Finalysis - Part Four

Georgetown Memorial Hospital

Scully left Walter in the doctor's care, laughing aloud as she left his room to his surly growling, "I told you I feel fine, I don't see any need for this," and she thanked god silently that he wasn't her patient. She shook her head and continued smiling down the hall as she made her way to Mulder's room, just a few doors away. She knocked lightly, and when she got no response, she opened the door and walked quietly in. Mulder was asleep, and appeared to be resting quite comfortably, no sign of his previous mental condition evident. Scully pulled a chair over next to his bed, sat down, and placed her hand gently on his arm, causing him to stir ever so slightly.

"Mulder," Scully whispered, "can you hear me, Mulder?"

Mulder rolled over in the direction of her voice, and squinted his eyes open at her, smiling widely at the vision of the pretty redhead in front of him. "Scully, is Skinner...." he started, and Scully shook her head and smiled back at him.

"He's fine, Mulder. He's just up the hall, getting checked out. How are you feeling, partner?" Scully asked.

"I feel better, Scully. My doesn't hurt anymore. Jesus, Scully, you look like hell," Mulder said, noticing her sunken eyes and tired features, "when was the last time you slept?"

"Gee, thanks Mulder," Scully chided, "I think it's been about 3 days, now, thanks to you." She told Mulder all about Diana Fowley, and Krycek, and how Skinner had come to regain control of the virus in his own system. Mulder listened, clearly distressed that he hadn't been in on the last few days' events. Scully saw the look on his face, and immediately reassured him, "Mulder, if it hadn't been for you and your.....visions....Skinner might not be here with us right now. You told me to go to him, you knew that Diana wasn't what she seemed....whatever she injected you with, it enabled you to see the truth."

"Injected me with what, Scully? I don't remember that at all," Mulder said, lost in thought, trying to recall when that particular moment had been.

"She injected you with some sort of...anti-virus, Mulder. It self-degenerated inside of you, and the only thing we can figure is that somehow, the chemical breakdown of that must have contributed to your delusional state, as well as your ability to see and hear things that were transpiring in that time frame." Scully watched Fox's face closely, and could clearly see that he had no recollection of what had been happening; he had no memory whatsoever of his 'telepathic abilities'.

"Scully, what delusional state? What are you talking about?" Mulder had no idea what was going on, and wasn't sure that he wanted to know, based on what Scully had already told him.

Scully stood up and patted his arm, "Mulder, get some rest. I'll tell you all about it later." Scully patted his arm gently and stood to go, smiling warmly at Mulder, who looked utterly lost as he tried to remember what had happened in the past couple of no avail. Just as Scully was turning to leave Mulder's room, Walter Skinner stormed through the door, anxious to find out how his other prized agent was coming along. Scully bit her lip to keep from giggling, sensing the AD's perturbance at being poked and prodded by the doctor. Skinner gave her his best arched eyebrow, even as he walked past her to Mulder's bedside and gruffly said, "Agent Mulder, how are you feeling?"

"Fine, sir, thank you. How are you? Agent Scully was just telling me about your adventures," Mulder replied, giving Scully a devilish grin.

"Really now," Skinner said, "and what has she told you?"

"Not much of anything, really, except that I have been subjected to some kind of anti-virus, and that I was out of it for a couple of days. Honestly, I don't remember much of anything...but I did have this really strange dream, come to think of and Scully were in it...and you were.....well, you know," Mulder said sheepishly, and he looked up to find Walter Skinner and Dana Scully blushing furiously, not meeting his inquisitive gaze. "Sir? Scully?" Mulder asked, and he bit his bottom lip, realizing that what Scully had said was true...he had been able to 'see' things....."Oh. I'm....I'm sorry...I didn't know.....oh, wow. Wow," Mulder said, and Skinner took Scully's hand in his own, surprising her, and led her out of the room.

"Get lots of rest, Mulder," Scully shouted as Skinner dragged her out of the room, "I'll be back to see you tomorrow!"

"Agent Scully, I think a reprimand is in order for you," Skinner growled, and Scully looked up at him with surprise.

"Whatever for, sir?" She cocked her head and raised an eyebrow at him, waiting for his response.

