Announcements and Updates:

4/1/02***Updated: Randomness is Fun . Wow, I can't believe it's not mean, I can't believe I actually updated. It's nothing much, just some N Sync related randomness that I found slightly amusing. Check it out, and if you haven't been there lately, Starlet Fan Fiction has a couple new stories on there...nothing brand spanking new as of yet, but soon!

10/24/01***Updated: Britney ...okay it's a review of Britney's new album. I got my hands on it. And sorry about the whole 2 month, no update thing but I've been busy with moving and all that junk. Yeah, I'm a nomad. Whatever. Enjoy.

8/20/01***Updated: Here ya'll go. I sound kinda bitter in it, but really, I'm not. Lol. Just tired. Teen Choice 2001

8/6/01***Score, Another update. Here you go: Do Your Thing Girlfriend! and I'm Bored.

8/01/01***Oh my god I'm back again. Yep, I didn't die, contrary to popular belief. Here's the long [?] awaited Celebrity Album . I hope it doesn't suck. Lol. Feedback is crunk.

5/14/01***Update: Dirty Pop Check it out. Sign stuff. You know the drill. PEACE.

5/9/01***New stuff: Rant and Rave's just a page of random bullshit that I felt like sharing. Hopefully I'll update more this weekend, the only plans I've got are to sit on my sorry ass (saving money to move SUCKS!). Pssh. Anyways, check it out.

4/24/01** Updated: It's a Thriller? Hey ya'll, I'm actually in the mood to update. But I do have to ask ya'll a favor. I need some donations for a good main pic. It has to be able to be made into a wide banner for the other pages (see above) as well. ALSO I need ideas for things to write about. If you've got funny news on N Sync or anything, please . THANKS!

4/10/01***Updated: That's the Way Love Goes Check it out ya'll. Also hopefully a new main pic will be on it's way soon, I'm too lazy to do a new layout. Lol. Oh, one other thing. I've got a new email for the site, so if you feel the need to comment or what have you, email or if you prefer, you can still reach me at Peace!

2/28/01***Aight, since no one liked the Rapist Van story, I suppose ya'll will hate this too but I don't facken care. Lol. Check it out. Grammys 2001

2/14/01***Oh my GOD, I think I might have a facken heart attack here. It's an update within a week. Good LORD. Anyways, Happy Valentine's Day to you's a gift from me to you. Enjoy. Who's Bad?: A Rapist Van Adventure

2/7/01**Update for Feb. Lol. Superbowl Halftime Show Thanks to all of ya'll who emailed your reviews. I appreciate it. Peace!

1/9/01**Update for the month. Lol. AMA's 2001 Peace.

12/6/00***Lots o updates for ya'll. Check em out, feedback is crunk. Billboards 2000 , N Sync's Ntimate Xmas, If At First You Don't Succeed: A Rapist Van Adventure. Peace.

Thrust It Baby!