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Wild Side cont…

In a group pic of them she had checked Joe, Jordan, and Danny on the face. He didn’t understand the meaning of that one until he turned the page. On the next page she had written the dates that she had sex with the guys. The last one had been Jordan. the page after that was some math, that looked like she had calculated the date of her last period with when she had sex with Jordan and how pregnant the doctor told her she was. The page had a few wrinkles in it where it had gotten wet in a few spots and then dried. Donnie flipped it to the back cover and there were more "I love Donnie’s" written on it. One of them even said "I love Donnie because he is the only one that really respects me."

Lynn stirred a moment and Donnie put the book down. He picked up her purse and started to go through it. In it was the typical girl stuff, along with birth control pills, the morning after pill, condoms, cigarettes, a joint and some painkillers. Donnie got up and went to the bathroom and flushed the joint. He began wondering if she need rehab and what kind and how much. She stirred again. "Donnie?" she said in her sleep "I love you." she had tears pouring down her face but she was still asleep.

He turned around and looked at her. She was fast asleep. "Jordan said she talked in her sleep." he smiled. She turned over again and her blanket fell off. She was completely naked "damn girl." he said looking at her naked body "wow you sure are hot." he walked over to her and put the blanket back onto her body.

She sighed "Donnie I miss you." she said once again in her sleep. He wondered why she felt this way about him. "I love you." she stirred again. "please forgive me." she rolled over, it was apparent that she was dreaming about something. "be with me" she finally fell silent again. Donnie turned on the TV.

After a few hours she woke up "Donnie?" she sat up. He looked over at her. "what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see if you were ok." he frowned. "are you a prostitute?"

"none of you business Donnie." she got up, not covering herself.

"yes it is. I care about you and don’t want you to get into trouble." he said as calmly as he could.

"well, you don’t mind me fucking tons of people. I just got smart enough to charge them." she said with a smile.

"yes I do mind that. It really bothers me Lynn." he was getting angry with her.

She lit up her joint. "why, you aren’t, and never will be my man." she smiled at him and offered him a hit. He pushed it away. She shotgunned him and it went straight to his head.

"stop it Lynn! you need some help!" he exclaimed. He felt the affects of the drug and since it had been awhile since he had any it was really getting to him.

"no, you just need to relax." she noticed that it was really getting to him and she pushed him onto the chair. "come on baby, you know you want your little Lynn."

"what do you mean?" he said softly. He was starring at her breasts. She was still completely naked.

"do you want me?" she asked seductively.

"yes." he said letting go of all his common sense. "I have wanted you for a long time, but Kim..."

"shhh, don’t mention her. Do what you want to do. Not what you should do." she smiled at him. "do what feels good. Fuck what is right. What have you ever achieved by being good?"

"good point." he said taking the joint out of her hand and taking a puff.

"good boy." she smiled at him. She got to her knees in front of him and unzipped his fly. He just smiled at him. She licked her lips and began to lick his hardening cock softly. "you like this?" she asked.

"yeah. I like anything you can do to me." he smiled as the drugs really went to his head. When she was done he stood up and started to kiss her. He pushed her down on the bed and took his cloths of. She laid on the bed and laughed "what are you laughing at?"

"you are so excited. doesn’t your wife fuck you enough?" she smiled at him.

"no, she’s a fucking bitch and only does it her way." he grinned.

"well, you just do anything to me that you want ok?" she loved him and wanted him. She didn’t care if he was just high. She had to have him.

He grabbed the cuffs on the bed and slipped her wrists into them and attached them to the bed. She laughed "your kinky." He began kissing her from the toes up. He spent a long time with his tongue on her clit. she was moaning and squirming.

He looked up her and grinned "I have always wanted to do this to you." he smiled and he lowered his dick into her. She moaned as he entered her, she loved it thick and his was the thickest she had ever had. He pounded into her as hard as he could and she was screaming in pleasure. They both reached a climax together and he unlocked the cuffs. She rolled over on top of him and straddled his midriff. She began to rub his chest as he smiled. she leaned down and kissed him passionately. She moved up to his face and turned around then leaned down and began to suck on his cock, while he ran his tongue up and down in her pussy. Within minutes they climaxed orally together. She spit him out and turned back around and began to kiss him again.

He ran his hands all over her body. He played with her nipples and made her climax again. She was stroking and tugging his manhood as his hands kept her climaxing as he tickled her pussy. When he was erect again she straddled him and she was riding him hard. After a few minutes of that he sat up with her, he was still inside. He stood up and moved into the bathroom. She turned on the shower and they climbed in. They made love in the shower and finally both climaxed. By the time they had finished the pot had worn off and they were both exhausted. They went back to the bed and fell asleep in each other’s arms.

pt 22

Donnie woke up the next morning. "Kim?" he turned over not realizing he wasn’t at home. He saw Lynn sound asleep. "Oh fuck!" he said to himself. "how the hell am I going to get out of this one." He jumped out of bed and put his clothes on. He left before Lynn even woke up.

