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Wild Side cont…

pt 26

"hello?" Jordan took the phone out of Lynn’s hand.

"Mr. Knight, this is Mr. Dawson from Canadian Children’s Services. I just received a call from a hospital here and your son’s adoptive parents have passed on." the man paused to collect his thoughts. "luckily when I got back to my office I saw a memo from the US children’s services saying that you were seeking custody of him. I feel that since you have the means and the will and want to take him that you would be the best caregiver in this situation."

"what? I don’t know what to say. I want to be sad and happy at the same time." Jordan was about to burst with Joy. "when can I come get him?" he smiled at Evy, and Lynn noticed. There was a pause for a moment "well, of course I’m employed, even if I wasn’t I have tons of money. You know I’m that guy from New Kids on the Block." he smiled again at Evy sharing his joy with her. "I have a thirteen month old son and I’m engaged." he squeezed Evy’s hand and while the man on the other end talked to someone he looked at Evy "I’m getting my son back." he smiled "we can be a real family now." by this time he had completely forgotten about Lynn.

Donnie saw the look on Lynn’s face. She looked like she didn’t know what to do. He knew she was happy to get her son back into her life, but she didn’t know what to think of Jordan acting as if she didn’t exist. Tears were pouring down her face and she ran up to her room. Donnie followed. He pecked on her door. "you ok?"

The door opened. "what do you think?" she snapped. She was throwing things into a suitcase that Jordan had got her. "he is getting our son back and making a real family with her." she said bitterly. "I hope this baby is some sick fucks that I fucked on the street." she burst into tears. "If it is yours, Jordan’s or Mark’s then I will manage ruining four or five lives instead of just two. If it’s just mine and a stranger then it will just be my life and the baby’s. If it’s yours I’ll ruin your life, Kim’s life, Xavier's life.."

"hey!" he stopped her before she could keep going "we all make mistakes and have to pay for things, we ruined our own lives. You didn’t do anything but want love and attention." he knelt down by her where she was huddled into a ball. "We will take care of you, whomever the daddy is ok?" he smiled "we all love you like, like, a sister." that made her cry even harder and he didn’t know why. "now what."

She looked up at him. "I don’t want that kind of love Donnie, don’t you get it!" she screamed at him. "I want someone to love me like you love Kim, or the way Jordan loves Evy!" she stood up. "I’m tired of being the one you come to when the girlfriend slash wife won’t put out!"

When Jordan and Mark heard her screaming they ran upstairs. "Lynn." they both ran to her she slapped them away.

"No! I’m tired of being the easy fuck!" Lynn was really mad. "I know what I did was wrong, being with all of you guys. But deep down inside I believed you actually loved me and wanted to be with me instead!" she doubled over in pain.

pt 27

"Lynn!" Donnie grabbed her before she could fall. "get the car!" he ordered Mark. He helped her down the steps.

"What’s going on?" Evy asked with genuine concern.

"don’t know" Jordan said following Donnie and Lynn. "stay with Dante."

They drove to the hospital and they got her in to see a doctor right away. The doctor came out and looked at the three men "which one of you is the father." the guys all looked at one another.

"we don’t know." Donnie said.

"oh, I’m sorry." he shook his head. "she is going to be ok. Just a little too much drama in her life. The fetus was in too much stress, which means momma had way too much stress. Now, I assume that you are all waiting for blood tests to determine the father and I assume that this is why that young lady was to stressed. Now if you will each go into the room over there we will take your blood and do the tests today." He had a nurse take them in and fill out paper work.

They drew blood and Donnie made sure that they didn’t get it switched around by having her give him a copy of the numbers and who’s name went with what number. He looked at the nurse "how long will this take?" he asked.

"you’ll know within 24 hours. And I suggest you make her life as comfortable and calmly as possible." she smirked. "she is a stripper isn’t she?" she laughed.

"It’s none of your fucking business Bitch!" Donnie stood up. "she is a nice girl who just got a little lost in the growing up process." Jordan grabbed Donnie and put his had over his mouth.

"you’re going to get us in trouble man." Jordan snapped at Donnie. "lets take her back to my house and you guys go home to be with your wives. One of us is going to have a hell of a lot of explaining to do come tomorrow night."

"you haven’t told Evy?" Donnie looked at Jordan.

"yeah I told Evy, but I told her that I used all kinds of protection and that it was very unlikely that it was my kid." he smiled "I sugar coated it and made it seem like it was impossible the baby was mine."

"you sneaky little bastard." Mark laughed. "I haven’t mentioned that I had sex with her."

"gee, Kim doesn’t even know I have seen her since Kim told me not to go around." Donnie looked at the guys. "what are we going to do if it none of us?"

"thank God and live life with no interruptions." Jordan smiled. "I have to fly to Canada tomorrow to get Davey."

"what are you going to do with him?" Mark asked "what about Evy? how does she feel about it?"

