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Wild Side

By: Mary G.

Pt 1

"Lynn?" Mark looked at the blonde girl. "Lynn, is that you?" he smiled it was who he thought it was it had to be.

The blonde bombshell turned around "well, if it isn’t Mr. Marky Mark himself!" she stretched out her arms. "well, come give me a hug Mr. Man."

"wow, you have grown up." he exclaimed. "how have you been?" he smiled. He hadn’t seen her since she was 17 and went to Juvie.

"well, fine I guess, you sure are." she said giving him a sexy smile. "how’s D-man, Arty boy and Cowboy Bob?"

Mark laughed. She had the funniest names for her brothers. "They are all doing good." he smiled. "what have you been doing lately?"

She sighed. "well Mr. Moneybags, I toss pizza’s at hi-fi." she smiled at him. "since you guys made it big ya’ll got to big headed to come around the old neighborhood." she kidded him.

"no, we’ve been around, but word has it you have been in some trouble." he smiled. He hated to see his friends go bad.

"naw. just some mix-ups that’s all. Nothing big." she smiled at him. "anyway, I live in the apartments next to the DYC. Come see me some time." she smiled "better yet. have your older and sexier and richer brother come by." she got a perverted grin. "I haven’t seen him in a long time."

pt 2

Mark walked into Donnie and Kim’s house. "Hey dude what is up?" he said making his presence known. "guess who I saw today?" he asked Donnie.

"who?" Donnie said sounding unimpressed. He had his arm around Kim as they sat on the couch watching "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.".

"dude, why do you watch this. you already are a millionaire?" Mark said sarcastically. "Lynn."

"Lynn?" he looked at Kim "Lynn who?" he asked hoping it was not the one he thought it was.

"Lynn, you know the cute one that grew up in our neighborhood. You know the blonde that use to go around giving BJ’s to people."

"Oh, I thought she was in Jail.?" Donnie sighed, "I remember her. How’s she doin?"

"good, she got out, she said she wasn’t in for anything big." he smiled. "gee she would be what? 23 now?"

"yeah," Donnie said looking at Kim. He prayed that Kim had not remembered her.

"oh, that one?" Kim said disapprovingly. "you guys should stay away from her. She is trouble."

"yeah, we know." they said in unison. "the funny part is, her last name is actually Wild." Mark said laughing. Mark and Donnie exchanged knowing looks. "she sure is a wild one though." Mark sat on the couch.

Kim got up and went to the kitchen. "she still looks good man, and she is legal now." Mark whispered to Donnie.

"dude, I’m married I can’t think about those things." Donnie smiled. "I love Kim, and besides the thing she had for me was just a teenage crush."

"yeah, but was the thing you had for her just a crush?" Mark reminded him.

"shhhh man, we never did anything, if you know what I mean." Donnie said quietly. "and yes it was just a hormone, crush thing, besides I’ve been with Kim since before that."

"ha, you are afraid she is going to get you into trouble aren’t you?" Mark laughed at how soft his brother has gotten since he became a family man.

"no man. It’s not like that. You know I’ve changed." Donnie defended himself. Kim walked back in and the conversation abruptly changed. "So when you gonna start filming that new movie?" Donnie slyly changed the topic.

Mark smiled "next month," Mark shook his head at Donnie and got up. "well, Mr. and Mrs. Wahlberg. I guess I will see you guys later." he walked out.

pt 3

Lynn went to work that afternoon she was late as usual. "hey papy."

"Lynn" the old man said "you have to be on time ok?" he said in his broken English accent.

"sorry paps. I won’t be late anymore." she rolled her eyes. She hated structured life. She looked up at the door. A rich chick she knew she had seen before came in.

The woman went up to papy "Hi, sir, is Lynn Wild here?" papy smiled and said that he would get her. Lynn came out and walked up to the woman. "hi, Lynn?" the woman said.

"yeah, who are you?" she asked. She didn’t like the look of this woman, how dare she come up in here showing off all that money.

"My name is Kim Wahlberg." Kim said sternly.

"Donnie’s Kim?" she smiled she had dirt on everyone. "what do you want?" she asked.

"yeah, I’m Donnie’s wife." Kim leaned in to talk quietly to Lynn. "I want you to stay away from my husband, you hear me?"

