Hatemail...The Sequel

Justin says you people can kiss his WHITE a**!

Here is a Hatemail that I received today when I checked my email. It's from Buffydom8. My comments are in italics. Enjoy:

well you commented on how you haven't recieved any hate mail...well here ya go....first off....I'm 18 and while viewing your site its very hard to believe that you're 18 too....um i have a few comments to make about things on your site...to start with come to IL some time and you'll see that there are clubs that 15 year olds can get into...second of all they met at Pleasure Island in Orlando..and being that its a teen dance club....and wow when i was there I just happened to be 15..isn't that amazing.....If you mentioned the Joey/Jello thing one more time I was seriously gonna take a gun to my head...lets see Joey says a lot of funny things...try using them and get off the Jello...umm now on to the *ebonics* if I can even call it that....learn how to write it at least....but then again you live in Iowa maybe you should come to Chicago and learn a few things about it.....While reading the *JC* needs dental work it said that JC has nappy teeth....what in the hell are nappy teeth please enlighten me......and finally the concert reviews...i hate to break it to ya...most people don't want to read pages upon pages of personal concert experiences..unless something interesting happened to them......if you would like to read a Truly funny NSYNC humor page..im me or email me and i'll send you the link.......basically your site is trash and sucks big hairy....you get the picture.....by the way....i was reading your guest book and saw how many people liked your site....maybe you should check and see how old these people..since you bash the teenyboppers...and i'm gonna guess that 99% of them are under 15...and in closing if you ever met Justin or JC for that matter....they'd B**** slap ya...well at least Justin would....for trying to be funny...but instead just writing TRASH.....i know i've used this word 50 million times..but its the only word i can use to describe your page..no wonder only 155 people have been there.....well hope you enjoyed your first piece of hatemail...as much as i enjoyed writing it......

First off, I just want to say that if you are 18, you should learn how to write complete sentences. Also, punctuation would be nice. I rather enjoy reading an email consisting of one large annoying sentence. About the email address you sent this from: BUFFYDOM8? Well, I am glad you love Buffy, maybe I could hook ya up with the SCARY lady that watches it in the Student Center here. I am sure she would love to talk with you. Anyhow, on to the part about the clubs. I am fully aware of the fact that there ARE clubs that are for people under 18. BUT, one thing that I found wrong with their whole little "story" is that Chris was like 24 at the time, and JC was like 18 or 19. Poor little Justy was only about 14, and I DOUBT that Chris and JC would go to an under 18 club with Justin to meet Joey, who was around 18 at that time also. AND, about the Pleasure Island clubs being Teen Dance Clubs? I too have been there, and I actually found that you cannot even SET foot on that island after 7 p.m. without a parent or guardian. Also, you must be 18 to get into all of the clubs, except 2, which you must be 21 to enter. Here is my proof, taken directly from the Disney webpage. Here is the address for it if you would like to check it out for yourself. (http://disney.go.com/DisneyWorld/Entertainment/Rec59.html).

Here are the exact quotes that state the rules about clubbing at Pleasure Island: "But when the sun goes down, the streets fill up, and seven outrageous clubs start hopping for a nightly explosion of fun for adults after 7 p.m. From 7 p.m. to 2 a.m., admission to Pleasure Island and its clubs, shops, and attractions is restricted to those 18 or older unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Must be 21 or over to enter Mannequins Dance Palace and the BET Soundstage™ Club."

So, as you can see, my observation is indeed CORRECT. Moving on, Joey's jello comment is the only thing I personally have ever heard that boy say that is semi-entertaining. Besides the obvious redundant sentences that he uses, such as: "We hopefully HOPE...", there really isn't anything entertaining about Joey.

About the *ebonics*...I don't pretend to know how to speak them. Besides the fact that I realize it is purely a joke, and is an EXAGGERATED form of how Justin actually talks. But then again, I wouldn't know anything about EBONICS...since I am from IOWA and all. Hell, it's almost as sheltered as MISSISSIPPI. What can I say? I realize that CHICAGO is soooooo much better than here. Personally I just love the whole Midwest with a passion.

About JC's "nappy teeth", nappy means something that is really gross, practically fur-covered. Such as Jc's teeth, you know, it wouldn't kill him to try to whiten them. It's not like he doesn't have enough money.

The concert review is up there for people who do not get the opportunity to attend a concert. It doesn't say..."I met *N SYNC...READ THIS". It purely says what it is: A Concert Review. I put it up because I thought that some people who do not get the chance to see them in concert would enjoy a perspective from so close. So, if you didn't like it, too damn bad. I have received numerous emails from people telling me that they especially liked the concert review. It's all a matter of opinion, and frankly I could care less about yours.

About our site being "TRASH"...I am glad that you feel that way. I just wish you could read the many emails we receive each day telling us how our site gets better and better every day. I have been to some very funny sites also, and they are my INSPIRATIONS...I don't claim to be as funny as they are. Everyone's humor is a little different, so no two sites are going to be exactly the same.

Moving right along, I knock the TEENYBOPPERS. My definition of a teenybopper has absolutely NOTHING to do with age. To me, a teenybopper is someone who dresses in baby blue, Fubu, or Superman and wears it to a concert, hoping to catch the eye of their "man". Teenyboppers are also the ones who take stuffed animals to the show (how many 22 year olds need 10 thousand stuffed animals anyways?), hold up retarded signs, and scream "JUSTIN I WANT TO HAVE YOUR BABY!!". Teenyboppers are the psycho fans, and can be ANY age. Hope that clarifies it for ya.

About our site only having "155" hits. Just for your information, Angelfire tends to be retarded, and occasionally RESETS the counters when I update. So it's not really an accurate representation of how many people have been here.

One last thing, BUFFYDOM8, if Justin and JC ever met YOU, I am sure they would get a good laugh. Maybe you could teach Justin the correct "ebonics" usage, since I am sure that his ebonics don't meet your high expectations either. Also, I would love to see JC and Justin "B**** slap" anyone. Who do they practice on? Lance? Lol.

Although you didn't like our site, we receive email after email every day telling us how great/funny it is. Thanks for giving me this amazing opportunity to share with everyone my first OFFICIAL piece of hatemail. I thoroughly enjoyed getting an email that looks like it was written by a 8 year old. So thanks for stopping, buh-bye now.

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