New in Excel 97, Page 3

Page Contents
 Formatting & Layout   List Management &
 Data Summary
 Data Analysis & 
 With Charts 

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Note PadPLEASE NOTE: These notes are taken from Microsoft Excel 97 Help files, and include many of Excel's new features. Look for additional information in Excel Help: select Key Information, then click on If you are upgrading from a previous version of Excel.

Formatting and Layout

Enhanced formatting and layout features help you get the printed report or online form with the look you want.

Feature Description
Page break preview With the Page Break Preview command on the View menu, version 97 offers an intuitive way to set your worksheet up for printing. Drag page breaks and print area borders where you want -- Microsoft Excel automatically scales the information to fit the printed page. You can work on your worksheet as you usually would -- for example, move and copy cells and objects and edit text in cells -- while you preview page breaks.
Merged cells It's easier to get the alignment and look you want for online forms by using merged cells. You can reference the merged cell in a formula.
Indented text in cells True indenting of text within cells is new in version 97. You can indent text up to 15 steps in a cell.
Rotated text in cells You asked for it, you got it. Rotate text to any angle in a cell. With wrapped and rotated text, you can reduce the amount of horizontal space required by long text items such as headings, leaving more room for the details of your data.
Conditional formats Microsoft Excel can dynamically apply a different font style, pattern, and border to cells whose values fall outside or within the limits you specify. This lets you quickly spot areas of interest, without reading through tables of values.
Easier number formatting Microsoft Excel makes it easy to change number formats -- without using codes. On the Format menu, click Cells, and then click the Number tab. Click the category with the example that looks like the format you want. Built-in formats are available for the most common number formatting tasks.
Edit directly in cells and format individual characters in cells Double-click a cell to select, edit, and format individual characters. An often-requested feature.
Format Painter button Quickly copy formats between cells and objects. Click the cell with the format you want to copy, click Format Painter, and then click another cell to give it the same formatting.
More built-in headers and footers Choose from lists of headers and footers, already set up with file information such as author name, worksheet name, date, and page number.


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List Management and Data Summary

Finding and sorting data in lists is one of the most common uses of Microsoft Excel. Now you can quickly find the information you need and create automatic subtotals of your data.

Feature Description
AutoFilter AutoFilter displays rows of information in a list based upon selections you make. With Microsoft Excel 95, use the Top Ten feature to find the top or bottom values in your list. With Microsoft Excel 97, AutoFilter displays only filters based on applied filters.
Sorting by using column headings from your list When you sort data in a list, you select the sort order by using the labels for the columns in the list.
Custom sort orders Sort lists by using custom sort orders based on custom lists. You can use custom lists as sort orders for special lists that should not be sorted in alphabetical order. For example, if a list contains values called High, Medium, and Low, you can sort the list to display all rows with the value High first, Medium second, and Low third.
PivotTables PivotTables are interactive tables that quickly summarize large amounts of data. PivotTables replace Microsoft Excel version 4.0 crosstab tables. You can easily convert a crosstab table to a PivotTable.
Automatic subtotals and grand totals Insert automatic subtotal values and grand totals into lists.
AutoComplete Compares text you are typing into a cell with text already entered into the same column, and then completes the typing for you.


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Data Analysis and Presentation With Charts

Increased capacity, high-end formatting options, and a mapping feature give you powerful ways to analyze your data visually.

Feature Description
Improved Chart Wizard The new Chart Wizard is integrated with the tabbed dialog boxes and options you use to format and edit your chart, giving you one consistent way to work with charts. The wizard includes more options and Help from the Office Assistant, so that you get the right chart the first time.
New Chart Type dialog box and new chart types Standard and custom chart types (previously "chart autoformats") are organized in one place, the Chart Type command on the Chart menu. New chart types include bubble, pie of pie, and bar of pie. And the new pyramid, cone, and cylinder shapes for 3-D bar and column charts give your presentations new pizzazz.
Up to 32,000 points per series in 2-D charts Increased from 4,000 points per series in previous versions, for better analysis of large sets of financial or scientific data.
Chart Tips and Chart Objects list Like ToolTips on toolbar buttons, tips on chart items help you select the element you want by showing you the name of the chart item when you rest the pointer over it. You can select a chart item by clicking it or by clicking its name in the Chart Objects list on the Chart toolbar. Chart Tips on data points can also show the value of the data point.
Time-scale axes A special type of category axis for data that is organized by date. Microsoft Excel automatically uses a time-scale axis in your chart if the worksheet data for the chart contains date number formatting.
Data tables in charts You can show the worksheet data for a chart in a grid at the bottom of the chart. The data table is aligned to an axis of the chart.
View an embedded chart in a window As in version 4.0, you can open an embedded chart in its own window again. Click the embedded chart, and then click Chart Window on the View menu.
Single-click selection for embedded charts You no longer have to double-click an embedded chart before you can work on it. Just click the item you want to change.
Improved text in charts You can rotate text along a chart axis -- for example, set the text at a 45-degree angle. Data labels can be positioned automatically as a group in the center, at the base, or at the end of the data markers. To keep your chart legible at any size, fonts in charts scale automatically when you resize the chart.
Range Finder in embedded charts When you click an embedded chart, data and labels for the chart are outlined in blue, green, and purple on the worksheet. You can quickly see which cells make up the chart, and you can change the data for the chart by dragging and sizing the color-coded borders around the ranges.
More formatting options for charts You can apply a picture or texture fill effect to the walls and floor of 3-D charts and to the faces of bars and columns. Gradient fills on chart items provide a high-end look. Line, scatter, and radar chart markers are scalable.
Microsoft Map If your data is organized by geographic regions, you can "plot" it in a map -- for example, color code sales by country in a map of Europe. Overlay accompanying demographic data for deeper analysis of your data.
Save chart formatting as a template Custom chart types ("chart autoformats" in versions 95 and 5.0) let you instantly change the chart type, formatting, and other options to get the look you want in one step.
"Drag-and-plot" Drag data directly from a worksheet into a chart to add a data series or data points.
Trendlines and error bars Forecast values with trendlines, and show error amounts visually with error bars in charts.


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