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Some contemporary work I find interesting.

Yonka Agova

     This is a fantastic artist I discovered through some egreeting sites. Her style sets off my imagination, and her new medium of choice is one I enjoy playing with too - light. Computers let you paint with light beyond an Impressionist's wildest dreams. Yonka's work might seem to you like flowers or something else (especially if you're from the Berkeley culture :] ) but abstract or not, they're all stunning. She has several addresses, so visit them if you'd like to see more of her work, or read her bio:

Here are some of my favorites, shown with permission (thank you!)~


Flower 1
Little Flower
SpiralThis makes me think of chaos!

     I'm seeing it everywhere, from the leaves on the trees, to the ground beneath my feet...signs of chaos... This next site is quite possibly the most unique one I've ever seen. It links you to the heartbeat of the earth - that is, it's a live feed that lets you see seismic activity as pulses of light. Watch's always like a sine wave, but it never exactly repeats.

Memento Mori.

And That's just the beginning.
Curious for a better explanation? Visit the Intro to Mori.

And Virtual Spaces is the art exhibit you'll find it at. Along with some other trippy work.

Oh - :] and the other day, I randomly found this. What a coincidence. It's a funny little explanation of the original meaning of Mori.

Morty the Death's Head