How to Make Basic Ballet Steps Fantastic!
Sometimes we tend to forget about the basic steps. You know, the ones we start all the other steps from. It's important to think about making each one perfect and special in it's own way, whether you're on stage or in the studio at the barre. Keep these tips in mind next time you dance.
- In General
- Whenever you only have one foot on the floor, you have a working leg (the one off the floor) and a supporting leg. You should concentrate on keeping the supporting side pulled up (don't forget to pull up the knee too) and the foot must not roll forward. If you don't do these things, you will have a hard time balancing while you move your working leg.
- Plies
- Plies should always be smooth and slow, but without any pauses at any point, so try and listen to the music so you aren't just standing there during counts.
- If you can't go down as far as your neighbor in 2nd position, don't worry, just take it slower making what you can do use all the music.
- Be sure to keep your back straight and strong throughout. Pretend that even as you go down, strings are trying to pull you up.
- Be aware of your shoulders, making sure they don't cave in and keep them level with your hips as well.
- What to watch for in 4th and 5th positions.
- Be careful not to lean towards the front or back leg. Let your weight rest in the middle.
- Make sure to open both knees equally, not letting your back knee fall forward, especially during grande plie.
- Never go so far down in a grande plie that you could sit on your heels!
- When you are coming out of a grande plie, push your heels down as soon as you start to come up.
- Arabesques
- In 3rd arabesque, the arm furthest away from your audience is the one that is slightly higher. (Recall that in 3rd arabesque, both arms are held in front of the body.)
- Your fingertips and hands are generally held at chin length, unless otherwise specified by your teacher.
- Your elbows should be soft, not sharp.
- Keep you chin up! Your eyes should be focused over the fingertips of the arm that is in front of you.
- Really concentrate on straightening your leg at the knee to keep a nice looking line.
- Your lower back will arch when doing a high arabesque, but you should keep your upper back up and straight at all times!
- When I do an arabesque, I pretend that I am in a small room, and if I just reach a little more with my toes and fingers, I can touch a wall with each one. This really helps me to stretch myself out to my full potential. I never knew I could have such a nice line until I tried this. My teacher noticed the improvement too!