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Wild Side cont…

"stop it guys." Joe begged.

"shut up." Donnie said as he pushed the drunk Joe down. "you want a piece of me?" he asked his attackers.

"you throw the first punch squirt." the guy said.

Donnie being drunk did just that and within minutes everyone was involved in the brawl. Even Jon and Joey had to get in on it. Their friends needed their help. Lynn was in her own battle with some girls in the bar that were accusing her of hogging all the men. After twenty minutes of the fight the police came in. They let everyone go except the ones who started it. They put Donnie, Art, Mark, Joey, Jon, Jordan, Danny and Lynn in a paddywagon and drove to the police station. They searched the boys and finally a cop pulled Lynn’s wallet out of Donnie’s coat pocket. He opened it. "Pot." one cop said to another. "book this one for aggravated assault, possession of a narcotic, and destruction of property."

"hey, I get one phone call." Donnie reminded the officer.

"who you gonna call?" asked Jordan from the holding cell. Lynn was sitting on his lap.

"Bob, I’m not calling Kim, and I would advise you guys not to call your significant others." Donnie said wisely.

"to late." Lynn said as she saw Nina, Kim, Evy and Patty walk in the station. "Joey did it." she sighed "guys I’m sorry the whole fight was my fault. Donnie, I’m sorry about the pot. I didn’t realize that I had some in there."

An officer approached the holding cell. "Wahlberg, Wahlberg, Wahlberg, Wood, McIntyre, Knight, and Knight come with me." He unlocked the cell and all of the guys walked out. Donnie looked back at Lynn, she had her head in her hands.

Kim walked up to Donnie when they got out of the station and slapped him. "I told you to stay away from that little whore! look what she did. She got you into trouble." Kim walked away from him then turned back. "You carried her drugs for her?" she shook her head in disapproval. "you idiot. You should know better."

"Kim, look. It’s her birthday and she was all alone at home. I thought she could use a night out." Donnie looked at her and put his arms around her. "I don’t understand why you are so worried about me and her. We never had a thing. I see her as a little sister." Donnie pleaded. "wait here. I am going to bail her out ok?"

"If you walk into that station and get her out forget about ever coming home!" Kim shouted. Evy, Nina, Jordan and Joe turned around to look. "it’s that little troublemaker whore or me!"

Mark walked up to Donnie. "I’ll get her out. you go on home. I don’t have a ball and chain telling me what I can and can not do."

"what the fuck is that supposed to mean!?" Donnie yelled. The alcohol still in his system.

"I’m just saying I will get her out so that it won’t hurt things between you and Kim that’s all." Mark sighed "geeez don’t take things so rough." Mark walked back into the station and up to the counter. "I need to bail Lynn Wild out please."

Within minutes Lynn was out and with Mark. He called a cab and they went to her house. "thanks Mark. I am sorry I got you guys in trouble." she looked at her feet.

"Lynn, you didn’t mean to get us in trouble." he smiled and tilted her head up. "you know me, Donnie and Art, even Jordan have been through stuff with the cops." he bent down and kissed her. "it’s nothing. Kim is a bitch, don’t worry about Donnie." when he said Donnie’s name a tear ran down Lynn’s cheek. "are you ok?"

"do you want to come up?" she asked. "I don’t want to be alone tonight."

pt 12

Mark followed Lynn up to her apartment. He knew that just about every guy that they both knew had been with her and probably even more, maybe not sex but something close to it. She just had that effect on men. Even the most faithful man fell to his knees, or let her fall to hers. "Lynn what’s wrong?" he asked again.

"I don’t know Mark. I feel like I let Donnie down." she said getting him a beer.

The took the beer from her and sat down. "what makes you say that. He would never be let down by you."

"I got him busted." she looked at Mark "and now I got him in trouble with his wife."

"you usually don’t care what the wife thinks. Why now?" he wondered why she had this heart for the other woman all of a sudden.

"because, I love Donnie and I want him to be happy, if that means he is with Kim then I want that for him." she moved closer to Mark. "Is he happy with her?"

"as far as I know. She is a little controlling, but most women are." he sighed. He looked at her ample breasts. "why are you so upset about Kim being mad?"

"this is funny, but I don’t want her thinking I would sleep with him." she noticed how he was looking at her and smiled.

"would you?" Mark asked.

"I don’t know. If the moment was right and I knew it was about more than just getting his rocks off." she moved in closer to him.

"what do you mean?" he was wondering if she really had a thing for his older brother. "you mean you really like him, and not just for sex?"

"yes Mark. I do. I have never had sex with him. I have never done the things with him that I have done with you and Jordan." she looked away.

"is it the whole thing about the ‘green pastures’?" he asked.

"you mean that you think it is because I cant have him that I want him?" she smiled "No I don’t think so." she touched Mark’s chest instinctively. "I really have feelings for him. But I can never have him because he is married, and happily at that." she leaned forward and put her head on his chest. "I want him to be happy, she makes him happy. Besides what man would want me?" she looked up at him.

