Thomas Paine

My Favorite Links

Purpose Magazine
Twelve Healthy Habits
Chicken Soup for the Soul
What If
The Daily Motivator
Inspirational Tribute to Maya Angelou
Positive Parent's Place
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This page last updated 12:20 a.m. 5/22/00

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