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[Charles Hibbard & the American Civil War]
A few notes before you start reading. First of all, you won't find any earth-shattering revelations or battle descriptions here. Charles Hibbard's diary entries were often very short, brief descriptions of what he did that day, "In camp" and "on picket" being the most common activities. Writing about getting paid or washing clothes appears to have been more important to Private Hibbard than penning long, descriptive passages about skirmishes and battles he participated in. In short, it was the typical plight of a soldier during war-time, hurry up to a place, then wait -- long stretches of boredom occasionally punctuated by fighting. I have transcribed these pages from microfilmed copies of Charles A. Hibbard's diaries. One diary was missing when the rest were being microfilmes, so there are gaps in the chronology. Also, it Charles seems to have re-written portions of his diaries over time. I have presented the entries in the same order that they appear on the original diaries, and to keep from boring the reader, have silently omitted many of the repetitious "in camp" and "on picket" entries. The writing is not always clear, and in some places downright difficult if not impossible to read. Where possible, I have noted the correct name or spelling of a name in brackets. The original documents are housed in the Fulton County Historical Society's Museum in Wauseon, Ohio. --Kathleen Jones
Flags of the 67th Ohio Volunteers. On the left, a picture of the National Colors, currently part of the Ohio Historical Society's collection. The two pictures next to it are the Regimental Colors. The regimental colors are part of the Oregon-Jerusalem Historical Society Museum's Civil War artifacts collection. Oct 8 Time of enlistment Enlisted the Oct 8th at [Satten? Hatten?] Stephenses In Franklin Township In the morning [Oct] 9 At home untill [morn?] and then went to Otokee to [tell?] the [--?--] that I had enlisted that is whare that day went [Oct] 10 At home in the morning and at 8 oclock left (with?) the Regt. [--?--] Wauseon at [--?--] left thare at 935 got to Toledo at 5 in the eavening [Oct] 11 In Toledo we stayed at an irish hotel as rather late last night [Oct] 12 In Toledo in a tavern the name of the Landlord name is G. Johnson we left the irish hotel and that is a good thing. [Oct] 13 Sunday in Toledo yet all Sound [Oct] 14 In Toledo all day yet...[light ink, difficult to read]...in the [basement?] left thare at 11 oclock in the morning for Columbus [Oct] 15 In the cars all night yet to Columbus at...[light ink, difficult to read] [Oct] 16 In Camp in Col. Stayed at a tavern at night and then went to camp [Oct] 17 In Camp in Col. yet. Stayed in camp all night. [Oct] 18 In Camp in Col. Stayed at the tavern last night left hear at 6 in the eavening for Suffolk [Oct] 19 got arived at zanesville last night a six oclock arived at [Pitsburg?] at three oclock in the morning In Muskingham Co on the Muskingham [River?] [Oct] 20 arived at Pitsburg at three oclock in the morning at 5 in the morning we came to a place called Johnstown and when through a place by the name of Altuna [Altoona] blare [Blair County]...and a town by the name of Miffon [Mifflin] [Oct] 21 arrived at Harrisburg at half past 12 in the night and arived at Baltimore at 7 oclock in the morning. we left thare and went to Fortress monro we went from thate to Norfolk we took the cars [Oct] 22 at Norfolk and went to Suffolk arived at...oclock in the afternoon [Dec] 11 In Camp Suffolk brigade left hear this morning for black water. I and Frank were left hear to take care of the Captines things while he is gone [Dec] 12 in camp taking care of the cap. [captain's] thinges [Dec] 13 the boys came in this afternoon at 3 oclock from black water Editorial Note: Most of December was spent in Camp Suffolk, on picket or being drilled. [Dec] 25 Relived from picket went to Camp hard the orders to be ready to start for black water fell in...[light ink, difficult to read]...armes wated for orders to start. the orders were countermanded we were ordered to be ready to go on board the cars at any moment [Dec] 28 on picket on the railraod track with Joseph Jones by the water tank [Dec] 30 we were ordered out at one oclock to be ready to [--?--] at such in the morning fell out and Stacked armes Stayed there a few minutes and then were to the cars Stayed thare until 3 in the after noon and then got on the cars reached Norfolk at dark Laid on the train all night. [Dec] 31 on the Ship Called the [marion? martin?] anchored 10 or 15 rods from shore. Jan 1th Started for Newbern North Car very rough all day [Jan] 2 yet on the old...