"Lynn, you know it isn’t like that." he lied. "we all love you."

"yeah you do, but not in the way that I want to be loved. you love me for fun, for a good blowjob, for sex. All I am is a toy for you guys." she sighed.

"that’s not true." he smiled at her "let me ask you something. Who have you fucked that you haven’t seen sometime this week?" he looked at her "I know you have been with a few guys, most of whom are close intimate friends. We all love and care about you." he touched her face. "we love you in those ways and more." he smiled. "who have you been with?"

"Oh, just you guys really, except Donnie, and my boyfriend in high school." she smiled. "until the other night I hadn’t had sex in almost eight years."

"Jordan?" Mark asked.

"yeah, I love all of you. I guess that is why I do that. I get a little something from each one of you. If I could melt you all into one guy I would have my dream man."

Mark tilted her head up. "do you think you could be faithful to him?"

"If I really truly loved him." she said. "I don’t want to be the neighborhood slut. Really I don’t."

"What do you want?" he asked.

"I want what Kim has." she said honestly.

"Donnie?" he was surprised she just came out and said it.

"well, yeah, him and everything that comes with him." she smiled at Mark, she knew he was surprised. "except, unlike Kim, I wouldn’t take it for granted." She leaned up and kissed him.

pt 13

"mmmmmmmm, it’s been a long time." he whispered to her as she caressed his chest with her fingertips.

"I know." she smiled at him. She pulled his shirt off and began to lightly kiss his chest. He rubbed her back and slowly lifted her shirt. He unsnapped her bra and she sat up and took her shirt and bra the rest of the way off. She lightly took his hands and put them on her breasts showing him how to touch them. He looked at her lustfully. He picked her up and carried her to the bed. "hmmmmm, you are even stronger now." she laughed as he unbuttoned his pants. She sat up and pulled them down. "you were excepting this?" she asked noticing he wasn’t wearing underwear.

"yes." he said as he pulled a condom out of her dresser. "same place." he smiled and turned to her. She took the condom out of his hand and rubbed his dick until it was as hard and big as it could get. She smiled at him as she rolled the condom onto him. He was still standing and she was sitting on the small bed. He pushed her back gently and went to his knees. "do you still like this?" he asked as he slid his tongue over her clit.

"oh, yeah." she moaned. He teased her pussy for a few minutes the stood up again. He picked her hips up and slid her over his hard manhood. She was almost upside down. "move back." she told him and he did. She put her hands on the floor as he thrust with her. She was almost screaming in pleasure. She had her legs wrapped around his waist and he was holding her up. When the blood started to rush to her head she pulled herself up and wrapped her arms around his neck. She was laughing "what a rush!" they both sustained a long climax. Before he came he laid her on the bed, he was still inside. He started to thrust as hard and as fast as he could. They were both moaning and screaming each other’s names. They finally came together and passed out from all the alcohol.

The next morning they both woke up with hangovers. She rolled over and put her arms around him. "hey baby." she said to him.

"hmmmmm, Chrissy?" he rolled over and looked into Lynn’s eyes. "oh fuck!!!" he yelled. "Lynn, wow it was great but I was supposed to go to my girlfriends house last night. Shit I am dead meat!"

"you have a girlfriend?" she asked. "you never mentioned her."

"yeah I do, I must have forgotten." he said.

"I’ll say you did." Lynn looked disappointed.

"sorry baby but I have to go. God what will I tell her?" he looked at Lynn, she was the queen of excuses "any suggestions?"

"does she know you went out with the guys?" Lynn asked.

"yeah." mark said pulling on his jeans.

"does she hang out with Evy, Nina, Kim and Patty?" Lynn said trying to think of something.

"no, she hates them." Mark said "hurry."

"ummm, tell her that one of your buddies was really sick and you were afraid to leave him alone." she smiled at him "since she doesn’t talk to any of the other girls then she won’t know about me. Now go!" she said practically shoving him out the door. She sat down on the couch. Something hard was under her. She stood up and picked up and square black velvet covered box. She opened it and inside was a diamond engagement ring. "hmmm that cost as much as a fucking house would." she sighed and ran downstairs to catch Mark before he got into a cab. "here this might help smooth things over." she handed the ring to him.

"thanks Lynn, uh, I guess I’ll see you later." he said jumping into the cab.

"I have to stay away from those guys before I get hurt." she walked into the apartment.

pt 14

Lynn went to work the next day as usual. She was having a hard time getting use to the fact that the guys all had someone, she felt about as important as a side dish. She knew they all cared about her and loved her in some form, just not the way in which she wanted them to love her. She saw Joe walk through the door of the pizza joint. "Joey? what do you need?" her and Joey had a semi love/hate relationship.

"Donnie wants you to meet him at the Cineplex tonight at nine PM, go to see Three kings and he will be in the back left corner."

He smiled at her "sorry I was rude to you last night. It’s just that."