"yeah, I hear ya. Why you worried about me? you are the one married to him." Lynn snapped. "look, if it’s about my rep forget about it." she smiled. "Donnie is a decent guy, he wouldn’t do that as long as his woman takes care of his, um, needs, if you know what I mean."

"I know what you mean and I know your rep. And just for safety sake I also personally know your probation officer. If I so much as hear about you speaking to my husband..."

Lynn interrupted "woohoo, you really are insecure aren’t you. Look, I told you, Donnie wouldn’t do that. If you think he would then you obviously have a trust issue with him." Lynn smiled at her with trouble in her eyes. "besides, what makes you think you can come up in here treating me like I am some kind of whore."

"no Lynn, your not a whore, your not smart enough to charge. You’re a plan and simple white trash slut." Kim gave her a snotty smile.

"yeah, well, if I remember correctly you weren’t much better until you managed to get your paws on Donnie’s money. And now you go around acting like your something your not. The whole Milton world is probably laughing at you and Evelyn, you have heard the term ‘new money’ right?" Lynn snapped back.

"oh, have it your way Lynn buy keep your hands off of my husband. And just to be safe, I’ll threaten you for Evy and Nina too. Keep your hands off our men." Kim slung around with her hair falling down her shoulders and walked out.

"Bitch!" Lynn yelled after her.

pt 4

Kim walked into Bull ’n Finch Pub. "What’s wrong?" asked Evelyn.

"ugh, this girl that Donnie and Mark know has shown up again." Kim growled

"what’s wrong with that?" asked the sweet Nina.

"well," Kim looked from Evy to Nina. "Donnie has a past with her, if you know what I mean."

"have you asked him about it?" Asked Evy. "does Jordan know her?"

"yes, Jordan knows her. I asked him about her and he said that she was just a neighborhood girl who liked to have fun with the neighborhood boys."

"in other words a slut?" asked Nina quietly. Nina was practically a saint and hated to say words like that.

"pretty much. I asked if he had ever been with her and he said ‘not technically’ I guess he meant they messed around but didn’t actually have sex." Kim explained.

"ugh, that stinks." Nina said. The girls ordered and talked about the situation. "do you think Donnie would do something with her?"

"no, I don’t but. Then again he did five years ago and she was only 17." Kim said.

Nina gasped. "Donnie messed around with a minor?" Kim and Evy looked at each other and rolled their eyes. They only hung out with Nina because she was Joe’s girl.

"well, do you know if she did anything with Jordan?" Evy asked concerned.

"All I know is that they all know each other and that they don’t talk about her much. Ask him and see what he says." Kim advised.

‘what about Joe?" Now Nina was getting worried.

"I doubt it, he didn’t grow up in the same neighborhood and he has more sense than Donnie, Mark and Jordan." Kim answered getting annoyed with Nina.

"talk to him and find out what you can from Jordan about Donnie and this girl." Kim said "and I’ll do the same with Donnie."

Meanwhile Jordan picked up the phone. "hello?"

"hey, guess who is back?" asked Donnie.

"who?" Jordan wondered there weren’t many skeletons hanging around anymore.

"Lynn." Donnie said.

"oh, no you’re kidding, I thought she was in jail?" Jordan said worried.

"nope not anymore, it wasn’t a really bad deal. Anyway, Kim is asking questions about her and me. She is having lunch with Nina and Evy, so I won’t say anything if you don’t." Donnie schemed.

"hell ya, I don’t want Kim knowing about her." Jordan said. "shit man she is here, call Joe and warn him to."

"yeah, no problem." Donnie hung up and dialed Joey.

"hey." Joe said happily.

"dude, remember Lynn?" Donnie said.

"oh shit. no way, I thought..,."

" nope she got out anyhow the girls are asking questions so don’t say anything." Donnie told him the same thing that he told Jordan then he called Jon, Danny and Mark.

pt 5

Donnie couldn’t believe that Lynn was still around, still alive for that matter. She had gotten into more trouble by the time she was 14 then Tracy, his sister, had her whole life. He couldn’t believe he had just crossed tracks and entered his old neighborhood. He knew he shouldn’t go see Lynn, everything in him told him not to go see her, but there was something about that girl that had him under a spell.

He walked up the steps to her apartment, checked to make sure he had the right number and knocked. He knew it was hers buy the music, and the sweet smell of something forbidden. "ya!" she swung the door open "babycakes!!!!!!!" she jumped on him giving him a hug. "come on in sweety."

