New in Excel 97

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 Basic Features   Toolbars, Graphics, & Integration   Specifications and 

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Once again, Microsoft has come up with a lot of nifty improvements to this already powerful program. Some of them are enhancements that will make your work easier, some are powerful new features, and (almost) all of them are simple to use. If you're an experienced user, browse through to see which of the new features may be useful to you. If you're an Excel beginner (or anything less than a power user), have a look to find out new ways to use Excel to make your work easier.

Note PadPLEASE NOTE: These notes are taken from Microsoft Excel 97 Help files, and include many of Excel's new features. Look for additional information in Excel Help: select Key Information, then click on If you are upgrading from a previous version of Excel.

Finally, double click on the article What's New in Microsoft Excel 97? for a list - by category - of all of Excel's improvements and enhancements with links to additional information.

Some of the features listed here were introduced in Excel 95 or before. They are included here (shown in blue text) since some of us went directly from the Windows 3.1 version to Excel 97. Items introduced in Excel 97 are shown in red text.

Basic Features

Feature Description
Multiple Undo Undo up to the last 16 actions for mistake-free worksheets.
Easier entry of range references in dialog boxes Dialog boxes that accept range references now have a button that collapses the dialog box to a smaller size so that it's not in the way while you select ranges on your worksheet.
Yes to All option when closing multiple files When you quit Microsoft Excel 97 with multiple files open, you can choose to save all the files before exiting, instead of being prompted to close each open file. "A popular request from our customers."
Row and column headings indicate the active cell As you move the highlight for the active cell, the row number and column letter "light up," so it's easy to see exactly where you are.
Better drag-and-drop editing Drag the border of a range of cells to move the range to another workbook or worksheet window, or hold down ALT to drag the range to a sheet tab in the same workbook. When you drag a range with the right mouse button, a shortcut menu with copy and paste options is displayed.
CellTips and ScrollTips CellTips automatically display the comments (or notes) you've added to cells when you rest the mouse pointer over a cell with a comment indicator (in version 97, a red triangle in the upper-right corner of a cell). When you drag the scroll box to see other parts of a worksheet, a ScrollTip shows the row or column you will move to.
Full Screen command The Full Screen command on the View menu hides screen elements such as toolbars and menu bars so you can view more of your worksheet.
Save a list of open workbooks as a workspace file As in previous versions, the Save Workspace command on the File menu saves a list of the open workbooks, their sizes, and their positions so that the screen will look the same the next time you open the workspace file.
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Toolbars, Graphics, and Integration with Microsoft Office

All of the Microsoft Office 97 programs share a set of tools that work exactly the same way in each program. For the end-user, this means that you only have to learn it once. For example, the drawing toolbar is the same throughout the Office 97 suite. Once you learn how to use the graphics tools in one of the programs, you know how to use the graphics tools in all of the programs. This sharing makes your learning time much shorter and gives you access to a similar set of tools in each program.
Feature Description
More customization of toolbars and menu bars In version 5.0, you could customize any of the built-in toolbars or create your own. In version 97, the menu bar is simply another type of toolbar. You can add menus to toolbars or toolbar buttons to menus. The image associated with a menu command shows you what the command will look like if you choose to display it as a button.
Drawing toolbar Microsoft Excel shares new drawing tools with other Office programs. Choose from several categories of predefined shapes, and create interesting text effects with the WordArt button.
More graphics filters The new Graphics!Interchange Format (.gif) and JPEG File Interchange Format (.jpg) filters help you export charts in common graphics formats so you can display them on the World Wide Web.
Integration with Microsoft Outlook Microsoft Outlook is the newest member of the Office family. It includes an e-mail client and scheduling, task, and document management features. With the Outlook Journal, you can locate documents within a specific time frame, for example, by typing the budget I worked on last Thursday
Shared Open and New dialog boxes on the File menu Search for a file based on a word or phrase it contains, or on properties such as author, subject, title, or comments. Organize templates on tabs in the New dialog box.
Office Binder Group all your documents, workbooks, and presentations for a project in one place. With Office 97, you can organize and print the files that make up a binder as a single document with one header and footer and continuous pagination.
Office Shortcut Bar Quickly find and open documents or databases, set up appointments, and even send e-mail messages. Customize the Office Shortcut Bar to show frequently used files as buttons. In Office 97, the Office Shortcut Bar is not included in Typical installation unless it was part of your installation of Office 95. To install the Office Shortcut Bar, rerun the Office Setup program.
Shared proofing tools between Microsoft Excel and Word Office programs share spelling dictionaries and AutoCorrect exception lists.


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Specifications and Performance

Microsoft Excel version 97 has increased capacity to handle larger worksheets.

Feature Description
Up to 32,000 characters in a cell Increased from 255 characters, as requested by our customers and independent software vendors.
Up to 65,536 rows per worksheet Increased from 16,384 rows. A popular request from our customers.
Background queries Queries now run in the background, so that you can continue to work in Microsoft Excel while data is being retrieved. You can also check the status of a query while it's running in the background. For more information, see Excel Help

Formulas and Data Entry

Feature Description
Formula Palette and the Paste Function command The Formula Palette makes it easier to create formulas by automatically correcting common mistakes and using the Answer Wizard to provide help as you work. The Paste Function command in Microsoft Excel 97 incorporates features of the Microsoft Excel 5.0 Function Wizard.
Recommended worksheet functions If you use the Paste Function dialog box but don't know which function generates the result you want, just type a brief description of what you want to do. The Office Assistant will suggest which worksheet functions to use.
Range Finder As you edit a formula, all cells and ranges that the formula refers to are displayed in color, and a matching color border is applied to the cells and ranges.
Natural-language formulas Use row and column labels in formulas to refer to cells without using cell references or creating names.
Built-in templates New templates provide online forms that can store data in lists or databases. The new templates include an expense statement and a purchase order. You can also download additional Microsoft Excel templates from Microsoft on the World Wide Web.
Template Wizard with Data Tracking You can create your own custom forms that store data in a list or database by using the Template Wizard with Data Tracking.
AutoCalculate View the total value for a range of cells in the status bar when you select the range.
AutoComplete Compares text you are typing into a cell with text already entered into the same column, and then completes typing the entry for you.
AutoCorrect As you type text into cells, common spelling errors are automatically corrected.
Custom AutoFill series Create a custom series of labels, such as a list of employee names or a department list, that you can automatically fill into a range of cells.
Data entry and editing directly in cells Enter and edit data directly in cells or in the formula bar.
A Name box to easily name and select cells Create named ranges in the Name box on the formula bar, or quickly select a cell or range of cells by clicking the name for the range in the drop-down list.
3-D formulas and 3-D names Create formulas and define names that refer to the same cell or range of cells on adjacent worksheets in a workbook.
AutoSum When you select a range of cells and click the AutoSum button, Microsoft Excel automatically enters a formula to calculate the sum of the range into a blank cell next to the range. The AutoSum feature can also create a grand total for a range of cells that contain subtotals within the same column.
Names with workbook scope When you define a name that represents a range of cells, the name is available to all sheets within the workbook, not just on the sheet that contains the range. Names that represent formulas or values are also available to all sheets in the workbook.
Data validation You can specify the type of data allowed in a cell, such as text, whole numbers, or dates, and the range of valid data, such as numbers less than an amount you specify or values from a list you supply.
Custom data entry input and error messages for data validation With data validation, you can display custom input and error messages when a user selects a cell with restrictions or enters invalid data into a cell.
Check for invalid data on worksheets The Auditing toolbar contains a new Circle Invalid Data button that finds cells that contain invalid data.


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