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Wild Side cont…

pt 16

That night when she got home Joey was waiting for her in his car. "hey?" he got out "where have you been? Papy said you got another job?"

She walked passed him "are you being Donnie’s messenger boy again?" she asked in a bitchy voice.

"no, I just wanted to say hi." he looked at her.

"are you sure you just don’t want a good fuck. That is all it seems to be lately!" She opened the door and he walked in.

"what the hell is that supposed to mean!" he yelled back. "I just wanted to make sure you were going to be ok."

"Oh, believe me I will be ok." she slammed her keys down on the coffee table.

"where are you working now?" he asked.

"non of your fucking business Joey Joe." she said in a mocking voice. "you’re not my probation officer." she screamed at him. She looked at him dead in the eyes. "Donnie wants to know doesn’t he. But he is to afraid of his little wifey to come ask me himself." she pulled her shirt off, not caring if he was looking or not, of course he was.

He felt himself start to rise. "Lynn, he is just worried about you. He knows how you feel about him." when he realized he had said too much he shut up.

She swung around and looked at him. She had her bra off and was standing in front of him, her nipples were erect, she always felt like this when she fought with Joe. "what? who told him?" She was really pissed and her face was read with anger and her chest was pounding.

"Jordan and Mark I guess." Joe said trying to peel his eyes away from her bare breasts. "it’s pretty obvious how you feel about him." he looked at her and took a step towards her. It was as if something he couldn’t control had ahold of him. "I’m sorry if he has hurt you."

"no your not, you are the one who is always calling me a fucking slut, whore, troublemaker. You’re the fucking hypocrite. You talk as if you have never fucked me and that all of your friends are nuts for doing me." she smiled at him.

"well, you are aren’t you?" he asked knowing he would get smacked for that. Hoping it would stop what he was ready to do. She smacked him and his face turned red.

"according to you I am. Yes I have had way to much sex with way to many men but at least I don’t pretend I’m something I’m not." she yelled at him. "now leave, before we both do something we regret.!" she ordered.

He grabbed her arm and swung her around to face him. He began to kiss her passionately. Nina was never this feisty and he had to get this kind of passion somehow. "Nina." she said. She pushed him away. "no, Joe, Nina."

"I don’t care." he smiled at her he needed it.

"Joe. yes you will. You may not right now but you will in the morning. This isn’t like you. you are to good to cheat on such as sweet girl." Lynn pushed herself away. As much as she wanted him in her she couldn’t’ do it again. Her sex habit was starting to hurt her. It wasn’t dull anymore. She wasn’t immune to the emotions that sex brought any longer. "Joey you are to sweet, and good for this." she turned around with tears in her eyes. She was crying harder than she ever had before and she fell to her knees.

"Lynn?" he got down next to her "are you ok?" he asked.

"no, I love him Joe, I love Donnie." she was crying uncontrollably now. She hadn’t cried like that since her daddy died. "I love him and I can never have him."

"Lynn I’m sorry. You will find someone." he said trying to comfort her.

She looked up at him "you and I both know that I won’t" \

"as long as you think that way you won’t. Come on. get up." he pulled her up and laid her in her bed. He started singing to her and she fell asleep. When she was asleep he let himself out.

pt 17

Joe pulled into Donnie’s driveway. He knew he probably shouldn’t tell Donnie about what had just happened. He saw the bedroom light come on, then the hall light, he watched all the lights come on until the porch light came on and Donnie opened the door. "what’s wrong?" Donnie asked.

"I went to see Lynn." Joe said getting out of his car. "something is wrong with her."

"what? what happened?" Donnie looked concerned. "is she ok? did someone hurt her?"

"no, she is really upset. She kept saying how much she loved you and wanted to be with you." Joe sat on the porch swing. Donnie sat on the banister. "I’m worried about her." Joey told him everything that happened.

"so she wouldn’t have sex with you?" Donnie said with a smile. "that is good. Maybe she can start to say no now."