[can't read]...yet on the old ship rough all night [Jan] 3 yet on the old thing [Jan] 4 reached the harbor and anchored [Jan] 5 landed at Morehead city took the cars for newbern reached newbern just at night morehead 3 miles from town camped for the night. Editorial Note: Most of the entries for the next couple of weeks deal with camp duties. [Jan] 23 Camp aroused at three in the night to be ready to start at...took the cars got to thare...that night at dark [staid?] thare all night in the rain [Jan] 24 went on bored the ship Oriole in the...[can’t read] For dates Jan 25 thru Jan 28 Same entry each day: anchored yet [Jan] 29 left the harbor at three in the after noon... [Jan] 30 [Passed?] Charleston in dark [Jan] 31 [Landed?] at Port royal in the morning Feb 1th anchored [Note: Uncertain if this next month's entries should actually be dated March? Month has 31 days, followed by entries for April.] Feb [March?] 2 thru 7 Same entry written: anchored [Feb] 8 landed at St Hellons isl. [island] [Feb] 9 [finishing or fixing?] our camp [Feb] 10 washed our clothes [Feb] 21 Grand review by General Hunter [Feb] 23 no duty got the Spring field guns...[can’t read] [Feb] 22 Sunday no duty in the fore noon Inspection in the afternoon pleasent to day [Feb] 23 It is one year from the time the winchester? So we had a big time we had a treat from the [Generals?] and thare was some...[--?--]...the generl Store [can’t read] country? [Feb] 24 Regimental Inspection...[can’t read bottom line]...and this was all the duty or rather all that I done [Feb] 25 Co drill in the foor noon and Bitalion in the after noon [midday?] [Feb] 26 On Camp guard in front of the suttlers Shop this regiemnt wer on general ...[--?--]...or rather general...[--?--]...walked in the morning [Feb] 27 we wer fixing our tents as raines...[--?--]...setting out brush in front of them [Feb] 28 it is Saturday...[can't read rest of entry, light ink] [Feb] 29 Sunday no duty in camp all day [Feb] 30 It rained all day and I stai[d] in camp [Feb] 31 we got out pay thare was 5 Co got their pay the 30 and 5 the 31 we got our in the morning... [April] 1 I Sent my money home in the morning we Expressed it I sent $30.00 and frank the same we got on the Boat in the afternoon and were out and anchored [April] 2 we lay anchored yet until Sun...then started for Stoney Inlet... [April] 3 Ran in Edgestone in the moring found it the...place we then turned round and ran back with in 3 or 4 miles of Stoney Inlet and anchored again thare came up a storm or rather a gust of wind we then drawen[?] our anchor and ran up with in a few rods from shore and anchored for the night [April] 4 On the boat yet this morning ran up to the shore as as close as we could and then got in the little Surf [--?--] and landed I was on [--?--] from noon til 8 in the eavning [April] 5 On no duty we was fixing our camp this is and Isld 8 miles from Charleston. [April] 6 In camp made...in our...washed in the afternoon. [April] 7 On guard guarding the generals quarters in the 39 Camp they are...[can't read]...to Folies Isld this camp is 2 miles from ares [April] 8 Came of[f] of guard at noon on no duty the rest of the day rote to wills Stevens [April] 10 went on fatigue to take amonition to the 39 they are on Foly’s Isl 3 miles from hear we was in Site of the Rebels Camp [April] 11 On no duty in camp all day Sold herring to [--?--] and cakes is the bois [--?--] [April] 13 In camp until in the afternoon we then got [orders?] to move we got on the boat and left for Follys Island we lay thare by the shore til 1 in the night and then we ran up to the landing we then got of and Stacked our armes and staid til 4 in the morning then we fel in line and marched 4 miles then we got to the right? of the brigade that night we wer ordered to go and guard the generals quarters I had a hard cold and so I staid in camp [April] 14 In camp on no duty the Regt wer ordered to guard to night [April] 16 In camp on no duty the Regt wer ordered to go on picket then the order was countermanded and they went to lead? head? or rather to their [--?--] [April] 22 on Picket until noon in the after noon we moved our Camp [April] 24 On Batli...