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India Cooks
Roy & Nanz's Indian Cookery

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This site last updated on:
7th May, 2000

Welcome to the most authentic Indian Cookery site on net. We specialize in Eastern Indian (Bengali) cooking, but you will be impressed with our range of complete Indian recipes.

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Try out our exotic recipes. Conveniently divided into five sections, viz., Veggies, Non-veg, Lentils/ Soup, Sweets, and Rice/ Roti, this is a veritable treat for the epicures.
Pyaji (Onion Fry)
Nanz's Tips
Nanz lets you take a peek at her useful and practical tips on Indian cooking; a must for all aspiring chefs.
Glossary >>>
New to Indian cooking? Intimidated by the unfamiliar ingredients? Visit the most complete database of Indian cooking ingredients here
Eateries of India >>>
Roy savors the eateries of India, city by city. Click here to find the eatery of your choice.
If you are travelling to India you cannot do without this.
Want to know how a typical Bengali meal goes? Click here to find out
Nanz's links
Nanz's fav links to other hand picked cookery sites.
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