"yeah, she told me I would regret it in the morning. She is right. I almost let my dick think for me." Joe laughed. "I hope she will be ok. Her boss said she quit. She wouldn’t tell me where she was working now."

"I’m not going to worry about that. She is a grown woman." he smiled. "I do love her, but just not that way."

"are you going to go talk to her?" Joe asked.

"no, I promised Kim I wouldn’t." Donnie said quietly.

"you know, Kim really has some trust issues with you. Have you ever cheated on her before?" Joe asked concerned.

"no, I don’t know why she is like that. I guess it stems from her dad. Her dad cheated alot." Donnie yawned. "I’ll see you later Joe." Donnie went in the house and picked up the phone. "hey mark. it’s me, what are you doing?"

"spending time with Chrissy. She said yes." Donnie could hear Mark smiling.

"great. Nevermind then." Donnie hung up and called Jordan. "hey, Evy can I talk to Jordan?" he looked at the clock it was getting really late. "oh, ok, well tell him I hope he feels better." he hung up again. "hmmm, I hope she’ll be ok." he picked the phone up again and dialed Jon’s number, there was no answer and he knew better than to call Art, he had to be up early. He looked at the door, and contemplated going to see her.

"daddy?" Xavier broke his thoughts.

"hey little man what do you need?" Donnie smiled at the love of his life. "She’s not worth losing this." he thought to himself. He got his son and drink and read him a bedtime story.

Pt 18

A few weeks went by and Lynn was getting better at her job. Mark and Chrissy had set a wedding date and Donnie had tried his best to stay away from Lynn. Jordan had paid Lynn a few steamy visits and it finally ended with a big fight when Evy found out what had happened. Of course Jordan did not go back and told Lynn that he loved Evy and he couldn’t risk losing her. Lynn never told any of them what she was doing now. Her drug use has speed up a bit but it didn’t seem to bother her or her bosses. Mark and the guys had planned a bachelor party for the night before the wedding. Chrissy was pregnant so they wanted to get married fast.

"hey, man!" Donnie pulled up in his Jeep. Joe, Jon and Jordan were already packed into it. They jumped out and blindfolded Mark. "we found the perfect place but it has to be a surprise." they laughed. "everyone else is going to meet us there."

"hey, you don’t have to do this to me." Mark said pushing Joey and the blindfold away.

"yeah we do, we are taking you someplace new and after tomorrow you won’t be allowed to go so we figured we’d better blindfold so you couldn’t find your way back" Kidded Joe.

"speaking of it." Jordan jumped out when Joey had blindfolded Mark and wrapped a blindfold around Joey. "since you wedding is next week..." Jordan laughed, he and Donnie thought it would be a good joke on both of them.

Donnie drove for an hour around town and he, Jon and Jordan tormented Mark and Joey. The time for the party finally arrived and they pulled into the best stripe club in town. They had rented it out and had only the best dancers there. They had even arranged for a private lap dance for both of them.

pt 19

The lot was filled with fancy cars. Jordan and Donnie had invited every man that Joe and Mark had ever known, personally and professionally. They went inside and then pulled the blindfold off as three of the sexiest dancers in town came onto the stage. The house lights went off and red and blue lights came on the stage. The girls, one blonde, one redhead and one brunette were sexually posed with poles. Then the music started, they started dancing and sexually peeling of the costumes they were wearing. They guys were hooting and Mark and Joe had the best seats in the house. They all striped down to tiny thongs. After the first set the girls went into the back and one of the waitresses pulled Joe and Mark into separate dark rooms.

She smiled at Mark and pushed him down into a chair. He was sitting on a red velvet chair and the room looked like a genie’s bottle. He smiled at her. "nope sweety, I’m not the one doing the dance." she pulled a black velvet clothe over his eyes. "she’ll be with you in just a minute." she laughed and went back out to the main room. Another girl did the same with Joey. Mark waited a few minutes and started to get impatient.