[Battalion drill?] in the four noon we made a bridge across the stream that runs by our Camp Editorial Note: Entries for the next week have to do with being on picket duty on the front of the Island. [May] 4 we Came in of of picket last night and to day am on no duty on acount of a Soar in the middle of my hand [May] 5 On no duty on acount of my Soar hand [May] 10 Sunday went to meating in the afternoon when meating was over our Co presented the Sword to Major Butler that our Co bought him when he was promotead for a preasent [May] 11 on fatigue all the Co are on at work on the fourt [May] 13 on fatigue picking up brush back at the Courlnals quarters [May] 15 In Camp we had Regimental Inspection in the after noon. [May] 16 on fatigue thare was 4 Co out of our regt on fatigue [May] 18 On fatigue to un load rations at the boat down to the front [May] 19 On no duty we got to monthes pay in the afternoon [May] 20 On Camp guard I had to be and at the guard house [May] 21 On no duty in Camp helped clean[?] up the Streates and drew rations [May] 27 on fatigue on the fourt [May] 29 On Camp guard at the...[--?--]...Setler’s [Suttler's?] [June] 2 On fatigue on the fourt [June] 3 Regimental inspection in the afternoon [June] 4 went to the landing to guit some dried appals an flour [June] 7 Sunday went on picket on the post back of Camp [June] 8 fixing up our tent we drawed new tents [June] 12 On no duty at noon the rebs ran the rebbel ram out of the harber and run it down the river cloas to Folly Isld then they comenced firing they threw shells some time some times ball? was one shel struck us in the 62 [Ohio] and one in the 39 [Illinois] camp the one that Struck in the out of a...[can’t read]... Note: The next page jumps to the date of the 9th, but no month indicated. Unknown if it is still June, and just an ammendment to what was written previously, or if it is July. It appears, however, that Charles was aboard a ship, perhaps at New York harbor, and was returning to camp. May have been written when he was returning from Veterans' Furlough. [Unknown] 9 On the Ship fulton in the...[--?--]...to new york at... [Unknown] 10 On the Ship...[--?--]...at sight[?] last night we ran into a Schooner and tore it to peases we had to to it back to...[--?--]...it didn’t hurt the...[--?--]...much [Unknown] 11 On the Ship yet [Unknown] 12 On guard on the boat yet the...[--?--]...mice and [handwriting very bad, obviously the ship was moving when Charles was trying to write this and the next couple of entries.] [Unknown] 13 Got of the boat in the morning went up to the...[--?--]...and...[--?--]...on the cars and left for home [Unknown] 14 On the cars[--?--] [Unknown] 15 Landed at...[--?--]...in the morning went...[--?--]...on camp...[--?--] Jan 1th 1864 Co. and Battalin drill [Note: The following appears on the back page of this diary:] Charles A. Hibbard Co. I 67 Regt O.V.I. Morris Isd S. C. Diary of the Past year and from the Time of Enlistment In the united States Service I enlisted Oct. 8th thinking it my duty to go at my countries call, although I was exemt from draft -- I volunteered hoping it would agree with me and I should live to return home safe again at the end of the three years putting my trust in...[the rest of the sentence is missing]. [Note: This diary is a pocket type book with the dates pre-printed on the pages. It appears that Charles re-copied the entries from the first diary into this one. These re-copied entries have been transcribed in the order in which they appear in the diary. --kaj] Thursday, January 1, 1863 Started for newborn north Car very rough and raney all day Friday 2 On the Old --??-- martin [name of ship?] out of site of land verry rough Saturday 3 On the Ship yet very rough all night Sunday, January 4, 1863 Reached the harbor and anchored for the night. Monday 5 Landed at morehead city took the cars for newbern got thare just at dark marched 3 miles and camped for the night Tuesday 6 Put up our tents and fixed our camp Wednesday, January 7, 1863 Fixing our camp Saturday, January 10, 1863 In camp on no duty Tuesday, January 13, 1863 In camp on no duty Thursday 15 thru Thursday, January 22, 1863 Same entry is made for all days: In camp on no duty Friday 23 Camp aroused at three oclock in the night go to move...[--?--]...city at...[light ink, something about city and rain] Saturday 24 Absent? Anchored? on board the Ship Oriole we ran a few rods from shore and anchored Editorial Note: January 25-28, same entry -- "Anchored yet" Thursday 29 Left the harbor at 3 in the afternoon verry...[--?