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Wild Side cont…

"nothing." he said blushing.

"want a drink?" she asked him.

"what do you have?" he asked back. "I hope she didn’t see that." he thought to himself. He wriggled in the couch hoping his wood would go away.

"beer, Coke, Water, Milk?" she said, pulling two Bud’s out of the refrigerator knowing what he would want.

"Bud." he said predictably. She handed him the beer and sat down next to him. "aren’t you going to get dressed?" he asked hoping the answer was no. Evy had been really grumpy lately and he was beginning to feel deprived.

"do you want me to?" she asked seductively.

"No, it doesn’t matter." he said trying not to seem too anxious. They both knew what was coming. "so, what happened to Davie?" he asked curiously.

"well, Children’s services deemed me an ‘inappropriate mother’ and they took him away. I tried to get clean but by the time I did they had let him be adopted." she said looking down. "I should have told you but you were so busy with New Kids, I didn’t know what to do. I knew you didn’t want anyone to know about him." she looked up at him.

Jordan sighed. "no-one knows he is mine then?" he asked.

She shook her head no. "no-one knows but you and me."

"I’m sorry Lynn, I did the wrong thing about him. I should’ve taken care of you and him. I was to worried about my image and I didn’t want things with Evy to go bad." he looked at her. "I am sorry they took him. I am sorry I wasn’t there for you, I am sorry that I denied it for so long."

She looked up at him "why did you come to me?" she asked.

"Lynn, he leaned in closer to her. I think about you and that baby everyday." he smiled "You know I ... I.."

"don’t love me?" she knew these boys better than there own mothers’ do. "I don’t love you either, not the way you are talking about. I love you as a friend. but that is all and I know that you feel the same way."

"but I do love that baby. Every time I look at Xavier I think of my son. I never even came to the hospital or brought you flowers or even called. Donnie did all that, I feel so bad about it now." he looked at her "you were seventeen and I was twenty one. I would’ve gotten in so much trouble." he looked at his hands. "I am so ashamed of how I treated you."

"Jordan." she tilted his head up "it’s ok, I have survived and I know you are sorry. I don’t blame you, you were only doing what you thought was best." she looked into his dark, sexy eyes. "It was the best night of my life, the day he was conceived. And our baby has made some family very happy. You and I both know we would’ve been horrible parents at that time." she smiled "when the time comes for me I will be a great mom. It just wasn’t my time. You are going to be a great dad to Dante, don’t you ever think that because of what happened with Davie that you will be a bad father." she smiled and he leaned up to kiss her.

"I missed you so much, our time together and the, well you know." he smiled at her, she always brought out the animal in him. He leaned in to kiss her again, this time with passion and depth. She moved closer to him and returned the kiss. She smiled as he took her towel off of her. "your breasts are so wonderful." he looked up at her and she was smiling. "you have filled out so well." He kissed one nipple lightly and then the other. "you are so sexy."

"what about your girlfriend?" she asked. Knowing that it didn’t bother either one of them right now. She climbed onto his lap when he said he wanted her. She began kissing his neck as he sucked on her nipple. "that is so good. you are the best fuck I have ever had Jordan." she said into his ear, he let out a sexy laugh. He slid his finger into her pussy and found her clit, as he gently flicked it she moaned and bit his ear. He remembered that she liked to nibble and bite gently and he smiled. She kissed his chest and pulled off his shirt. She kissed her way down his chest and to his bellybutton. She looked up at him and unbuttoned his jeans. She unzipped them and as he raised his hips she slide his jeans and boxers off. She smiled when she saw his shiny hard cock. she laughed as she took it into her mouth and began to do what she did best. He moaned as she sucked it, licked it and stroked his balls.

She worked her way back up to his mouth slowly and then when she was standing up he pulled her down onto his hard dick. "mm, baby." he said, "you are so wet and warm." he looked into her eyes. She began moving her hips in slow circles and contracting her pelvic muscles. "oh, Gawd baby keep going!" he yelled. She was slowly making him cum.

She could tell that he hadn’t had any in a while. "has that bitch of your been denying you of her body?" she asked seductively. "well whenever you need some you just come to your Lynn Baby." she smiled at him. She began to move up and down on him harder and faster. When neither of them could take it anymore they climaxed together.

He smiled at her "Damn, I needed that. Evy doesn’t fuck like that. All she does is the Missionary shit." he had a satisfied grin on his face.

"then what the hell are you doing with her?" Lynn asked.

"she has my baby." he said it and then stopped. "oh, Lynn I am sorry." he didn’t mean to say it out loud.

"that’s ok Jordan, you know we couldn’t live together." she bit her lip to keep from crying. "do you love her?" she asked.

"I think so, in some ways I do, in some ways I don’t." he looked down at Lynn as he got dressed. "Obviously I’m not crazy in love with her or I wouldn’t have fucked you just now. But I do love her enough to marry her."