"For jogging Agent Mulder's memory. Dana," he started, and Scully pulled his head to hers, locking him in a passionate kiss, thankful that there were no windows set in the doors to the rooms. Skinner's arms snaked around her waist, pulling her close to him, and they broke apart after several moments. Skinner gazed into Scully's deep blue eyes and grumbled, "Can I give you a ride home, Agent Scully," a faint smile playing across his lips.

"Thank you, sir, I would love to go home," she said, then finished, "with you." She looked up, hoping not to find rejection in his stare, and when she saw his sable eyes turn even darker brown, she smiled hugely. Acceptance is a beautiful thing, she thought, as Skinner took her hand in his and led her to the elevators.

Crystal City - Skinner's Apartment

Scully really had meant to help Skinner clean the green goo out of his white carpeting, but after they got to his apartment, she had lain down on the couch and fallen asleep. After changing into an FBI issue t-shirt and gray sweats it took Walter over two hours of scrubbing, but he finally managed to get out most of the stain. His shoulder ached from the exertion, and his neck was sore from gazing at Scully's still form, thinking that she looked even more beautiful in sleep than she did in waking, if it were possible. He threw the scrub brush in the bucket and carried it to the kitchen, as well as the trash bag that contained Diana Fowley's business suit. He didn't imagine the dry cleaners would appreciate the mess, and anyway, there was no reason to keep the damn thing. He tied up the bag and threw it into his trash compactor, then dumped the disgusting bucket water down the sink. He made sure to turn on the garbage disposal, as he had the past four times he had emptied the water. The last thing he wanted was alien sludge clogging up his sink drain. How in the hell would you explain that to the plumber, he thought dryly, thoroughly rinsing everything out and leaving it in the sink. He padded back into the living room quietly, so as not to wake Scully; poor thing, he thought, she hasn't slept in damn near three days - I should've put her to bed. He sat down on the floor next to the sofa and watched her sleep for a long while, mesmerized by her chest rising and falling with deep breaths of sleep. Walter gently brushed strands of her fiery red hair out of her face, cursing himself inwardly when she awoke and smiled up at him drowsily.

"Mmmm, that was nice," Scully said, "I needed a nap. Did that stuff come out of the carpet," Scully asked, sitting up and putting her palm to the side of Skinner's face.

"Not all the way, but I think a once over by professionals will do the trick. I'm sorry I woke you," he said sheepishly, "I just couldn't resist. You're so...... beautful.....when you sleep." He looked down, as though embarassed by his own admission, and Scully tilted his face up to hers, leaning down to kiss him passionately, sliding off the couch to sit next to him on the floor. He pulled back momentarily to assure her, "I mean, you're beautiful awake, too, but you look angel when you're sleeping." He took his glasses off, setting them on the coffee table in front of them, and concentrated on nothing but Dana Scully, his tongue finding hers, their lips and arms and bodies entwined within moments.

Skinner broke their embrace first, realizing that he had been slaving over the carpet for the past few hours, and knowing that he must be in need of a shower. "Scully, I need a shower, really. I believe I'm a bit gamey," he said, and Scully chuckled lightly, shaking her head.

"If you're gamey, I must be absolutely disgusting," Scully laughed, "what do you say we conserve water and bathe together?" She arched both eyebrows at Skinner, and he replied by doing the same, standing and offering his hand to her. He pulled her to her feet in one graceful move, and held one finger up to her, implying that he would be back in one moment. He strode quickly to the kitchen, and when he returned moments later, he was wielding a bottle of Merlot and two wine glasses. Scully clapped her hands in delight, and they went up the stairs together, where Skinner promptly started a bath in his oversized tub, suddenly thankful for the huge bathroom he'd always felt was too much for just him.

Scully shed her long black suit coat and white blouse, as well as her black heels, dress pants, and stockings while Skinner drew their bath, hardly able to wait to be surrounded by steaming hot water and Walter Skinner. She shivered at the mere thought, and Skinner had come back into the bedroom and snuck up behind her, his hands pushing her bra straps down over her shoulders as he asked her, "Are you cold, Dana?"

