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~ Quotes ~

~ Midi Playing is - Love in the First Degree ~

This page is dedicated to my grandson, Noah. He was born on December 4, 1997 and is the light of my life, you will not find a happier baby anywhere. Noah always has a smile on his face and can make you smile or laugh no matter how down you are ~ thank you God for bringing Noah into my life. I love you very much Noah.

Falling in love is a blessed state. Even if you had no spiritual background at all, you would have tasted the soul's sweetness by falling in love.

When you feel love, act on it. Speak with your heart. Be truthful. Remain open.

Love is eternal and unbounded; it is only we who take tiny sips from its infinite ocean.

The blessing of falling in love comes from spirit, but it can be blocked by ego. Ego is responsible for protecting your self-image, it creates compartments where everything undesirable about you has been hidden.

Like the tiny spark of fire that consumes a forest, the spark of love is all you need to experience love in its full power and glory, in all its aspects, earthly and divine.

The end of the search for love is beyond behavior, because in time the mind decides to look inward, and when it does, the search changes into a search for the essential self, the me that knows "I am love."

Romance is a temporary state of the sacred. Relationship makes it permanent. A sacred marriage, in which both partners surrender to each other as expressions of spirit, is natural. It is the ripening of love's fruit after the blossoming of romance.

People who live their own love stories do not expect others to make them feel loved.

To value yourself is to love yourself. It is really from here that your love for others come.

People who are in possession of their love stories don't judge or live in fear of judgment.

People who live their own love stories don't expect anything in return for being good.

People who live their own love stories can give on all levels.

People who live their own love stories have learned to separate their actions from their belief that they are lovable.

Love is not separate from anything in life; it is not divided into moments of love or levels of love or amounts or absence of love. These are our relative terms, or mere glimpses of a force that remains intact and whole.

The patch enables people to escape the trap of separation and suffering. In its place are peace and ecstasy. The freshness of life is love and nothing else.

The ecstatic feelings that flow between lovers, their sense of being uniquely cared for and protected, their belief in a timeless sense of being ~~ all these are spiritual realities.

Romance and spirit are both states of inner truth that can be joined. The dramatic psychological shift that occurs whenever we fall in love is actually a temporary state of spiritual liberation, a glimpse of who we really are.

Love is spirit, and all experiences of love, however insignificant they seem, are actually invitations to the cosmic dance. Within every love story hides the wooing of the gods and goddesses.

Amidst all the confusion, there is still the spark of love that brings two people together, and out of that a path can be made.

Your life can only be as free as your perception of it.

Be open to the feedback that comes to you either from inside yourself or from the environment. Realize that any and all feedback was elicited by you.

The voice of inner truth says, "I embrace the unknown because it allows me to see new aspects of myself."

The path to love always opens unexpectedly.

The goal of the path is to transform your awareness from separation to unity. In unity we perceive only love, express only love, are only love.

The "I" that is truly you is made of pure awareness, pure creativity, pure spirit. Its version of love is free from all memories or images from the past. Beyond all illusion is the source of love, a field of pure potential. That potential is you.

Restoring the spiritual dimension to love means abandoning the notion of a limited self with its limited ability to love and regaining the Self with its unbounded ability to love.

Self-knowledge is an anchor that makes unpredictability tolerable.

Uncertainty is part of the overall order of things; the healthiest attitude is to realize that the unknown is just another term for "creation."

Surrender is the door one must pass through to find passion. With surrender, passion is directed toward life itself ~~ in spiritual terms, passion is the same as letting yourself be swept away on the river of life, which is eternal and never~ending in its flow.

The spiritual dimension of sex is its joyfulness and ecstasy, its communication of love between two people. These qualities do not require effort; they appear spontaneously when sex itself is spontaneous. When sex is deprived of its spiritual connection, some aspect of desire is being suppressed.

The Self is love's source, and therefore it is more real than the things that block love ~~ anger, fear, egotism, insecurity, and mistrust. The Self knows only love because its experience is only of love.

The person you love reflects your share of universal love. If you learn to look deep enough, you will see that your reality is only love.

The Self is a real experience. It is not an ideal, far removed from ordinary reality ~~ which is how we think of the soul ~~ but as close to you as breath.

Desires are seeds waiting for their season to sprout. From a single seed of desire, whole forests grow.

Veda is Sanskrit for "truth" or "knowledge." In Vedic terms, "spirit" is equated with "Self," not the everyday self with its thoughts, wishes, needs, and drives but a higher Self that is silent and eternal.