"will you please at least try to be faithful to her if you marry her?" Lynn asked. "tell her that you want to try different things. I just want you to be happy" she stood up "and what just happened shouldn’t have happened." she turned and looked out the window. "and as far as I am concerned it didn’t"

Jordan put his hand on her shoulder. "Lynn, I really care about you. We don’t love each other and we know that."

"Jordan I am trying to change my ways ok?" Lynn said "I just disappointed myself. I let my hormones get the best of me again." she swallowed hard. "please leave."

"Lynn, I’m sorry." Jordan said, he couldn’t believe they just did that. "This is why I shouldn’t have come." he thought to himself. "we always end up doing this." he said outloud. "they chemistry is there but not the other stuff that makes a relationship work."

Lynn swung around to look at him. "Jordan don’t worry about it. I’ll be fine. I think it was better when all you wanted was a good fuck and didn’t worry about feelings and that kind of shit. It’s ok, I’m sorry if I tempted you again." she looked at him and he knew she was upset, but she was always trying to be tough and not admit it.

"Lynn what do you want out of life?" he asked, praying he would finally get a straight answer from her.

"you really want to know?" she asked with fear in her eyes.

"yes, I do Lynn." he took her in his arms. "you don’t have to be afraid anymore."

"I want a relationship with a man that will treat me like Donnie does, fuck me like you do, is fun like Mark is, and loves me the way I love Donnie." she looked up at Jordan with hot tears running down her face. "That is impossible for a girl like me to have."

"no it’s not Lynn." he looked at her. "and what about Davie?"

"of course I want my son back, but I can’t have him. I just want a normal life now." she walked away from him "but I don’t know how to get it."

"Lynn, we all care about you and we will all take care of you and help you any way we can." he said to her back.

"until your women find out and make you stop. I use to have to fight with Maurice for you, and know I have to realize that you all have wives, fiancée’s or girlfriends." she sat on the couch. "I am nothing but trouble and every one knows it." she looked up at him. "don’t ruin your life by being around me. If Evy knew you were here you would lose her and probably Dante. Don’t do that ok?" she smiled. "don’t come around because we both know something horrible will happen. I am nothing but bad luck for you guys."

"that isn’t true." he said to her. "you know that isn’t true. You can get out of this rut and you know it." he looked at his watch. "I have to go now, I am supposed to meet Donnie, Kim and Evy for dinner." he got up kissed her softly and left.

"Like I said, I will never be first in a guys life." she lit up a cigarette.


pt 8

Jordan ran into the restaurant while he was tying his tie. Donnie looked up at him and grinned. "where the hell have you been?"

asked Evelyn snottily.

Jordan looked at Donnie "Miguel's" Donnie mouthed to Jordan when Evy wasn’t looking.

"Miggy’s. Sorry I’m late." Jordan said ginning at Donnie.

"oh, ok." Evy said not picking up on the looks between the boys.

She planned to call Miguel’s girlfriend later to find out if he really was. She didn’t trust Jordan now that this Lynn girl had shown up again.

Donnie gave Jordan a "your ass is grass" look and Jordan smiled. Donnie raised his eyebrows. Jordan only got that grin when he had been with Lynn. Donnie gave Jordan a disapproving fatherly look.

"what?" Jordan asked Donnie not realizing what the look was for.

"nothing." Donnie said. They talked had a few drinks and were having a blast. "Oh J, Mark, Joe, Danny, Art, and Jon are all going out tomorrow night. You coming?" Donnie smiled. "we haven’t’ had a guy’s night out in a long time."

"sure what’s the occasion?" Jordan smiled, it had been years since they all got together.

"nothing, just, you know. We need time away from these girls." Donnie smiled at Kim "I love you baby."

Kim smiled at Evy "they know we are going to a baby shower and since they can’t come they want to party on their own." she laughed. "you boys are so codependent." They all got up and went to the cars.

"who’s driving?" Jordan asked. Last time they went out he was the DD.

"Jon, he has a meeting Saturday morning." Donnie smiled. "were meeting at my house." He couldn’t’ wait.

"Ok see you then." Jordan smiled and opened Evy’s car door for her. "I’ll see you at home baby." he shut the door.

Evy picked up the phone and called Kathy, Miguel's girlfriend. "hey Kathy where has Miggy been?"

"with Jordan." Kathy smiled at Miguel. "I was wondering if you would call. He came in a few hours ago and said he and Jordan were doing some work at the studio."

"Ok, just checking up on him. He has been acting strange the past few days." Evy smiled to herself. She knew her Jordy wouldn’t do anything against her will.

Pt 9

Jordan pulled into Donnie’s driveway, he was the last to arrive. "hey, lets go." the guys were all decked out in beer drinking clothes. Black Jeans, Black T-shirts and Black leather jackets all around. "God, we look like fucking clones."

"naw, we are the original, Backstreet Boys are the clones." Donnie joked. "can you believe they dissed us like that?"