Scully wheeled around to face him, smiling, and replied, "Not hardly." She pushed his t-shirt up and over his head, letting it fall to the floor behind him. She ran her small hands across his muscular chest, through the thick hair there, ignoring the bruising on his torso and kissing everywhere her hands touched. He groaned aloud as she undid the drawstring to his sweats and pushed them off his body, appreciating his going commando immediately, his erection straining towards her. Skinner wrapped his fingers in her white silk panties and pushed them down her body, getting on his knees so she could use his shoulders to balance herself while she stepped out of them. He didn't miss a beat, kissing her flesh everywhere that he could reach, running his tongue up her thigh, and into the auburn curls that rested between her legs.

She gasped as he pushed his tongue fully into her, bending over and wrapping her hands around his head, urging him further into her. He moaned into her body, causing her to shiver uncontrollably, nearly coming just from the feel of his hands on her, his mouth in her. He pulled away from her and stood, staring into her eyes, trying to reach her very soul with his gaze, and Scully thought that she had never seen such a look of desire on a man's face before in her life. Tears came to her eyes as they stood and looked at one another, afraid to move, not wanting to break the spell of the moment.

Skinner swept Scully up into his arms and carried her into the bathroom, handed her a glass of wine, and set her gently on the edge of the tub, the tile freezing cold against her hot nether lips. She shivered again, and he retrieved his own glass of wine, motioning for her to get into the water. She slid her legs into the steaming tub, slowly and sensuously sinking into the relaxing depths. Skinner followed her, getting in behind her and pulling her to him so that her back rested against his chest, his legs surrounded her body. Scully closed her eyes and sipped her wine, enjoying the steamy silence more than anything she could remember in recent history; she was happy, beyond comfortable, and felt safer than she was sure she had at any time in her life - since Ahab had passed away, she thought dimly.

Skinner pondered the amazing woman resting against him as he drank, finishing his glass rather quickly; he had other things that he longed to do with his hands, and after setting his glass down on the floor next to the tub, he busied himself with exploring Dana Scully's perfect creamy white body. He slid his hands under her arms and cupped a breast in each hand, squeezing the nipples with his thumbs and forefingers, causing Dana to moan under his ministrations. She laid her head back so it rested on his shoulder, and he kissed her ear as he caressed her, worshiping every inch of her with his large skillful hands.

His erection pressed against her back, and she felt him buck up slightly beneath her, rubbing himself against her from behind while he ran his hands down her body, his fingers finally inching into the cleft between her legs, finding and pinching her clit so she gasped aloud. She set her glass down and bent and spread her legs to allow Walter better access to her, inviting him to go further with his exploration. He took her cue and slid both of his index fingers into her, moving them in different rhythms and directions, reducing her to a quivering mass of hot flesh, gasping his name, her head lolling back and forth on his shoulder.

"Oh, God, Walter," she gasped, her breath coming in gasps that sped up with the intensity of his touch, "I want to touch you, please," she whispered, and he shook his head, not allowing her to move, keeping her pinned against him and his rigid cock, his fingers ever deeper inside her.

"No, Dana...this is for you...all for you," he growled into her ear, his tongue following his words, driving her crazy with lust, "only for you," he finished, and punctuated the statement with a thrust of his hands, causing her to cry his name aloud. "I want you to lean forward, Dana. Will you do that for me," he hissed into her ear, and she nodded her head, unable to speak at the moment, finally gathering the strength to comply with his request. She leaned forward, and Walter lifted her up so his cock slid underneath her bottom, the head coming to rest against her waiting orifice, begging to be filled in the sudden absence of his fingers. "Do you want me, Dana? All you have to do is tell me...tell me you want me," he whispered, and she nearly screamed, "Yes, yes, please, now, Walter...." and he grabbed her hips and pulled her down onto his raging hard-on, burying himself deeply inside of her, sucking his breath in harshly at the feel of her hot velvet consuming him completely.

"Oh, ohhhhh," he moaned, "Jesus Christ, Dana, yessss..." his voice trailed off, and there were no more words, only the sound of wet flesh slapping against wet flesh as he moved her up and down, up and down his cock, out to the tip of his head and then back in to the hilt, and then back out to the head again. Scully was distantly amazed at his strength, his ability to move her up and down in such a fashion that she had to do nothing, nothing but be lost in the feel of Walter Sergei Skinner inside of her, their bodies one being, nothing to pull them apart now or ever again.