--]...and windy Friday 30 Ran past Charleston just at dark Saturday, January 31, 1863 Arrived at Port royal in the morning and anchored February 1-7 Same entry written each day: Anchored yet Sunday 8 Landed at St Hellene Isd Monday, February 9, 1863 Putting up our tents and clearing off the camp ground. Tuesday 10 Washed our Clothes Wednesday 11 In camp fixing up thinges Thursday, February 12, 1863 On fatigue unloading the boats [Note: Entries for February 15 through March 4 refer to either in camp, or drilling. --kaj] Thursday, March 5, 1863 Regimental inspection of knapsack Friday 13 Regimental drill which afterwards we wer inspected by General Sanders [wife? he] was killed at Pawpaw tunnel Saturday, March 14, 1863 In camp we set cut trees in front of our tents at night went on[?] fatigue Sunday 15 In camp Mar Carbs preached Monday 16 In camp had the head ache Tuesday, March 17, 1863 On the boats...[--?--]...so we could see them Friday, March 20, 1863 On brigade guard until noon then we wer taken of to [change? charge?] gunes Saturday 21 In camp traded gunes Monday, March 23, 1863 In camp one year from to day the winchester battel was fought so the officers treated us to cakes chease and cider and several of the Officers Spoke to us on the war subject Tuesday 24 Regimental Inspection Thursday, March 26, 1863 On camp guard Our regt wer on grand review Friday 27 In camp setting up trees in front of our tents Tuesday 31 In camp we got our pat I get $48.53 Wednesday, April 1, 1863 Sent $30.00 home we wer ordered to move we got on the boat ran a few rods and anchored Thursday 2 Anchored yet we left at Sunset for Stone inlet Friday 3 Ran in Adisso? in the morning...[--?--]...and ran in Stone and anchored for the night Saturday, April 4, 1863 Landed on Coals Isld I went on fatigue and worked until [lead?] time Sunday 5 In camp fixing up our tents Monday 6 In camp washed our cclothes Tuesday, April 7, 1863 Sent to the 39 camp [39th Illinois] to guard generals quarters their Regt[?] have gone to Folly Isld Friday, April 10, 1863 On fatigue we are taking amunition to the 39th [Illinois] on Folly Isld Monday, April 13, 1863 In camp until 3 we then had orders to pack up and move to folly Isld we got thare at 4 in the morning we march back 4 miles and camped Tuesday 14 In camp the regt went on picket but I had a bad cold and so I staid in camp Wednesday 15 In camp have a bad coaled Sunday, April 19, 1863 In camp our regt got orders to move to [--?--] camp we packed up and moved 5 miles farther up the beach and camped Monday 20 On fatigue drawing ratiens Wednesday, April 22, 1863 moved camp we moved but few rods Friday 24 On fatigue building a bridge Monday 27 In camp went on 5 dayes picket at night out to the point of the Isld Entries for April 28 through May 3 refer to "on picket" during that time Monday, May 4, 1863 Came off of picket in camp have a [looks like "frey billen"] in my hand Sunday, May 10, 1863 In camp went to meating at 2 oclock we then presented Sword to major Butler which our Co bought for him when he left the Co. Monday 11 On fatigue at work on the fourt [fort] Wednesday, May 13, 1863 On fagitue clearing off the camp ground at back of the Cournals [Colonel's] Thursday 14 In camp helping draw ratiens Friday 15 we had regimental inspection Saturday, May 16, 1863 On fatigue Monday 18 On fatigue unloading ratiens off of the boats Wednesday 20 In camp we got to months pay Thursday 21 through May 26 "In camp" entered for all days Wednesday 27 On fatigue at the fourt [fort] Friday 29 On camp guard at the Suttlers Tuesday 2 On fatigue at the fourt [fort] Wednesday, June 3, 1863 Regimental Inspection Thursday 4 In camp until ten then went to the landing to get[?] some dride appels and flour Monday 8 In camp we drawed new tents to day Tuesday, June 9, 1863 through Thursday 11 In camp Friday, June 12, 1863 In camp at noon the rebs began shelling us they threw one shell in the 39 and one in the 62 we wer called? in line we went in at...[--?--]...at, to we wer called in for fatigue to get to the fourt [fort?] to [looks like Parry Sand boys?] Tuesday 16 In camp had a boil on my arm Wednesday 17 In camp our regt went on 5 dayes picket I was excused from duty Sunday, June 21, 1863 went out to the point on picket Tuesday 23 moved our camp back a few rods Wednesday, June 24, 1863 In camp got our pay to monthes $29" went on picket at night Thursday 25 On fatigue to unload the boat Friday 26 On fatgigue at the fourt Saturday, June 27, 1863 In camp at night we went to the fourt on fatigue Tuesday, June 30, 1863 On patroll guard Wednesday, July 1 In camp at night on fatigue at the point Friday, July 3, 1863 On fatigue all night Sunday 5 In