"I understand Joe. why so secretive about this thing with Donnie?" she asked

"Kim is riding his ass hard about you. That’s all I know." he put on a fake smile. He had a pretty good idea of what was going to happen and he knew Lynn wasn’t going to like it.

"oh, I see." she frowned, she too, had a good idea about what was

going to happen. "ok tell him I will be there." she smiled fighting back tears.

Lynn got off of work, went and took a shower. When she got out she got dressed, drank a beer and lit up a joint. When she was high enough to deal with what was coming she went downstairs and walked to the train. She jumped on it and went to her Cineplex that Joe told her to go to and bought a ticket. "wasting my last nine bucks to get told to get lost." she whined to herself. She went into the dark theater and found Donnie sitting alone. "what do you want?" she asked snottily.

"hold up. what did I do to get attitude from you?" he looked at her and noticed her eyes were a bit puffy.

"sorry, I had a bad day. What did you want to see me about?" she asked.

"I can’t hang around anymore." he looked at her "I’m sorry but it is really putting stress on Kim and I. She is so insecure and I know why." he slide his arm around her "I love you like a kid sister, but she can’t understand that. I always will love you but I have to save my marriage and if you are one of the problems." he thought a minute "you, personally aren’t the problem, but Kim vision of you is the problem." he looked at her, she was looking away, but listening. "then I have to do what will make Kim more comfortable. Do you understand?"

She nodded her head not wanting Donnie to see her tears. "yeah, I understand. Why did you come see me in the first place?" she asked as the hot tears ran down her face.

"I didn’t realize it would be a problem for Kim. I thought that she would at least understand our friendship. I don’t mean to come into your life and turn around and leave again." he knew how she felt about him. He had talked to Mark and Jordan about it and they both told him that the crush had evolved into romantic love. "I am doing this because I respect my wife and her wishes. It has nothing to do with you ok?" he knew she was crying. The only time she ever looked away from him that long was when she was crying and she had only cried in front of him a few times. "I’m sorry Lynn." he kissed her on the back of the head and walked out.

Lynn sat in the dark theater and watched the movie. She saw couples everywhere together and it had finally hit her that she would never actually be a part of the couple. Just a third wheel that men would come to when they weren’t getting there needs met. She looked around and when the movie ended she got up and went outside. It was cold and dark. She pulled her jacket closed and walked to the train. She got on the train that headed to her house and saw one of her old buddies. "Lynn baby?" he said coming up to her. "how ya doing sweety?" he smiled at her .

"fine Sam. You?" she smiled at the older black man.

"good, I got some new stuff you want to try it?" he held out a small pill bottle to her. "It’s really good."

"I don’t know Sam, what is it?" she smiled, he always made her laugh with his expressions.

"ah, it’s just some really good pot that’s all, mixed with a little something." he smiled a big toothless smile. He knew she couldn’t resist the newest product.

"ok, but I don’t have any money." she looked at him.

"looks like you had a hard day. Why don’t I come to your place and we’ll talk about payment?" he grinned.

She thought a minute, she was almost out and she had no money. "What’s a little sex for drugs?" she thought to herself "sure Sam why not, I need some company."

pt 15

the next morning she woke up. Sam was still out like a light. "hey Sam!" she said kicking him in the side. "wake up I have to get to work."

"what? you telling me you have a J. O. B?" he sat up and looked at her "girl you sure is to fine to be working a real job!" he smiled. "you ought to try that new strip joint downtown. My sister works there and she brings home a couple thousand dollars a night. They hiring you want me to take you there?"

"what do you mean a grand a night?" she could get out of Dorchester with that kind of money.

"yeah girl. It’s one of those classy strip clubs. I know they’d want you." Sam smiled "I hate to see you tossin' pizza. What would your prob-e say?"

"I don’t think he would care. as long as I’m working a legit job." she smiled. Finally a way out of here. "when can we go?"

"you got a phone?" Sam said. She pointed to it. "I’ll call my sister and find out." he hung up a few minutes later. "they can see you today." he smiled. "I told them you’d love the job." he smiled. "they don’t test for drugs either."

"do I have to fuck the customers?" she asked, she really didn’t want to do that.

"naw, this is a legit place, not a whorehouse. They let you decide if you want to do lap dances and shit." he loved to help out a friend in need. Especially after the way she helped him out last night.

"great, lets go." they went to the place and she did the audition. They gave her the job right away and she called papy and quit. "I start tonight, so you go run along Sammy, thank you I owe you one ok?" she smiled at the old man.

The woman who hired her came up to her. "Lynn, this is Nancy, she is the manager. I don’t come here much so she will show you the ropes. The owner will be in tonight."

Nancy looked nice enough and she took Lynn on the tour. Some of the girls there seemed a little bitter, but Lynn had met that type before. She would just stay to herself. The bouncers were decent enough guys and so was Bob, the owner of the place. When the club opened it was as classy as a strip place could get, but a little wild anyway. During her first dance she brought in $200. "I could get use to this." she said to herself.
