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From the
Lineage Book of Mortimer Dormer Hibbard and Mary Rice Greene,
compiled in 1915 by
Marie A. Hibbard and Ellen L. Hibbard.

Crane Genealogy

First Generation

Map of ColoniesBENJAMIN CRANE (1) was in Wethersfield, Connecticut as early as 1655, and may have been there a few years earlier. He was born in 1630; was made freeman, May 12, 1658, at Wethersfield. It is not positively known from whence he came to Wethersfield but Hinman, in his History of Connecticut Settlers seems to think that he came from Massachusetts which statement all investigation thus far seems to warrant. February 24, 1656, the town gave him a home lot of 21/2 acres, more or less. He also bought John Dixon's or Dickenson's land in the West Field, Sept. 6, 1664. The last mentioned tract of land was that on which the old home of Samuel Coleman, deceased, stands, on Mud Lane. It was there when Mr. Crane built his dwelling house and tanneries. The house was one of the six fortified by vote of the town in 1704. The town also gave him three acres of land on Beaver, now Tando's, Brook, in 1660; served as a juror in 1664; drew land in the allotment of 1670; and purchased land of Daniel Rose, Dec. 8, 1671.

May, 1682, Benjamin Crane, with others, petitioned the General Court for liberty to "erect a plantation in the Wabaynassit country" (Windham County). It was proposed to have a town grant ten miles square.

He married Mary Bacus, dau. of William and Sarah (Charles) Bacus, on April 23, 1655, and carried on the tanning business about a mile below the village on Middletown Road. The sport for many years has been known as "Old Crane's Tannery Place." At his death, May 31, 1691, his son John succeeded to the business. She died July 8, 1717.


  • Benjamin, b. March 1, 1656; drowned June 20, 1693.
  • Jonathan, b. Dec. 1, 1658; m. Deborah Griswold.
  • Joseph, b. April 1, 1661.
  • John, b. April 30, 1663.
  • Elijah, b. 1665.
  • Abraham, b. 1668.
  • Jacob, b. 1670.
  • Israel, b. Nov. 1, 1671.
  • Mary, b. 1673.

Second Generation

LIEUT. JONATHAN 2 (s. Benjamin 1) was born December 1, 1658; married Deborah Griswold, dau. of Francis Griswold, December 19, 1678. She was born May, 1661, and died about 1704. Mr. Griswold was in Windsor in 1649. Went from there to Saybrook and from thence, about 1660, to Norwich, where he was among the most enterprising of the early settlers. He was called of Windham, Norwich and Lebanon. He died June 6, 1735. He was one of the first settlers of Windham, Connecticut, erecting the first saw mill in the town. Mr. Weaver says he was known as a blacksmith in 1715. December 11, 1690, he purchased of John Calkins of Norwich 100 acres right in South East quarter #2. He was at that time called of Norwich. October 1696 he was appointed one of the Overseers of the Estate of Robert Wade. Appointed by the Assistant a Lieutenant, October 1703. Was chosen deputy of the General Court from 1701, 1703, 1705, 1707 to 1714, 1717, 1718, 1721 and 1722.

At a public meeting of the settlers of Windham, Connecticut held May 18, 1691, Jonathan Crane was one of the four persons directed to run the town line, which work had been accomplished by May 28, at which time another meeting was held and he, with Joshua Ripley and Jonathan Ginnings were chosen to make division of the meadow at four shillings and set in operation his grist mill which was on the site of what is now known as Brigham's Mills.

Jonathan Crane, with ten others, petitioned the General Court setting at Hartford October 6, 1691, to grant them a Town Charter, the town to be called Windham. The petition was granted May 12, 1692. At the first public town meeting, held June 12, 1692, Mr. Crane was elected one of the "Townsmen" and at the same time he with Thomas Huntington were directed to take measures for securing a minister. Their efforts were not crowned with success until September of that year, when they agreed with Mr. Samuel Whiting to come and carry on the ministry in that town. He preached his first sermon there January 1, 1693, and the people were so well pleased with him that they ratified the agreement and chose Samuel Roberts and Jonathan Crane "to discourse with him."

He was directed to go, with two others, "to set to rights the lots at the Ponds," also one of three persons appointed "Collector" to levy and gather rate. He resided at "Hither Place," now Windham Center.

He was on committee to provide a convenient place for burying ground; also to run town lines with Joshua Ripley and three others. In May, 1695, he was chosen Ensign of a Military Company, and commissioned Ensign by the General Court in October of that year.

That Mr. Crane was one of Windham's most active and influential men there can be little doubt.

