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Thoughts That Won't Make Any Sense, & Questions You Can't Answer.

One of us is weird. One of us has crazy thoughts. If it's not you, that doesn't leave too many other people, does it?
Why do some people get the most satisfaction in their lives from hurting others?
Why is making someone you supposedly care about feel like scum such a good thing?
Tell me, if you know.
Maybe I'm ignorant.

Why is money so important?
So you can buy things?
Why buy things?
So you can have more than someone else?
Why have more?
So someone else can have more than you?
Or is it so that when you get old and die people have to spend 3 weeks cleaning out your house?
You know what they do with all your crap then, don't you?
They throw it in a big blue metal box, also known as a Dumpster.
I guess the real reason is that you like filling up landfills.
Maybe you really can take it with you when you go, eh?
You and all your crap can rot together.
And then, 100 years after your death, some family will come and build their new house on top of an old land fill.
All your toxic waste seeps into their house and they get sick and die.
Maybe material goods really are vital for the continuation of life.
Or maybe some people are just evil like that.

People ask me all the time why I'm disabled.
I think I may be the only person that doesn't actually know.
The doctors know why: I didn't get enough oxygen and the brain was damaged.
Simple scientific explanation.
Doctors like that stuff.
Everyone else knows why: that's just the way I am.
Simple way around problems - acceptance.
I don't mind telling you- in fact I like it.
But instead of always asking me why, people, why don't you tell me why?
I'm the one that doesn't understand.

Why is 18 the *legal* age to be an adult?
Are you more responsible and able to take care of yourself on your 18th birthday than you were the day before it when you were 17.999?
Actually, when you're 18, you can do 2 things: Write your own name, and fill in little bubbles on a voting ballot.
I've personally been able to write my own name for quite a number of years now, and I consider myself to be proficient at Scan-Trons.
21 is the real *adult* age, eh?
When you're 21, you have permission to drink.
I bet that's exciting when you've already done it for a number of previous years, although secretly.
Maybe the legality of it gives you a certain sense of satisfaction when you puke your guts out.
Wow, what a rush...
Heck - why wait till you're 18 to be *responsible* for yourself?
Why not as soon as you're born?
Lots of animals do it that way, and they all seem to turn out okay.
Why did it take so long for a fast food place to make vegetarian burgers?
Burger King has just recently introduced them to their line of grub, and I have to say, I'm rather impressed.
I tried them, not bad.
However, I think the reason they've done so is because of the problems Hindis had with McDonalds, involving french fries cooked in beef grease.
Now all of us vegetarians can rest assured that if they cook our veggie burgers in beef grease at Burger King, they just won't tell us.
Why is it that I can give great advice to other people, but yet I can't get myself out of my own problems??
Sometimes I think there's something seriously wrong with that picture.
Or maybe my advice is crap too, and no one has the heart to tell me.
That's probably it.
Why does everyone say "be an individual"? If everyone is being an individual, what's unique about that??
Just be yourself, whatever that is...
If you're just you, you're not going to have to worry about being anyone else.
Why do able-bodied people always play disabled people on tv and in movies?
It ticks me off, royally. There are plenty of disabled actors out there looking for work, and they can't get any because someone else is being paid to do some horrible impersonation.
For crying out loud, wouldn't anyone rather have someone who can successfully play the part in the role?
It makes sense to me.
Dark Angel is one of my favorite shows, in a tie with SNL.
I love the show, and one of the main characters, Logan, was "paralyzed" early on by a gunshot wound.
For the longest time, he used a wheelchair (obviously) and I was in major support of that.
However, the stupid producers decided that just wasn't dramatic enough anymore, so they decided to make Logan walk.
Not only was that a stupid move for the characterization, but it also turned a confused light on the disabled world.
I'm sure now that some people that know nothing about disabilites actually think a paralyzed person can just "walk" whenever they feel like it.
Logan uses a thing on the show called an "exoskeleton" - but they don't take into consdieration that his leg muscles would probably be atrophied to the point where even if he could use the thing and magically walk - his leg muscles would be disentigrated to the point where they would not be able to support his body.
That's so terribly wrong!!
Plus, think of the people that are paralyzed out there watching that get all depressed (an angry) upon seeing such things.
Maybe science will develop new treatments someday, but until then, it isn't fair!!
I know if I were paralyzed, I'd be writing to FOX. It's like that whole new Hollywood trend of putting people in "fat suits".
Overweight actors deserve opportunities!
I think that's kind of pig-headed.
If the script calls for an overweight or disabled person, just use one of them!
It's really not that hard!
Why is it that the more I get my hopes up for something, the more I get let down?
I guess this happens a lot, but I usually never get my hopes up unless I'm feeling really confident (Which happens even less).
I just hate the fact that I can pour so much time and energy - my heart and soul - into something, only to have it ripped from my life just a short while later.
Is it so wrong to just want one thing in your life so bad that you put all you have into it?
Is it so wrong for me to just succeed in something for once?
I don't mean in school or places like that.
I'm talking about things that matter far more than that to me.
I'm just wondering what I always manage to do wrong to the point where I wind up with even less than I ever had to start with.
That's what I want to know.
I know that I'm complaining, and whining, and saying it isn't fair, but it ISN'T!!
Sometimes I really wonder why I waste my time with anything or anyone.
All that ever happens to me is that I get crapped on, and I'm left trying to pull myself together.
Tell me how this is fair or why I deserve it.
Why is it okay for someone to break your heart?
Why should you just "get over it and move on"?
If you cared about someone enough to let them into your heart, then no one should ever try and tell you to just "get over it".
Some things you should work through, and a lot of things you have to, but at the same time, it doesn't give anyone the right to try and make you feel that you're being stupid for being upset over something/ someone that meant the world to you.
No one has the right to do that.
Why do the top and bottom pieces of bread in the loaf never seem to get eaten?
If you can think of any logical explanation for this, I would definitely like to hear it!
Why do people assume things about others that they know could never be true to begin with?
Are people inherently that hungry for gossip and scandal?
That is a truly sad statement...
Why are things discovered too late and never too early?
This seems to be true for both positive and negative occurances.
Why does it seem that the most "academically gifted" students are the ones that can never properly use the forms of "they're" "there" or "their"?
Or "who's" and "whose"?
I see them (and teachers) making this mistake more than any other groups of people, and I'm just curious as to why!