camp detailed as a Cook for the Co moved in the kook Shanty Thursday, July 9, 1863 In camp we wer ordered to take our gunes and go to the Co on the point on picket Friday 10 On picket our batterys opened on the rebs and drove them then our men crossed the river and made a charge Saturday 11 On picket crossed the river in the morning and landed on Morris Isd Sunday, July 12, 1863 On morris Isd our tents and knap Sacks have not come over yet so we stay in the rebs camp and tents [Note: From July 15 through 29, the only entry made for each day is "in camp." On July 18, the 67th Regt, minus Co. I, took part in the bloody assault of Fort Wagner, and suffered the loss of 126 officers and men in killed and wounded. Yet Charles never makes any mention of this. --kaj] Thursday, July 30, 1863 In camp quit kooking thinking I had rather carry a gun Tuesday 4 In camp got to monthes pay Sent $15.00 home Thursday, August 20, 1863 Grand review by General Guilmore [Quincy Gilmore] Sunday, August 23, 1863 On picket up in the trenches Thursday 27 on picket up in the trenches Saturday, August 29, 1863 On picket up in the trenches Sunday, September 13, 1863 On picket out in the left by the Swamp angel Thursday 17 On camp fatigue clearing the streets Friday 18 On picket out in the left by the Swamp angel ********** Wednesday, October 28, 1863 In camp got orders to pack up and leave left morris Isld crossed the river landed in folly [Folly] Isld at night...[--?--]...until morris [Morris Island] Thursday 29
Friday 30 Put up our tents and cleared of the camp ground Saturday, October 31, 1863 In camp to miles from the [--?--] end of folly Isld. Monday 2 On fatigue clearing off the [brush?] and...[--?--]...head quarters Wednesday 4 In camp helping set out trees in front of our camp Thursday 5 Co drill in the [can’t read words] went on grand gard at 4 in the eavening. Friday, Novmeber 6, 1863 Came off of guard in the morning no drill to day Monday, November 9, 1863 In camp. no co drill in the for noon and Battalien in the afternoon Thursday, November 12, 1863 Co drill in the fore noon Brigade inspection in the afternoon Friday 13 On Camp gard at the gard house Sunday, November 15, 1863 In camp went on picket at night Wednesday, November 18, 1863 On fatigue at the landing loading [--?--] Stoers for our Brigade Sunday 22 In Camp until four in the afternoon then I went on grand guard Monday 23 In camp rany? all day Wednesday 25 In camp drew our pay I drew $14" 60. cts Sent home $15.00 by express. ********** Saturday 5 In camp got orders to pack up and move camp left Folly Isld at dark got on board the Toppohamek and left for Hilten Head Sunday, December 6, 1863 Arived at hilten head at noon landed and marched one mile and a half and camped Monday 7 In camp fixing up our camp Tuesday 8 went to town on a pass staid their all day Thursday 10 Came off of Camp guard at nine on no duty the rest of the day except brigade drill Monday 14 On co drill in the fornoon Shooting at target in the after in Brigade drill Tuesday, December 15, 1863 On Camp guard on the bridge to keep the bois from going to town Wednesday 16 In Camp on no duty in the four noon in the after noon Brigade drill Thursday 17 Co drill in the four noon Shooting target afternoon on Brigade drill Friday, December 18, 1863 On Co drill Shooting target in the after on Brigade drill the State flag was presented to us by our Col it is to years frm the day the regt was organized to the Col Told us. Saturday 19 In camp on Regimental inspection on fatigue in the afternoon helping get the doctor some wood for the hospitals Monday, December 21, 1863 On Target shooting and Battalien drill Tuesday 22 Brigade drill and Battalien drill Genneral Sanders wife was hear at dress parade to see us on parade her husband gave the [--?--] to the 67th he dyed at pawpaw tunnel Wednesday 23 In camp until noon fixing fore? review on Grand review by General Hunter in the afternoon Thursday, December 24, 1863 On Co drill until nonn, in the afternoon fixing camp for Christing seting out trees in front of our tents Friday 25 In camp on no duty Spending Christmas Capt Shafer treated the bois to nuts cakes and segars Saturday 26 On camp guard in front of the Col tent Sunday, December 27, 1863In camp on no duty came off of camp guard Monday 28 On Co drill in the four noon Shooting target in the after in Brigade drill Thursday 31 In camp on no duty our Regt mustered for munthes pay January 1, 1864 Jan. 1 In Camp excused by the doctor on acount of a boil on my leg our Col. made us