Jvantheterrible's Fanfiction

Welcome to Jvantheterrible's Story Page!

All of my fanfiction is posted here, as well as photos that I have made especially for some of my stories.

Page last updated August 5th, 2007

Skinner's retired now and has a new life...but why can't he seem to let go of the past?

A Home On The Range - Part I

A Home On The Range - Part II

A Home On The Range - Part III

A Home On The Range - Part IV

A Home On The Range - Part V

A Home On The Range - Part VI

A Home On The Range - Part VII

A Home On The Range - Part VIII (The Finale)


Skinner deals with the aftermath of shooting Krycek...or does he?

New Beginnings

Sk/M...MY reason for that Season 8 kiss!

The Taste of Life Series - Sk/M

A Taste of Life

A Taste of Life II-The Day After

A Taste of Life III-Nightmares and Dreams

A Taste of Life IV-Intervention

A Taste of Life V-Second Opinion

A Taste of Life VI - Don't Ask, Won't Tell

A Taste of Life VII - Spirit

A Taste of Life VIII - Recuperation

A Taste of Life IX - Always and Forever

A Taste of Life X - Permanent Vacation

Below is a photo I made just for Intervention!

Please keep in mind that ALL of my fanfic is rated NC-17, which means ADULTS ONLY!

Thanks for surfing here, and enjoy!

I crave feedback. PLEASE let me know that you like what you've seen here; I answer all emails as quickly as I can. amokeh and I have worked REALLY hard to put this all together, so don't be shy......we're certainly not! LMAO. Pretty please, email me at: duranjaxter@comcast.net

And now, the REST of my stories!


Sk/M...A Nine Inch Nails-inspired piece.

On Any Given Friday

Sk/M...Mulder goes out looking for trouble - and finds it.

A Very Merry Skinner-Mulder Christmas

Sk/M...Christmas schmoop.

Santa's Helper

Sk/M...MORE Christmas schmoop.

The Call

Sk/M...Skinner gets a late-night call and ponders his life in law enforcement.

With Love To Sir

Sk/M...schmoop based on a pic on the Official XF Site.

Under My Skin

Sk/M...Based on the "SR-819" Episode.

Termination of Fate

Sk/M...Based on the episode "Monday".

Pushed Too Far

Sk/Sc...Robert Modell has an interesting effect on Skinner and Scully.

Sk/Sc...Based on Season 6 Finale. (I think...it's been awhile. If I'm wrong, I'll fix this tomorrow!!!)

Finalysis I

Finalysis II

Finalysis III

Finalysis IV

Sk/Sc...My VERY FIRST fic ever...my, how things change. (Insert grin here.)

Breaching Protocol I and II

Breaching Protocol III and IV

Saved and Safe

Sk/Sc...Another Pre-Slash attempt.

That's all for now, folks, but fear not...there WILL be more fic...SOOO not kidding, I promise...X-Files are now affordable on DVD, and The Sentinel is coming out SOON! AFTER you've emailed ME, you can:

Go visit amokeh's Fanfiction!

Jvantheterrible's Sentinel Fanfiction Page

Go back to the Main Page!

amokeh & Jvantheterrible's Collaborations