He walked in. "boy," he looked around at the apartment. He was reminded of how his sister’s apartment was back in the day. "you sure have grown up." He smiled. She still had that sweet but somewhat evil smile. "how have you been?" he sat on her puke green couch.

"alright." she smiled at him. "and you?"

"good, Married now, and with Xavier of course." he knew she would remember Xavier.

"he a good kid?" she smiled and sat down next to him "hell, he’s a Wahlberg, there is no way in the depths of hell that he is a good kid."

Donnie looked at her disapprovingly. "it’s not about genetics its about how I am raising him. He goes to a good school, lives in a good neighborhood and stays out of trouble. Unlike some kids we all know."

"Dude sorry, didn’t mean to diss your kid. I know you’ll raise him right." she looked down at her feet. "I miss you guys." she looked up and smiled at him.

He touched her face and smiled "I know you do. We have all changed. I have, you have, Mark has" he took a pause "even Jordan and Joey have."

She looked up at him again. "your wife came to visit me the other day." she said quietly. "I guess she found out about my old rep." she smiled at him "I’m not like that anymore Donnie."

"she did? what did she say?" he asked, Kim was terrified of this part of town. Tiffany replayed the whole conversation for him. "oh, well, don’t take it so hard and personally." he smiled at her.

"She didn’t like me when I was seventeen and she obviously sees me as a threat. I told her you would never do anything like that. Hell, you were the only one who didn’t want to." she smiled at him.

He looked around at her apartment she had bare walls, with the exception of the Grateful Dead poster his brother Art gave her. She had a chair, a small TV on a crate, her doll that she had carried around ever since he could remember, a small dorm fridge, and a small stove. The bathroom was to the side and her bed took up half of the living room. It was a one-room apartment. She had a little dresser, the same one that his mom gave to her when her dad died. "so, how’d you end up in jail?" he asked, still not wanting to bring up the real ghosts.

"ah, little here, little there. Broke my probation and they gave me four years in a real Jail. Not that Juvenile stuff they put me in when I was seventeen." she smiled. "drugs mostly, stealing a car, shoplifting, stuff like that." she sighed she wondered if he was going to ask. Before he could open his mouth she read his mind. "they took him away. Right after you bought your mom that new fancy house. They took him away and I haven’t seen him since." she sat down. She picked up a small, semi fancy picture frame that Marlene had given her. "this is the picture I had the social service lady take before she took him." she looked down, she had a tear run down her face. "he would be eight." she looked up "remember. I had him the day after Kim had Xavier and you brought us both roses and teddy bears." she gave him a fake smile "she got mad at you for spending more time with me than with her." she looked down.

"she didn’t know you didn’t have anyone Lynn." Donnie said. He loved Kim and he knew that this little girl could’ve been so innocent, except life took a wrong turn for her. She reminded him of all the girls in this neighborhood. She was the only one still around and still young enough to change things. "Lynn, you know you can change your life. Look at me, look at Mark, he did time, and Tracy, she has been clean for years now."

"Donnie, I have been clean since the day they took my baby," she glanced down at the ash tray where a roach was, "well, except Pot." she laughed. "you know how that is. Arty Boy and Cowboy Bob gave me my first J." she laughed. "I’m going to quit that too. That was the last of my dime bag, and that was my last joint. I promise." she looked up at him. He was always the only one with any faith in her. "for you, for my baby and for me."

"do you ever get to see him?" he asked.

"no, some family adopted him after they sent me to real prison. They live in Florida." she smiled, "I can never see him and never get him back." she looked at her feet "how is Jordan and the other guys."

"good, I figured you would know that from the media." he smiled he knew what her reply would be.

"ha! You’re the one who told me not to believe the hype of the media, Mr. Arson." she laughed.

He grinned. "look it was nice talking to you. You have a phone?"

"nah, who needs a phone if you don’t have anyone to call you." she stood up. "thanks for coming by. If I were you, I would stay away from me." she smiled. She knew she would somehow get him into trouble. "I figure that is what your friends and wife say right?" she kissed him on the cheek. "and you warned the rest of the guys too huh?" she could read Donnie like a book.