Though few people may be able to experience universal love at its fullest, all are walking the path toward it.

We all draw upon the higher Self ~~ the silent and eternal aspect of human nature that transcends all individuality ~~ for identity, life, awareness, will, and love.

In unity, every moment is as it should be. The shadow of the past does not spoil the fullness that is possible only in the present times; therefore each moment is like a clear window letting in the possibility of equal job, equal appreciation of what is unfolding in front of you. The voice of inner truth says, "My desires are part of this moment, and what I need is provided here and now."

Love based on the experience of spirit gives rise to the possibility that we can return to our true nature, throwing aside our unloving behavior as a bad and very long dream.

In spiritual terms, to be in love is only natural. It is our departure from love that is unnatural.

What confers wisdom? Being unteachable, it is only conferred by growing into it. Wisdom is in what you are, not in what you do.

If you were a gold ring, a gold watch, a gold chain, you could say "I am a ring, a watch, a chain," but these are temporary shapes. In truth you are just gold ~~ that is your essence, no matter how the shape changes.

The mask of matter disguises our true nature, which is pure awareness, pure creativity, pure spirit. Like light streaming from a bonfire, reality streams from us, and our choice is to emanate love or non-love.

The life of feelings is meant to be rich and satisfying, but if your emotions are strangers to you, you cannot enjoy them. Despite our efforts to repress them, there are feelings attached to every single thought we have. Bringing all these feelings to light puts you back into the wholeness of the mind~body connection, and wholeness is the most satisfying state in which to live.

Overcome denial and half the battle is won. Acknowledgement is a form of self~acceptance.

I am Spirit. Although my physical existence is confined to space and time, my awareness is not limited to that. I am aware of the whole field as a play of creation and destruction.

Sensuousness which encompasses the whole range of physical delight, is often considered low compared to the heights the sole can reach. But spirituality must also be sensuous, because a spiritual person is one who lives fully in the present moment, which means living fully in the body.

In the rubble of devastation and disaster are buried hidden treasures.

We are of timeless essence. We were born in the bottomless pool that sends up bubbles of time and space. One bubble is a moment, another is a millennium. But the pool itself is pure spirit, and no matter how many stars and galaxies rise from it and burst on the surface like fragile foam, nothing has been taken away or added. Being is deep, clear, permanent, ever the same.

In peace there is a seed of sweetness perceived in the very center of the heart, and from this seed, with patience and devotion, you nurture the supreme state of joy, known as ecstasy.

Some people do not fall in love and enter into relationships with a beloved; the beloved is entirely within themselves from the very outset. It is their soul or image of God; it is a vision or a calling; it is a solitariness that blossoms into love for the One.

The tactics of non~love will never get you to love.

Through surrender, the needs of the ego, which can be extremely selfish and unloving, are transformed into the true need of the spirit, which is always the same ~~ the need to grow.

Spiritually, the word being implies a state of the soul; it is this state that a couple learns to nurture through surrender, the key word in every spiritual relationship.

When you truly find love, you will find yourself.

Falling in love feels like an accidential occurrence to many people, but in spiritual terms, it is not ~~ it is the entrance point to love's eternal journey.

The ultimate promise on the path to love is that you will walk in the light of a truth extending beyond any truth your mind presently knows.

However good or bad you feel about your relationship, the person you are with at this moment is the "right" person, because he or she is a mirror of who you are inside.

The path to love isn't a choice, for all of us must find out who we are. This is our spiritual destiny. The path can be postponed; you can lose faith in it or even despair that love exists. None of that is permanent; only the path is.

A spiritual path has only one reason to exist: it shows the way for the soul to grow. When you find your path, you will also find your love story.

When you can live with all your opposite qualities, you will be living your total self.

Purification consists of getting rid of the toxins in your life: toxic emotions, toxic thoughts, toxic relationships.

When you struggle with your partner, you are struggling with yourself. Every fault you see in them touches a denied weakness in yourself. Every conflict you wage is an excuse not to face a conflict within.

Spirit is the real you, beyond all divisions into good and bad, desirable and undesirable, lovable and unlovable. Love exposes this reality, which is why falling in love is a blessed state.

What blocks love is the division of the psyche that came about when your ego started building inner walls. Love is a flow, and walls keep the flow out.

Spirit is always with me. It wants to lift my pain. It does this not by abolishing painful memories, but by putting me totally in the present, where the past doesn't exist.

Insecurity will always be with the quester ~~ he continues to stumble, but never falls.

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