Jordan laughed. "let them have there fun. They know they will never be a rich as us. Besides N’Sync, BSB and 5ive have to split all the money that those little girls spend. We got it all to ourselves!" they all laughed and got into Jon’s Jeep.

"well," Kim said looking at Evy "there they go, feeding each others egos and claiming back the universe."

"Hey, What’s today?" asked Mark from the back.

"Friday why?" said Jordan.

"No, the date stupid!" Mark laughed.

"umm, I don’t know" replied Donnie and Jordan.

"you guys are so lost." said brotherly Jon "get in the real world. It’s September 17th. Why?"

"hey, isn’t today Lynn’s birthday?" Jordan said.

"yeah, that’s what I thought." remarked Mark.

"oh, what are you guys getting at?" asked Joe worried.

"why don’t we swing by and pick her up?" suggested Donnie.

Joey winced. "are you sure guys, you know the girls wouldn’t like it."

They all groaned. "Joe. don’t be such a wussy." Mark said "besides, she is practically one of the guys." he smiled.

"yeah one of the guys that has fucked everyone in this Jeep but me and Donnie." Jon said.

"hey!!" Mark, Danny, Joe, Art and Jordan replied.

"I never had sex with her." said Danny grinning. "not technically anyway."

"what he means is not by Bill Clinton's standards." laughed Jon. "sure, I haven’t seen her in a long time." Jon pulled up to Lynn’s apartment complex. "who is going up?" he asked.

Donnie jumped out of the Jeep. "where she gonna sit?" he asked looking at how packed the Jeep was.

"on my lap." laughed Art and Jordan at the same time.

"you guys are dogs." Donnie ran up to Lynn’s apartment an knocked on the door.

pt 10

Lynn opened the door. All she was wearing was a towel. "hey, what are you doing?" she asked glad to see him.

"they guys and I were going out and wanted to know if you were doing anything?" he smiled. "She sure has grown up" he thought to himself.

"nothing really, is that an invitation?" she smiled. She knew the guys would think of her spending her birthday all alone. They were considerate like that.

"sure is." he smiled.

"give me ten minutes and I’ll be out." she smiled at him. "or you could wait up here and have a beer if you want." she nodded towards the fridge and he went over and got out a bottle of Budweiser.

He sat on the couch facing away from where she was changing. He dialed Jordan’s cell phone. "we’ll be out in a few." He told his friend.

Lynn laughed. "boy, being rich has made you lazy. Or is it the old age?" she kidded.

he just laughed. "hey, I almost had a heart attack running up those steps." he smiled he could see her naked reflection in the TV.

She pulled on a deep red bra and thong. Then he watched her as she pulled on a tight black skirt. She caught his eye in the reflection and grinned. Then she put on a black shiny, button down shirt and only buttoned three buttons, just enough to show cleavage and the top of her bra and her midriff. She slid on some black heels and threw her wallet at Donnie. "keep this will ya, I hate purses." He slid it into his pocket and offered her his arm. "well, aren’t you the gentleman."

"woooohoooooo!" Art exclaimed when they walked out of the building "she sure did grow up nice."

"Down boy." Joe said. "I still don’t think this is a good idea."

"hey guys." she gave them all a seductive smile. "long time no see." Lynn looked right into Jordan’s eyes. "Joey Joe, you stayin the same baby?" he just looked at her like she was poison. "I know my boy Jordan sure is giving it to someone." she turned to Jon and squeezed his cheek "and you finally got sick of the fame huh, honey bunch?" he just smiled and blushed. "Arty boy, you gonna stay out of trouble?" Art pinched her ass as she turned to sit in-between Mark and Joe. "Marky Mark, aren’t you the sweetest of all." she leaned up and kissed Danny on the cheek. "how’s my puffy McCloud doing?" Within minutes she had all of them wrapped around her pinky again.

pt 11

Lynn and the guys walked into a club filled with smoke. They walked over to a table, sat down and started drinking. Lynn was being her fun, wild self. Guys were watching her and trying to flirt. Every time one would approach her Donnie or one of the other guys would threaten him away. Finally, after all of them, except Jon were good and drunk one big guy came up to them.

"hey, babe, you wanna dance?" he asked her in a demanding voice.

"no, I don’t." she snapped in a drunken voice. "I’m having fun with my boys here."

"oh, your boys huh. They split the cost?" he said walking up to Donnie. "why don’t you guys share in the wealth?"

Donnie stood up. "didn’t you hear the lady?" he was drunk as could be. "she don’t wanna dance with your scuzzy broke ass."

"Donnie sit down." Jon said.

The big burly guy’s friends had gathered behind him. "you might want to sit down punk." one of them said to Donnie.

Art and Mark stood up. "you wanna fight?" Jordan said joining the Wahlbergs.

Lynn stood back and smiled, "my boys always take care of me." she said to the big guy.
