Me: i already have my commentary worked out for when i video camera my share in the airport

Me: lol

Kat: goodness, i don't want to know

Kat: you'll scare me away from the trip

Me: serious it's gonna be hella funny

Kat: if you came up with it, i know it will be

Me: i'll like zoom in on your faces...cuz ya know you all will look phat. and i'll be singing that stupid ass commercial song...'who's that lady...lovely lady....'

Me: and then i'll zoom in on lance

Me: while singing that song still



Me: and be like...oh wait, THAT'S not a lady

Me: check out that adam's apple

Kat: he is a lovely, lovely lady, isn't he?

Me: and then zoom in like no other

Me: then i will shift to jc

Kat: you are so cruel girl

Kat: and go to his teeth

Me: and be all....ooooooooooooooohhhhhh hamster teeth


Me: and zoom in

Me: nastiness

Me: lol

Me: and my commentary will be ..'THIS is for my dentist...may it give him nightmares'

Kat: for your dentist!? lmao

Kat: and i already know what you're zooming in on Justin, so please don't share

Me: hahahah i will be like...looooooook at THAT

Kat: craziness

Me: i am all bout zooming in on jc's groin area also..for val

Me: and being like...loooook! it's BIG DADDY

Kat: cause big daddy is, um blessed

Kat: lmao

Me: it doesn't look so big from here


Kat: grossness

Me: that's what i'll say

Kat: that is SO beyond wrong

Me: seriously girl

Me: i have some hilarious commentary planned

Kat: you scare me already, lol

Me: for will stop on him

Me: and then i will be like ohhhh shit

Me: and then my face will be like right in the camera

Me: and i'll be like

Me: sorry..because of the pg-16 rating we have on this video we are unable to show the walking std

Kat: lmao, walking std

Me: i apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused

Me: lol

Kat: you should get a flashing warning to pop up later

Me: i know i should

***Ok, the rest of the convo was all..blah blah blah. Just other random, weird, but funny stuff. Lol. So anyhow, hope you enjoyed. Now go back to the island