"she’s cool with it. The doctor told us she may not be able to have anymore, they damaged her during birth." Jordan frowned. "it has to be God that we are getting Davey."

"are you going to let Lynn see him? are you going to tell him who she is?" Donnie asked.

"yeah, of course I am. Lynn has done so well lately." Jordan kept on smiling.

"but if none of us are the daddy what are we going to do about her?" Donnie asked concerned "I don’t want to leave her and the baby stranded."

"well, mom got her a job. I was thinking about us each chipping in and buying her a house in a good neighborhood, and furniture. The firm where she works has daycare." Jordan answered.

"good idea." they all agreed to do that if none of them were the daddy.

pt 28

The next day everyone was on pins and needles. Except Lynn she knew the guys all wanted out of the responsibility and Lynn knew that whomever the father was, she was having this baby. The doctor told her to get lots of rest and Jordan was in Canada getting Davey. Evy had moved in with them and was actually being nice to Lynn.

"Lynn?" Evy peeked her head in the door. "do you need anything?" she asked. Lynn said no thanks. Then Evy came in the room. "Lynn, I’m sorry I was rude and bitchy to you." she looked at Lynn "I was just afraid that you would take Jordan away and I know that you had no intention of doing that. I really am sorry."

Lynn smiled. Evy was the first woman to ever apologize to her. "it’s ok Evelyn. If I had a great guy like Jordan I would be protective too. I hope you know how lucky you are." she smiled. This was the first time in years she had ever had a civil conversation with a woman. "most women think I’m out to take their men. I’m not, but I’m not a victim either and I really am sorry that I am the way I am. But now I am ready to change. I have a new baby, and Jordan is bringing our son home. I have a chance to fix things now." she smiled at Evy.

"I know. I know how hard you are trying to change. I really wish Kim would come around and try to get to know you." Evy gave Lynn a sincere smile. "I know you think you will never have a man of your own, but I know someday you will find that right man." Lynn knew Evelyn was sincere.

"thanks." Lynn smiled. "I hope so." an hour later, after Lynn and Evy had lunch together and talked the phone rang. Evy answered it but handed it to Lynn "hello?" she said into the receive.

"Ms. Wild?" a woman said to her "this is the hospital, we have your DNA test results."

"ok, who’s the father?" she squeezed Evy’s hand praying it wasn’t any of the guys, she didn’t want to cause conflict with any of their wives.

"Mr. Wahlberg." the nurse said.

"which one, Mark or Donnie?" she asked nervously

"um, Donnie." she said quietly. It was apparent that the nurse knew who he was. "isn’t he married?" the nurse said allowed.

"that is none of your business." Lynn said getting upset.

"oh my God, I said that outloud. Ms. Wild, I’m sorry." the nurse quickly apologized. "do you want me to contact him, or would you rather do it?"

"I’ll do it." Lynn hung up the phone and burst into tears.


pt 29

After she got the crying out of her system she picked up the phone. Evy put it down before she dialed. "you better let me call in case Kim answers. If she does I’ll just chit chat and find out if Donnie is out and you can call Donnie’s cell phone."

Lynn agreed and Evy called. It was a good thing she did because Kim answered and the talked for a while and Evy hung up. "he’s at Marks house and Chrissy is with Kim."

Lynn picked up the phone and dialed Mark’s number. "mark, it’s me, I need to talk to Donnie."

Mark looked at Donnie "It’s Lynn." he handed the somber looking Donnie the phone.

"hey, what’s up?" he asked hoping it wasn’t what he thought it was.

"guess you’re the unlucky one." she said trying to keep spirits up.

"oh, it’s me?" he said as he wiped away a tear. "ok, I can deal with that." he paused for a minute. "well, can we get together tomorrow afternoon to talk about things?" he wanted to do this the right way.

"yeah, that’s good, tomorrow. Where?" she knew he was really upset.

"um, how bout." he thought for a minute, he knew Kim and the other girls were going shopping so he had to pick a place they wouldn’t go. "how bout that little restaurant down the road from your old place."

"oh, I guess you don’t want to be seen with me." she said upset.

"well, it’s not that..." he paused he didn’t mean to make her feel that way. "well, I, the girls are going out tomorrow and well, I"

"Donnie, don’t play games with me. I’ll be there at noon." she hung the phone up.

"are you ok?" Evy asked.

"don’t tell Kim, he doesn’t want her to know. and frankly neither do i." she went upstairs. "how could I think he might be happy about it."


pt 30

Lynn pulled her new Jeep Cherokee into the small parking lot. She saw Donnie’s Saab. She got out and walked to where he was seated. She didn’t look him in the eye.

"Lynn, I’m sorry about yesterday, I didn’t mean that I was ashamed of you. I just don’t know how to tell Kim, it’ll kill her." he took her hands. She pulled them away.

"so don’t tell her." she looked away fighting back tears. "I can take care of him on my own."

