The Eighth Wonder of the World

Ok, as I was slaving away at the VCR making tapes for people, (Hey, I am a tape making machine...that's what I do man!) when I began thinking about the individual members of N Sync. When my thoughts wandered finally to Joey Fatone, I about got sick...but that's besides the point. See, what I am trying to say...actually FIGURE this. How in the HELL can anyone be a Joey Fatone fan?

Ok, now I am in NO way knockin on any Joey fans here. I am merely trying to see WHY anyone in their right mind would like him. I mean, I have NOTHING against Joey fans. My good friend Beth is a Joey fan, and she's one of the funniest people I know. Ya gotta love that...but still, why does Joey capture the attention of some very cool people? I thought and thought about it, and I was like...hmmm..why do I like Justin? Well, basically I think he's hot, and damn that boy can dance. So then I compared that to Joey...and came up a little short in the looks department. Dancing, well...if you like that soccer kick thing...then more power to ya, but it doesn't do much for me. Lol.

Then I remembered that I like Justin sometimes cuz he can be really funny. So while watching the appearances I was taping, I strained my ears, listening for something with just a little bit of Joey humor that I could appreciate. Again, nothing. All I came up with was a few dimwitted comments, a few dumb looks, and that annoying face he makes while singing. (I don't know if you all notice it, but it bugs...ok?) Hmmm, so I thought about maybe stage prescence. MAYBE...if I thought back to my concert experiences I might come up with something viable.

So...I began perusing through my massive concert photo collection. (Which, for your information is quite extensive...I have three large photo albums full. I get a little camera happy...sue me.) Anyhow..back to my point (and yes I do have one), which is this. Joey always says he feels most at home onstage, and in front of the camera...BUT I really didn't remember any especially inspirational moment onstage concerning Joey. I do, however, remember him sticking his rather large ass in my well as trying to be all cute. Needless to say it wasn't working. most of the pictures I have, he looks like he's on drugs. So...yeah, I'm not sure he should claim the stage as his new home just yet.

After much thinking...I still am coming up answerless on this pertinent matter about the (dimwitted) wonder they call Joseph Fatone Jr. So until I come up with some possible reason that ANYONE not dillusional or dropped on their head as a child might be infatuated with this Superman wearing...well...freak, I will just be in the dark as Joey reigns supreme as the 8th wonder of the pop world. And to all you Joey fans, THANK make me feel a teensy bit less sorry for the Italian Stallion. Knowing he has SOME fans is heartwarming. Lol. Even though some (most? ---I wouldn't know...I avoid most Joey fans.) of those people are WAYYY too good for Joey. (Beth, I'm tellin ya girl...Aaron's sooooo much better!) :) ROTFL.

A Reply from a Joey Fan

The Fatones Give Me NIGHTMARES...Thrust Me Outta HERE!