Our Kansas City Adventure...Yeah Baby Yeah

Ok kids...as you all know, last night me and my girl Kristin made the long trek to Kansas City for the N Sync concert. First off, it's like a 4 1/2 hour drive. UGH. I hate driving long distances...but we had a blast on the way there, talking and laughing about N Sync. So anyhow, we get to the ghetto McDonald's to meet Heather and Amanda. The guy was flirting with me and gave me supersized fries when I only ordered large. Nevermind that he was an old man..that's not the point. Lol. The point is, finally Heather and Amanda got there, and we headed on out to the venue. Which...was a little difficult. PLUS on the way, we got sidetracked by a flying flag. (Don't ask..right girls? Lol.) But we finally got to the damn Sandstone at like 7:20 or something, after Heather and Amanda's mom led us there (Heather and Amanda's mom --thanks! you rock!). So anyhow, we were parking in the huge ass field and noticed that Heather and Amanda's van wasn't anywhere in sight. By the time we started walking toward the venue, they still hadn't gotten into the parking lot. We felt bad, but figured they had their tickets, and maybe we would see them later on. So, we proceeded in. (Kristin and I bitching the entire time, and talking bout how it's frightening that there are so many fat moms in 80's clothing at these concerts. *shudder*)

So anyhow, we get up there, and this like 15 year old ugly ass redhead is checking bags and purses. Kristin just laughed and showed me inside her purse. When the guy looked in it, he like got all red and was all.."uhh..go ahead". I was laughing so hard. Lol. THEN we get in there, and there are these scary people wearing 'John Casablanca' modeling tshirts, handing out papers and shit. Well, since Kristin and I are obviously model material...they didn't give us one. But that's ok, because half of the people wearing those shirts were uglier than my dog on a good day. I shit you not...I think I saw one girl with a bigger nose than Pinocchio.

Then...we make our way down the right side of the lawn. We're pissy cuz we have lawn seats, and people are stupid..spreading their blankets and shit all over so there's no standing room out on the actual lawn. So, we're standing on the side by these random parents, straining to see Third Storeeeeeee (or whatEVER..I thought they sucked...ESPECIALLY the opening. Recycle N Sync moves much? Lol) and bitching. I was standing with my back to the crowd and I was watching the people come into the venue, hoping to see Amanda and Heather when I turned to say something to Kristin. When I turned my head to talk to her, you'll never guess who was standing like 3 people behind us. YES...my husband...STEVE Fatone. ROTFL. I was all, "Ohmygod Kristin...you'll never guess who's behind us." She didn't believe me when I told her it was Stevie. So she turned around and there he was in all his Italian glory. *gag barf* So anyhow, he was chatting with some random people, and Kristin was prodding me to go talk to him, hoping he could 'hook us up'. So we stood there waiting patiently, he finally started walking back down towards the stage. I turned as he walked near I was like "uh...hi?" and he like just walked over and started up a convo.

**SO...Later on after we had talked to Steve..yada yada yada...we got hooked up with better seats. Lol. Sorry to disappoint ya'll, but Steve wasn't the one that hooked us up. Hell, he pry can't even hook HIMSELF up. But it made the story more interesting (for humor purposes of course) than the original boring version of our good luck.*

So, we get down there and take our seats, right before N Sync was getting ready to perform. (Getting dirty looks from these stupid hoochie mamas next to us too...'In your FACE slut! Hah!'.) Lol.

Anyhow, most of the show...we were just goofing off and laughing. We had a kick ass view of..well, Justin's ass. And let me tell you, he was booty shakin it for everyone. Also, we about got our vision impaired by one of JC's pelvic thrusts. Man..that boy needs to learn to restrain himself before he does some permanant damage to someone! Joey, who by the way looked like he got electricuted before the show (nice hair buddy), was winking and drooling so much I thought Howie had joined N Sync. Chris was unusually energetic too...maybe he got some from Justin before the show. Lol...jk!!! Ok, now I must address the Lance issue briefly. Ok Kat, girl...I am so sorry..but your man looked HOT last night. Oh baby...Lance is sooo growing on me. But enough of that...

Ok, this is where it gets funny. Kristin and I were getting so bored of the screaming and jumping around like idiots, and we wanted to make the guys laugh. So ya know that part where Justin does the stretched out, annoying as hell ending to GMHS?? OH man...when he was doing that, he was just like standing there...looking out into the audience like he does, and Kristin nudged me. Smiling deviously, she started singing 'On MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE' in this obnoxious voice...finishing the song...her own way. I was laughing so freakin hard. THEN...we started doing the cabbage patch. Lance was looking at us and trying SO hard not to laugh. I was rolling as we also did the tootsie roll, the butterfly (my personal favorite..sorry Rach I stole your moves), and the Roger Rabbit. By this time, we're like totally bustin it down in the front row. Justin glances at us and laughs, and JC was about ready to bust out laughing. *but we all know he can't, cuz then he would ruin the smooth lines of the GMHS set up as he ran back and forth*. Man, that was classic...I wish someone would have caught us on video. We probably looked so dumb, but it was totally worth it when we noticed the guys cracking up at us. *Hey, I have no shame, at least we got their attention, even if we WERE doing funky 80's dances. Lol.*

So anyhow, the concert continued, with us busting on the guys the entire time. It was so hilarious...we made the best comments. During Giddy Up, when they're all "Sometimes we ride it, sometimes we don't"..we were yelling shit like..."Sometimes you ride each other, sometimes you don't". ROTFL...good thing they didn't hear THAT one eh? And when they try to make you do that stupid arm movement for 'Just Ride It..Just Ride It..', Kristin and I turned around and spanked our asses like they do during Tearin'. I think at that point, Joey about forgot the words to the phrase 'Just Ride It..'. *We got some dirty looks from parents, but hey...it was a once in a lifetime chance, and since we were in the front row..we KNOW they had to have seen us.* Too funny, I'm telling ya. So after Tearin was just about finished, we got out of the venue, and we prepared to make the long drive home. I was exhausted, but giddy from the excitement of our amazing luck.

So that was my amazing concert experience at Kansas City.

Kristin's View

Just THRUST it Baby..YEAH!