He soon heard some soft but sexy music, he recognized it, it was Toni Braxton. "hey baby." a sexy woman’s voice was in his ear. "you’re making me high." she said with the song. He still had the blindfold on and it was so dark in the room that Lynn didn’t know who she was dancing for. "Don’t say a word." she said in a commanding voice. He just nodded his head. She smiled to herself as she ran her hand over his chest. "Keep your mask on." she whispered in his ear. "until I take it off." she walked around him again. She loved this part of her job. "now, I am allowed to touch you." she sat on his lap. "but you aren’t allowed to touch me." she laughed sexually "unless I tell you too." She slid her hands all around his face as the music started getting more intense. She could feel him getting hard under her. She stood up and told him to take his mask off. He did and she was dancing.

He couldn’t see her face. The lighting was so perfect that it only allowed enough light to see her body, not her face, she couldn’t see his either, because of the light. She began dancing and taking her clothes off. He was getting so hot he was sweating. "you can touch yourself if you want to." she told him.

"I would like you to do it." he said smiling hoping she would. "After tomorrow I can only have one woman."

"poor baby." she laughed taking her top off. she walked over to the lights and turned them almost completely down. She then walked over to him and put his hand on her breast. "I just love big hands." his body reminded her of Mark and she wanted it bad. The music changed to something softer and she began to dance again, this time letting his hands roam over her. He was touching her everywhere. "you can take them off if you want." she said as he started to fiddle with her thong.

"can I?" he smiled to himself. He had always wanted to do it like this. He pulled her thong down and slid a finger inside of her. "you get off making men horny?" he asked noticing how wet she was.

"I sure do, especially if they are as hot as you are are." she smiled as she got to her knees. She reached in to where he had unbuttoned his fly. "wow, you sure are ready to go." she leaned down and pulled out a condom from the pouch hidden under the chair. "except one thing." she put her mouth on him and started to lick him. He moaned as her breasts were resting on his legs, he could feel her nipples. After she was done pleasuring him that way she slipped the condom on. She stood back up and began to kiss him. The drugs she had just taken were beginning to take effect and she was started to have blurry vision. He didn’t recognize her because she had heavy makeup on and he just wasn’t dreaming it was Lynn. She was on his lap. She turned so that she was sitting with her back to him. He was putting his hands all over her. She slid down onto his hard cock and began moving up and down. She was having an orgasm unlike any other she had ever had.

Very gracefully he pulled out of her laid her on the warm floor and began to kiss her all over. "you need to be treated like a lady." he knew she did this stuff for a living a probably only got horny bastards who only thought about themselves. He massaged her all over. He kissed her on the mouth and slide inside of her. He was being very gentle and careful with her. when she was at the breaking point he his thrusts got harder and faster. They finally collapsed next to each other. "wow, baby. What is your name?" he smiled at her even though he couldn’t’ see her face. "that was the best fuck I have ever had."

"Lynn." she said. "what’s yours."

pt 20

Mark stuttered and said his name. "Lynn Wild?" he said confused. He sat straight up.

"Wahlberg?" she sat up to and reached up to the table and turned a lamp on. "oh, my, fucking, gawd." They just stared at each other. "well, your getting married huh?" she asked wanting to break that awkward silence. "isn’t that the shit." she looked at him trying to hold back the tears. "well, who is the other guy?" she asked. She knew if it was a guy she knew she couldn’t do it.

"Joe" he said getting up in a hurry. "I’m outta here. sorry Lynn." he put his clothes on and ran out the door. He ran through the bar and out to Donnie’s car. He picked up his cell phone to call a cab. Donnie ran out after him.

"Hey, Mark, You ok?" he said putting his arm around his little brother.

"Lynn, it was Lynn, she was high and we fucked. I mean we fucked hard man." Mark kicked the car.

"Lynn?" Donnie said. "she is doing this kind of thing?"