"I want to help but.." he started

"Look," she snapped. "I know you don’t want to tell Kim, no-one needs to know the baby is yours. I don’t want to ruin your relationship with her. I know how much you love her and I’m sorry I seduced you. I’m sorry I ever had sex with anyone. But I love this baby and I need this baby. This baby is all I need."

"I want to do the right thing Lynn." he sighed "why won’t you look at me?"

"because I don’t want to. I never want to again." she looked down.

"Lynn what is really going on?" he asked.

"I love you Donnie!" she said to him. "I love you and I always have. I will never have you and no decent man would ever want me."

"but Lynn you know I love Kim." he sighed he knew how she felt he just wanted her to say it. "and I love you, but in a different way. Almost like a sister."

"oh, thanks, I have tons of older brothers. Mark, you, Joey, Danny, Jordan, Jon, Art. For a little sister I sure have been fucked by alot of ‘brothers’ please don’t give me any lines." she looked at him for a second, then looked away. "I don’t expect you to be a daddy to this baby. You don’t have to. I have a job and I don’t need you." she snapped.

"but I want to be a part, it’s just that, I don’t know." he stumbled for his words. "at least let me do something."

"no, I want to do this on my own. I don’t want you to give up your family for us." she looked him in the eyes and took his hands. "I know you Donnie. I know you are a gentleman. I know that you love your wife and little boy. I know you love this baby too. I don’t want you to lose Kim or Xavier. I want you to be happy. You have given me the best thing that has ever happened to me. You gave me my baby. And in return I am giving you a choice to walk away. Please don’t ruin your relationship with Kim. If you want to see him then you can. But please don’t do anything that will make you unhappy."

"I’m not going to leave Kim, but I’m not going to let you raise this baby alone." he said nobly. "I don’t know what to do yet. Financially of course. I guess I could figure out a way to see you and the baby."

"if you insist. that is fine." she smiled at him "I just don’t want Kim finding out and you getting into hot water."

"I deserve that hot water." he admitted.

"I know but I don’t want you getting in trouble." she defended him.

"look, I’ll worry about my relationship with my wife. you worry about you and that baby." he said to her as he touched her face. "you are a great girl and I know you will be a great mom."

pt 31

A few months later Donnie, Jordan, Mark and Joey and Jon were helping Lynn unpack in her new house. The house was only a few blocks from Donnie but far enough away that Kim wouldn’t notice. Kim went to her job going the other direction and she hardly ever shopped at the local stores. The guys and Evy had managed to convince Kim that the baby was just a one-night stand and everything was going smoothly. Lynn was due in another month. She had worked something out with Jordan about Davey. Davey loved Jordan and Lynn and even Evy. He liked his new school and would walk to Lynn’s after school and then Evy would pick him up every other night. Lynn had something she needed to tell the guys but she didn’t know how to tell them. She figured one of them would notice it.

"Hey Lynn?" Mark said as he started unpacking another box in the nursery. "why do you have two of everything?"

"what?" Donnie stood up. He pulled another crib into the nursery. "I thought I brought this up already."

"um, does that mean what I think it means?" Jon asked. Smiling at Lynn.

"Twins?" Joe asked startled.

"yes guys two babies." she smiled.

"ouch!" Donnie laughed. "that’s gonna hurt."

"yeah your wallet." Mark laughed back.

"what!?" Kim was standing in the doorway. "why is it going to hurt Donnie’s wallet?"

Evy ran up the steps. "Kim, why did you stop here?" she looked at Lynn. "what happened."

"I saw the guys cars in the driveway." Kim yelled.

"oh," Evy said out of breath

Kim turned to Evy "why didn’t you tell me?" she asked Evy "you knew about this and you lied to me?" she turned to Donnie. "is Lynn having your baby?" she looked at the two cribs "babies?"

Donnie just looked at his feet in shame. "yes." he looked up at her "there is no excuse. it was an accident, I never meant for it to happen."

"you mean you never meant for me to find out." she was very angry.

"no, will I mean, I never meant to cheat on you." he had a tear run down his face.

"oh, so it was a complete accident that you fucked her?" Kim was very sarcastic now.

"well, I’m sorry Kim." Donnie walked over to her and she smacked him.

"and you, you little whore, I told you to stay away from my husband." Kim lunged for Lynn but Evy and Jordan caught her. Kim turned to Lynn "you know she fucked Jordan too."

"I know and they have both apologized for it. And I forgave them." Evy snapped back leaning against the windowsill. "you are the bitch. Maybe if you would’ve given your husband what he needed he wouldn’t have gone to her. I know it’s not an excuse but you aren’t exactly the nicest person in the world. Besides I like Lynn more than I like you." Kim lunged at Evy and Evy stepped to the side. Kim lunged at her so hard that she couldn’t stop, the next thing they all heard was glass breaking and Kim screaming and then it suddenly stopped.