In the year 1700 Lieut. Crane received permission from the Court at Hartford "to keep a public victualing house for the entertainment of travelers and strangers and the retailing of strong drink." Also appointed by the General Court to view Plainfield and see best place to erect a meeting house; chosen on committee to see the miller and regulate the grinding of corn, it not being satisfactory. October 1701, on committee to run town line. October 20, 1702, on committee to see to completing the meeting house, and April 19, 1703, on committee to arrange the seating of the same. This same year the town agreed to have but "one ordinary Lieut. Crane, to keep it," and the General Court commissioned him Lieutenant. In 1704 he was on committee to run out the line from Appaynage to the South East corner of the Town and Center.

The Indian War broke out afresh in 1704, and Windham re-organized her military company for the protection of the inhabitants. John Fitch was chosen Captain, Jonathan Crane, Lieutenant, and Joseph Cary, Ensign.

For other committees on which Jonathan Crane served, see Genealogy of the Crane Family, Volume 2, page 22 and 23.


  • Sarah, b. November 16, 1680; m. Nathaniel Hibbard.
  • Jonathan, b. February 2, 1684; m. Mary Hibbard (dau. Robert Hibbard, Sr. of Windham) July 31,1705; She was born in Windham, August 18, 1674.
  • John, b. October 1, 1687.
  • Mary, b. October 20, 1689; m. Jacob Simon, April 4, 1710.
  • Hannah, b. March 7, 1692.
  • Isaac, b. April 6, 1694.
  • Joseph, b. May 17, 1696.
  • Elizabeth, b. February, 1698.
  • Deborah, Twin of Elizabeth. Both died in 1698.
  • Abigail, b. February 15, 1700; m. David Knight, December 24, 1718, and lived in Norwich, Connecticut.

Third Generation

SARAH 3 (dau. Jonathan 2, Benjamin 1) was born November 16, 1680; m. Nathaniel Hibbard, April 16, 1702. this was the first marriage recorded in Windham; and their eldest child was the first birth recorded in the records of that town. They had eight sons and three daughters. He was son of Robert Hibbard, Jr., of Salem, Massachusetts who removed to Windham about 1700.


  • Nathaniel Hibbard, b. January 3, 1703; d. May 16, 1704.
  • Samuel, b. July 21, 1704; d. July 21, 1704.
  • Anna. b. May 30, 1705; m. John Gray.
  • Deborah, b. May 28, 1707; m. Isaac Robinson.
  • Nathaniel, b. October 23, 1709; m. Abigail Couch.
  • Jonathan, Twin of Nathaniel, b. October 23, 1709.
  • Paul, b. March 4, 1712.
  • Zebulon, b. February 20, 1714; d. 1788.
  • Sarah, b. June 27, 1717.
  • Elisha, b. December 11, 1719; m. Mary Palmer.
  • Gideon, b. May 2, 1721.

For descendants of
Sarah Crane and Nathaniel Hibbard,
see Hibbard Genealogy.

English and Norman Ancestry

Coat of Arms:

"Argent, a fesse between three crosses crosslet fitchee Gules, crest a crane proper."

This coat of arms is of Suffolk county, England, Cranes.
This armorial can be traced in Crane family over one hundred fifty years.

The Cranes of England were of Norman extraction, coming from Crannes in Maine, an ancient province in France. The Crane family pedigrees in the Harleian Collection of Suffolk were collected 1561-1611.

Sir Thomas Crane, Knight, married Ada, a sister to Giles de Kerdiston.

Their son and heir, Sir Thomas Crane 2, married Petrenella Bettesley.


  • Richard, b. ----.
  • Clement, b. ----.
  • John, b. ----.
  • Alice, m. Sir Edmond Berry1, Knight.

Richard 3, son of Sir Thomas 2, had John Crane 4, who married Alice, daughter of Sir Edmund Berry 2, and Alice, daughter and heir of Sir John Jerbridge, Knight.

Their son, Adam Crane 5, married and left Elizabeth, only daughter and heir. Their other son, Symond 5, married Margery Smallwood and had William Crane 6.

William Crane 6, married Margery, daughter of Sir Andrew Butler, Knight. Their children were John and Robert Crane.

Robert Crane 7, married (1) Agnes, daughter of Thomas Greene; (2) a daughter of Thomas Singleton.

They had Robert Crane 8, who left no male heirs. The line was perpetuated by his brother John Crane 8, who married Agnes, daughter of John Calthorpe.

Robert Crane 9, heir of John and Agnes, married Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Southwell.

They had Robert 10, who married Bridget, daughter of Sir Thomas Jermye, Knight.

They had Henry Crane 11, who married Catherine Herningham.

This is supposed to be the line of Benjamin Crane and Henry, his brother, who emigrated to America before 1655, and located in Eastern Connecticut.

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