"take care Lynn and don’t get into trouble." he smiled and kissed her on the cheek.

pt 6

Lynn couldn’t believe that Donnie had dropped by. All those feelings that she thought were just a crush came flooding back. She loved him, but she couldn’t figure out what kind of love it was. "He’s a married man now." she said to herself forcing those thoughts out of her head. "He sees me as a little sister anyway." she got dressed and went to work. Not long after she got to work Papy came back to her. He told her she had a visitor and it had better not take long. "what?" she said walking up to the table papy said he was sitting at. she didn’t see the guy’s face until he turned around.

"Hi Lynn" Jordan stood up and gave her a hug. "Donnie was right. You have grown up."

"Jordan, wow, I.. I ... what are you doing here?" she asked him. "I haven’t’ seen you forever."

"yeah, I know. I’m sorry. Um, Donnie told me they took the baby?" he said quietly.

"Jordan I can’t talk about that here, you know that." she looked at him. They were the only ones who knew who the daddy of her baby was. "Jordan, you’ll have to come by my house before I will talk about that." she looked around to make sure no one was watching them. "I don’t want to talk about that here. OK?"

"yeah, sure, when should I come by?" he asked. She still had that mysteriousness about her that drove him nuts.

"what about your girlfriend. I’m sure Kim has told her about me by now." Lynn looked down. She knew that she would never be someone’s real girlfriend.

"yeah, she did. Believe me I lied my ass off." he smiled at her. "oh, I didn’t mean that in a bad way." he said trying to cover his ass. "It’s just, well, Evy is the jealous type. She hates for me to talk about other girls, especially." he cut himself off before he said too much.

"ones like me." she looked at him "it’s ok, I understand really. You guys are worried about skeletons, and I am probably the most dangerous one right?" she looked at her feet "it’s ok Jordan, you act as if you are the first guy to hide me from his girlfriend." she smiled and laughed. "It’s just good ole Lynn Wild troublemaker and slut."

"Lynn, don’t talk about yourself like that." he said to her kindly. "you are a great girl, you , you just got a little. um." Jordan smiled he did it again, opened his mouth too wide.

"carried away?" she finished for him. "look Jordan, I dug my own closet to be a skeleton in. Believe me it’s not your problem. I made some bad decisions in my life and I paid for them."

He sighed she was a great girl just to much trouble and he couldn’t’ handle that "Lynn, I just don’t want you to think I am ashamed of you, or ashamed of things that."

"shhhh." she interrupted him and put her index finger on his lips "you don’t have to say all that. I told you I understand ok." she smiled. "why don’t you come by in two hours. Or you could even go on over and I’ll be home in a little bit. Then we can talk about the baby ok?" she smiled at him.

"ok," he held out his hand and she placed her house key in it. "I’ll be waiting for you." Jordan opened the door to her apartment and it was just as Donnie had described it. He saw a half smoked joint in the ashtray, picked it up and lit it. He put it out after a few hits and sat down on the couch. He picked up the picture frame that his mom had given Lynn as a present for Christmas years ago. "Lynn, when is it that you got so lost and confused?" he said at loud. He touched the picture of the boy. "hmm, dark hair and dark eyes. Davie, it suits you well." He smiled to himself remembering the little boy. "you were so sweet." he said to himself. Jordan turned on the TV. "no cable?" he said to himself. "hmmmm forgot what it was like to be broke. No phone either?" he thought to himself. He picked up his cell phone and dialed the cable companies phone number. Within minutes Lynn’s apartment had cable and phone service. "she’s gonna kill me for that." he laughed outloud.

Lynn came in. "hey, when did I get a phone?" she smiled at Jordan. "thanks, oh and cable too." she said to him. "well, aren’t you the Dorchester fairy?" they both laughed. "I’m going to jump in the shower and then we can talk."

"why can’t we talk while you shower. You act as if I have never seen you naked." he laughed.

She popped her head out of the bathroom. "well, Mr. Knight you do have a fiancée remember?" she shook her head and told him it would be a minute.

Jordan noticed she left a crack in the door though. He couldn’t help but peek. "damn," he said to himself as he watched her undress. "Evelyn doesn’t have a body like that." he thought. He watched her get into the shower. Then looked back at the TV trying to block the temptation he always felt when he was around her.

pt 7

She got out of the shower and smiled to herself. "I can’t believe these guys are actually interested in my life all these years later." she thought "It’s like they actually care about me." she wrapped a worn, pink towel around herself. She brushed her teeth and walked into the living room. "hey, what’cha doing?" she said to Jordan. She saw him pull his hand out of his pants when she opened the door.