Scully gripped the sides of the massive tub as Skinner thrust into her, wanting desperately to dig her nails into something, anything, so that she could help him, take some of the stress off of him...but he didn't care, and he continued his relentless pounding, the orgasm already building in the pit of her stomach, the fluttering beginning at the base of her spine...she wasn't long for this world, and she moaned to him, "I'm going to come, Walter...oh god, please don't stop...harder, harder...." she trailed off as Skinner met her request, pulling her onto him harder and faster, and she screamed his name over and over as her orgasm washed over her, trembling outside and inside, her muscles spasming around Skinner, and it was all the push he needed....he spurted into her as she cried out his name over and over, answering her cry for cry, moan for moan.

"FUCK," he spat out, his cock convulsing inside of her, her muscles clenching onto him, and they rode the spasms out for minutes, until both of them were panting, gasping, and completely spent. Skinner kissed her ear again, and she turned her face to meet his lips, lingering in a kiss that lasted until their bodies had calmed, their breathing somewhat returned to normal pace. Skinner stayed inside of her until he was totally deflated, riding the occasional spasms out until they had finished, and he gently lifted Scully off of himself, wrapping his arms firmly around her now limp body.

"Oh, Walter," Scully sighed weakly, grasping his arms, muscular arms that held her close even after their passion was spent.

"I know, " Walter chuckled, "it was......perfect," he finished, and kissed her on the top of her now damp hair.

"Yes," Scully agreed, wondering if she even had the strength to get out of the tub, "it was. Perfect."

Skinner groaned slightly as he stood, lifting Scully up with him, and handed her a large towel as he stepped out of the water. "I don't know about you, Ms. Scully, but I am quite ready for bed. How about you," he asked, knowing full well that he would get no argument from her.

"Please, Mr. Skinner," she said, smiling as she towelled off, "I am ready to fall asleep in your talented and loving arms," she finished, gazing up at him with blue eyes that seemed to Walter to have taken on an incandescent light.

They finished drying off and made their way into the bedroom, both of them flopping onto the bed at the same time. Skinner drew Scully into his arms and pulled the coverlet up over the them, wrapping his arms firmly around her, spooning his body around hers. He kissed her tenderly on the ear, and whispered her a good night, smiling when she returned the sentiment. Within minutes, the two of them were sound asleep, smiling in their dreams of one another.

Undisclosed Location - Same Time

Krycek picked up his cellphone and called the number, anxious to find out what old Smokey was going to think about the recent turn of events. His suspicion was short-lived.

"Hello," a deep voice said into the phone, the sound of exhalation quite apparent.

"You'll be interested to know that things have taken turn, if you will," Krycek said thoughtfully.

"What are you talking about," the voice said, irritation clear in the tone.

"I paid you back...for Diana's sake," Krycek hissed, trying not to think about the beautiful brunette that had been so forcefully taken from him.

"Alex, what are you talking about?"

"Skinner is off your list," Krycek spat, "he's not in position any longer."

"Alex, what have you done," the voice growled, "you had no authority..." Krycek cut him off.

"You gave me all the authority I needed when you took Diana," Krycek yelled, "you black-lunged bastard."

"Alex, there is going to be hell to pay...the group needed Skinner," Spender said, beside himself with rage.

"I don't care. I needed Diana. You have to be able to discern what is more important, you old fuck," Krycek seethed, "you have to know your priorities. I know mine."

"Alex, I certainly hope you are not within the Consortium's range at this time," Spender said coolly, "or you're going to lose at least your other hand. You'll be lucky if that's all they take." Spender blew the smoke out in a huge cloud, more interested in its contortions than what Krycek was saying.

"Go fuck yourself," Krycek said, and hung up the phone.

Smoke billowed in the air as Spender relayed the information to the rest of the group. "He's released Skinner. We'll have to start over. Perhaps now is the time to utilize the rest of our resources," he said coyly, and the rest of the men nodded their heads in agreement. A new faction was to take that would surely be able to stand the test of time......and the X-Files.


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