"apparently. Man she looked so hurt when she figured out I was getting married." Mark leaned on the Jeep. "like she was never going to get a permanent man. But part of her looked like she didn’t care." Mark leaned over. "she was so high Donnie, if I would’ve known I wouldn’t have done that."

"Lynn, sex for money?" Donnie opened the jeep and sat in it. "stripping?" he sighed as a tear ran down his cheek. He saw Jordan walking towards them. "we have to do something about her."

"hey what happened? Lynn and the owner of the club came out and told us that we should leave." Jordan looked at Mark’s face. "was it her that...?" he looked at his feet. "I knew she was desperate but not that bad." he looked up at Mark. "she looked high." Mark and Donnie both nodded their heads yes.

Joe walked up to them. "Lynn told me what happened." he squeezed Mark’s shoulders. "she was high."

"yep." Jordan, Mark and Donnie said in unison. "she was so high I don’t even think she knew what she was doing." Mark continued "do you think she would do that with anybody? I mean she knew us, but she didn’t know it was me. I could’ve been Mike Tyson or Charles Manson for all she knew."

"that girl is going to get herself killed." Joe said aloud.

Jordan wasn’t saying anything. He was crying. Jordan never cried about anything. He usually had something to say about a situation like this, he was just silent. The guys noticed and turned to him. Donnie spook up "man, why you crying?"

"there is something I should tell you." he sighed. "I feel like some of this, if not all of it, is my fault." he looked in Donnie’s eyes. "remember her baby?" The guys all nodded and said yes. "it’s mine. When she told me, at first, I didn’t believe her." he wiped a tear from his cheek. "I let her take care of it and didn’t want anything to do with it." he looked from Donnie to Mark, both of whom looked very angry. "they took the baby away. She didn’t have enough money to take care of it and I was to worried about my career and our image to do anything about it. I was selfish and I never called. They only time I ever went to see lately was because I just wanted laid." he looked back at his feet. "I feel like if I would’ve done the right thing back then She wouldn’t be in all of this trouble and maybe she would be happy."

"Man, you made a big mistake, but it isn’t your fault she choose the wrong path in life." Donnie said wisely.

"yeah, all you can do now is help her." Joey said calmly. They talked about things for a long while and finally all went home. Jordan knew he had to do something to help Lynn.

Pt 21

The wedding was wonderful, but all the guys who knew Lynn were all worried. Mark and Chrissy left for the honeymoon and everyone else went home. Except Donnie, he decided to go check on Lynn, against Kim’s wishes. He went up to the apartment where she lived. He knocked on the door and a strange man answered. "Is Kim here?" he asked the half-naked man.

"yeah, she’s in bed." the guy said as he zipped up his pants. "she passed out, I guess this means I don’t have to pay her." he laughed. "that little whore is the best slut I have ever been with." he whispered to Donnie "cheap to, usually she just wants a vile of coke and a hundred bucks."

"get out of here." Donnie said walking into the apartment and pushing the guy out. He went into Lynn’s room. She was naked and out cold. There were handcuffs on the bed and an empty box of condoms. He could tell that she wasn’t hurt and had done it willingly. "Lynn? what have you done to yourself?" he asked. He knew she couldn’t hear him. He sat on the bed next to her and noticed the tears on her cheek. "she’s crying in her sleep?" he asked himself. "poor baby. Someone has to get you out of this mess."

He saw a book laying next to the bed on the floor. It was one of the books Lynn Goldsmith had written about them. It was old and worn, he picked it up. Donnie had never really looked at any of the books written about them for longer than the second it took to sign one. He opened it. He read the beginning and he noticed some writing in it. "I love you Donnie?" he said to himself reading those words. The ink was faded and he knew that she had written it a long time ago. Hearts were surrounding his face and Jordan’s face was blacked out in a few of the pictures, in other pictures she had drawn horns, a devilish mustache and a pointy tail. "I understand that one." he laughed to himself.
