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Straight Edge (SXE): What it is and how I feel about it.

      If you haven't heard of Straight Edge, I'm surprised, although not overly so. Sure, it's most often associated with the generes of punk and hardcore music, which not everyone pays attention to, but the veins of this subculture run far deeper than that. Even though it has only really been around since the 1980s, its members are now spread around the world, with varying degrees of commitment. Since you may or may not be familiar with the concepts of Straight Edge, I'm going to explain my personal views, why it's important and commendable, and what I disagree with about it.
      First of all, what is SXE? (the "X" being the way Straight Edgers often identify themselves - by putting black X's on their hands.) Straight Edge is credited with being started in the late 80's by the hardcore band Minor Threat, when they released a song with the same name. SXE was created in response to the negativity that was seeping out of the punk rock scene which involved a lot of drugs, alcohol, and sex. Straight Edgers believe that drugs, alcohol, and often promiscuous sex are immoral and are not to be tolerated. The movement began with this simple philosophy, but has expanded now to sometimes include vegetarians (largely vegan), animal rights activists, and environmentalists. The majority of SXE followers are teenagers/ people in their early twenties, and are both male and female.
      I consider myself to be Straight Edge, although not to fanatical degrees, which will be discussed later. In all actuality, I can say I was Straight Edge long before I knew a brotherhood, so to speak, even existed. Having been against drugs, alcohol and promiscous sex from an early age (which grew stronger upon entering junior high school), I was delighted to find that there were hundreds of kids everywhere that felt the same way as I did, and enjoyed the same kind of music.
      When I was in junior high, I had many friends that smoked, drank and took drugs. (I feel this is partially because the grunge scene was flourishing at this time, but, these problems have existed among adolescents forever and cannot be blamed on any particular societal fad.) I would be completely crushed to see my friends destroying their lives and slipping away from the world. If I knew of a friend that smoked cigarettes, for example, I would go through countless magazines, looking for articles on the dangers of smoking, and give them to the friend. If I even had an inkling that a friend, or even just someone I knew, was involved with drugs; I would go the principal and report it. Many of my friends abandoned me because of this, but I always just had their best interest in mind, even though they often chose not to understand it. I also am a vegetarian, but I am not vegan (consuming NO animal products, such as cheese, eggs, etc.) - and this is not because I'm an animal rights activist. Sure, animals deserve fair treatment, but I don't eat meat simply because I don't like it. Not because I'm outraged at people who kill animals for food, and I don't protest against those who wear leather. (I have my own opinions on fur, but that's another story...)       To me, not involving myself in destructive behaviors was a personal choice that I made out of respect for myself and the best interest of my life. I never felt I had anything to prove to anyone, and although I did tend to shove my beliefs on others, that changed as I grew older and more mature. Straight Edge is important because it gives kids a place to belong. Many adolescents and teenagers these days have disgusting amounts of pressure put on them by friends and the media to cash in their morality for more "fun" and "popular" activities. Straight Edge allows the kids with self-respect enough to not partake in those things a place to be accepted, and to be surrounded by kids with that same positivity. Just as kids involved with drugs and alcohol like to associate with people possessing similar interests, those who aren't interested in that lifesyle have the same desire. Also, some kids that are just looking to fit in somewhere find themselves in the midst of SXE, where they could have ended up with drug users just as easily. It's human nature to want to belong.
      However, SXE has grown to be percieved very, very negatively. It seems that a group of people committed to being healthy and moral would be applauded by society. But -- this has changed, slowly, and is continuing in the same way. Why? Simple: many Straight Edgers have turned to violence to promote their beliefs. Some assault young adults they see smoking or taking drugs, set fires to leather stores, gang beat teenage drinkers, and so forth. They have allowed themselves to become just another violent gang; a group of rioters fighting for their cause.
      There is a huge difference between beginning a fight because you don't agree with what's going on, and defending your beliefs. In order to defend your beliefs, there has to be opposition first. Many SXE kids don't see it that way, unfortunately. They feel that anyone that has beliefs contrary to theirs are morally below them, and thus, need to be obliterated from society. It doesn't matter to them how they show this to the world, as long as they do.
      This is terribly wrong, becauseno one has the right to "punish" other people for their beliefs and their personal choices. The best way for Straight Edgers to gain respect is to show that they can hold fast to their commitment without hurting others. Many SXE kids are so extreme in their beliefs that they will not even acknowledge someone who uses drugs and alcohol, will not be near them, and will -- as I've already stated -- hurt themselves and others just to prove it. I find it horrendously sickening that a group of people so intent upon living a healthy and self-respecting life would stoop so low as to harrass and assault others.
      Violence against others cannot and should never be justified based solely on the grounds of personal philosophical disagreement. (However, the entire globe has yet to learn this, based on the fact we have innumerable wars that will stretch into eternity.) While kids who choose to abstain from the self-disrespecting yet popular behaviors of society should be commended and praised, they are ruining their own image, not anyone else.
      I could continue on for quite a while, but I feel I have made my point relatively clear. Straight Edge kids should bring the positivity back to the culture, and spread their beliefs through positive means. While I am SXE, I am not going to judge anyone on their personal choices, and I feel that once these extremists acknowlege that within themselves, the beauty of Straight Edge can be admired by the world.