"Joey?" Donnie said talking into his cell phone. "Have you talked to Kim?"

"yeah, last night. I told her that you were with Jordan because him and Evy had a big fight." Joe smiled "they did have a fight and Nina and Patty went over to your house where Evy was." he had a good idea at where he had been "Lynn?"

"yeah," Donnie started his car. "should I go over to Jordan’s?" he asked.

"yeah, Evy hasn’t left yet, so if she sees you there you will be ok." Joe laughed "you guys really got to stay away from that girl. She keeps getting you into trouble."

"shut up Joe." Donnie said as he was pulling into Jordan’s driveway.

"hey, Lynn got her claws into you didn’t she." Jordan met him at the door. "I figured you would be here." Donnie walked in. "I even messed up the guestroom the way you do." he laughed.

"yeah,." Donnie made himself a cup of coffee and picked up a newspaper.

"How she doing?" Jordan asked concerned.

"high as a kite. I got high to and man, we did something we shouldn’t have." Donnie looked at Jordan "all these years and she finally gets to me."

"we should get her in some kind of rehab." Jordan said. "that is what our fight was about. Jordan told him the story of last night. :

Jordan came home from helping the guys fix up Mark’s house and was upset. Evy was on the couch talking on the phone with some girlfriends. He looked at her and motioned for her to hang up the phone. "what is it baby? what’s wrong?"

"I have to tell you something." he sat across from her on the other couch. "You know Lynn?"

"yeah that slut you guys use to hang around." she said disgusted.

"she had my baby a few years ago." he sighed as she slammed down her book. "actually eight years ago."

"and?" asked Evy extremely upset.

"well, she wants to get him back and I have been thinking." he continued but she interrupted.

"I thought she was high all the time and a stripper?" she reminded him.

"I know. But I thought that since I am the father of the baby and I didn’t know that they took the baby, they did it illegally." he smiled to himself. "I can go to a judge and have him give me rights to see him and if I’m lucky maybe I can get custody of him."

"so, what are you saying?" Evy stood up "that you are willing to raise her stupid kid while she is high all the time. And you probably expect me to be that kids mother why she try’s to get sober!!" she was going into her usual screaming fit.

He stood up too. "Listen Bitch! that is my baby too!" he walked towards her and got in her face. "Lynn has had a lot of problems and We are friends whether you like it or not!"

"friends? yeah right. A good fuck maybe!" Evy yelled back.

"yeah a better fuck than you and I have had her lately to!!" he was so mad his face was red. "I messed up with her and that baby and I didn’t want to do the same with you. That is the only reason I stayed with you and that was a fucking mistake!"

Jordan looked at Donnie "maybe I shouldn’t have said that but it was the truth." Jordan put down his coffee.

"well, it is and you will thank yourself one day. That does sound like a good idea. But I wouldn’t let Lynn see him until she has been through rehab and stayed that way."

pt 23

Lynn woke up. She looked around. "left, huh, figures." she got up and got into the shower. She knew Donnie was upset that they had sex. She knew that he loved his wife and would probably never leave her. She knew that he most likely would never come to see her again. She knew that this time she really was alone. Lynn got dressed in her sluttiest dress and went to work. Jordan was waiting for her outside. When she got out of her car he caught up to her. "what do you want?" she asked him.

"I want you to quit this job, and get clean." he said forcefully.

"why?" she snapped.

"because I want to get our son back." he looked into her eyes when she turned to face him.

"how the hell are you going to do that?" she asked. He explained his plan and she agreed. "I suppose. I’ll do anything for my son." she smiled and gave Jordan a hug. "how am I going to get clean?"

"we can do one of two thing." he smiled. "one, you can come live with me and I will watch you like a hawk. or two you can go to Betty Ford." he smiled "I really don’t think you are bad enough for Betty Ford."

"hell no. I’ll stay at your house." she paused. "but what about Evy?"

"she is history." he grinned at her "we will get that boy back."

pt 24

Lynn moved in with Jordan and they managed to stay in separate rooms most nights. He really believed that she wanted to change and he knew that she was doing it more for Davey, their son, than for any other reason. Joey and Danny, not to mention Jon and his family thought that Mark, Donnie and Jordan were crazy for having their hopes up so high about her staying clean. Evy had Dante, Jordan, with as much hope as he had, didn’t want Dante around Lynn until she had been clean for a while. He had also started the process of finding their son.

Weeks went by and she managed to stay out of trouble. She was kind of quiet and Jordan was starting to worry about her. She had barley seen Donnie since that night and she just knew that things would never be the same between them. She woke up one morning and went to the bathroom. She pulled an EPT box out of her purse and opened it. Three minutes later she burst into tears. Jordan heard her and ran upstairs. "Lynn what’s wrong?" he ran to her side. He noticed the test and picked it up, "you pregnant?" she just nodded her head. "who’s?" he knew she had been with a lot of guys lately. "well, lets go to the doctor to be sure." He helped her up and got her ready to go. They got to the ob/gyn and the doctor did the test and an ultrasound.

"well, Ms. Wild." he smiled and looked at Jordan "you are defiantly pregnant." the doctor obviously thought they were a couple. "about a month." he stuck his hand out to shake Jordan’s hand and Jordan reacted accordingly. "congratulations Mr. Wild." The doctor walked out of the room and they just stared at each other.

"huh, he thinks we’re a thing." Lynn laughed "you know the daddy could be anyone."

"I know. We’ll find out who it is. If he is someone you, well you know, I’ll take care of you and the baby." Jordan sighed. "now lets go get some lunch."

"I should have mentioned the drugs I use to take." she looked worried "will they turn me in?"

"Your not on them anymore, I don’t think they would. But you should mention it next time you go." he put his arm around her and they walked out of the office. Donnie was driving by at that moment and stopped a few feet down the road. He parked and got out of the car and ran to them.

"hey, are you pregnant?" he said looking at Lynn worried.

"yeah." she said "sorry about the other day."

"don’t worry about it. I’m a grown man and make my own decisions and sometimes they are bad ones." Donnie looked at Lynn "I’m sorry I haven’t come around but Kim is having another baby." he smiled. "well, I have to go so by guys." Donnie took off. He was really excited.

pt 25

two months went by and Lynn still hadn’t told Mark she was having a baby. She knew that she had to do a DNA test soon to see which one of the guys was the daddy, or if it was one of her "clients". She was praying it was one of the guys, she knew she couldn’t bear the thought of raising a baby without knowing who daddy was. She came in from getting some stuff at the mall and saw Evy and Jordan. Jordan was on his knees in front of Evy and was holding a small velvet ring box up to her. Lynn knew that he loved Evy and wasn’t going to let things with her get in the way of being with Evy.

"I know we haven’t gotten along much. But I promise my heart only belongs to you. Even if Lynn’s baby is mine, I will still only love you." he said to her very quietly, but loud enough for Lynn to over hear.

"are you sure? I can’t stand it if you are with someone else." Evy smiled she really did love him.

"Yes, will you marry me?" he smiled up at her. She leaned down and pulled him up and kissed him. He pulled away from her and looked into her eyes "I love you Evelyn." he heard something fall on the other side of the room and turned around. "Lynn?" he walked over to her.

"sorry. I dropped my book." she bent down and picked it up. "I found an apartment today" she lied. She turned and looked at Evy "Don’t worry I’ll be out tomorrow. Congratulations." she ran upstairs fighting back the tears.

Jordan turned around. "she is really emotional, the dumbest thing will make her brake down in tears." he smiled at Evy as she walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, wuz up!" Donnie and Mark chimed as they walked into the house. "door was open." Mark continued. "hey, I heard you managed to get and keep Lynn clean." Mark had no idea that Lynn was having a baby.

"Lynn!" Mark yelled up the steps "your Marky is here!" he smiled at Jordan and Donnie. "I got her something I know she will just love." he had a huge box in his arms. He sat it down on the couch. It was wrapped in oriental wrapping paper. "Chrissy is so great. I explained about Lynn and she was cool about it. Well, I didn’t mention the club, I’m not that stupid." he smiled as Lynn walked down the steps. "she picked this out for you." he smiled "wow, you’ve gained weight." she just looked at him her eyes red and puffy. "I mean that in a good way, you were getting to skinny." he smiled "this is for you."

"thanks, what is it?" she asked.

"duh, you’re supposed to open it and find out." Donnie kidded. He looked at her belly. It was starting to poof out but he knew his stupid kid brother wouldn’t notice.

She opened the package and it was a gorgeous silk robe. It was black and had oriental red dragons all over it. "wow, its great. Where’d you get it?" she asked.

"China." he smiled and gave her a hug. "isn’t it great. Chrissy picked it out for you." she could see he was so in love with Chrissy. "hey?" he pulled back and touched her belly. "are you?"

"yeah, having a baby." she smiled. "Jordan didn’t get me clean, this little guy did."

"oh, well, whose..?" he muttered.

"don’t know yet, that’s why I wanted you to come here with Donnie. I need you guys to go get blood taken so we can do the DNA tests done so you guys can stop worrying and get back to your lives." she put on her best fake face. "got any video or pictures of the honeymoon?"

They all sat down Mark and Donnie at a safe distance on either side of her and Jordan, Evy and Dante curled up on the loveseat talking quietly. Donnie and Mark were laughing hard at some of the things on the video. while Lynn stared blankly at the screen fighting back all the tears that wanted to pour out. The phone rang to disrupt all the silence. Lynn jumped at it "Hello?" she asked.

"Is Mr. Knight there?" the professional sounding man on the phone asked.

"May I ask who is calling." she thought it might be an annoying reporter.

"This is Mr. Dawson, I’m with Canadian Children Services, it is pertaining to his son." Lynn smiled and handed the phone to Jordan.