a speak at night to try and get us to enlist in the Vetren Coar and we had a big time but not many enlisted [January] 2 In camp ex by the doctor [January] 4 In camp on Co drill Rainey in the afternoon on no duty [January] 8 In camp on no duty until [noon?] Batallion drill in the afternoon ********** Editorial Note: Regiment reenlisted, and were able to enjoy a 30-day Veterans' Leave. Thursday, March 24 Left home in the morning for wauseon left thair at 5 1/2 oclock for Toledo Stayed at mister parmilyes all night Friday, March 25, 1864 In Toledo left at one for Cleaveland, O. got to town at 7 in the evening Stayed in town all night Saturday 26 In camp Cleaveland on no duty Sunday, April 3, 1864 In camp on Co and regimental inspection Monday 4 In camp on fatigue clearing the camp ground Wednesday, April 6, 1864 In camp on no duty until noon then went on camp guard to gard the regts teams Thursday 7 On camp guard relieved at noon in the after noon on no duty Sunday 10 On duty in the barrack Monday 11 moved camp we moved from the barracks to our tents in the afternoon on no duty Tuesday, April 12, 1864 In camp detailed as teamster on no duty Wednesday 13 In camp halled [hauled] to loads wood Friday, April 15, 1864 halled one load lumber for the hospital and to loads wood Saturday 16 Halled one load Oats for the horses Sunday 17 In camp halled one load bread Monday, April 18, 1864 drawed[?] to load wood on no duty the rest of the day Tuesday 19 drawed hay from the depo to the shead Wednesday 20 Drawed to loads ratiens and one load of wood Thursday, April 21, 1864 drawed three loads of wood Friday 22 drawed one? load bread and one load oats...[?-- looks to be two names, one of the last names may be Stone]...and Secretary Chase wer hear to night to see the regt Saturday 23 drawed one load hay and halled the trash out of camp Monday 25 drawed one load hay from camp to the ?? then went to town and turned? over our teams and marched three miles on our way to alexandria ware? thare? we camped for the night Tuesday 26 marched to Alexandria got thair at 9 in the morning we a?? got transfer to...[rest of writing is hard to make out, ink is lighter and handwriting cramped]... Friday, May 27, 1864 went to the landing after bread Saturday 28 in the yard fixing for our horses the rear shelled our men in the [--?--] Sunday 29 in the yard greasing my harness the rebs shelled us in the afternoon Monday, May 30, 1864 in the yard on no duty Tuesday 31 drawed the hospital to the 85 for the sick men to [--?--] in Wednesday, June 1 went to the landing after bread [July 1864] [July] 19 In camp until noon in the afternoon on Regt Skirmish dr [July] 20 Co drill in the four noon in the after no Regt inspection [July] 21 washed our clothes in the four noon in the after noon I was taken sick with the head ache [July] 25 in Camp on no duty we wer paid off I got $26.00 Sent mine home [July] 27 On Co drill in the four noon in the after no duty ********** Charles A Hibbard
Jan 1th/65
Jan. 2th I’ve [--?--] noon in the afternoon went to the [--?--] afor Forrage for the Head Quarters horses the weather is cool and cloudy Jan 3 At head quarters on no duty it rained all day at 8 oclock in the eavening their was to St?? fired from G???? Harrison which alarmed the men and they wer soon in line at the breastworks and we expected to be attacked but it was soon all [can’t read two words] and they wer dismissed[?] [can’t read words] and went to their Co. Jan 4th At head Quarters in the for noon in the after noon I went to the trains after forrage went from their to the 25 Corps head quarters to se Johns Stevens Jan 5thAt Head Quarters on no duty it is a cool day Jan 6thAt Head Quarters went to the train in the for noon to turn over our Teams to the new Quartermaster our Quartermaster we have had ever since we wer on folly Isld time is out and is going home [--?--] he lives in Cleaveland Ohio his name is S. G. Brock it has rained all day and the roads are very bad Jan 7th Got up at three oclock in the morning started to Bermuda Hundreads at for got their at sun rise got back at noon I went to take Major Comager to the boat he is going to Lexington Ky he is major of the 8 united States Colored [Troops?] the roads are very bad it rained in the afternoon at to in the afternoon [--?--] wer to men shot for disertion they wer from Maine Jan 8thAt Head Quarters until noon then went to the train after forrage it froze up hard last night and today it is rather cold Jan 9thAt Head Quarters all day in the afternoon the head quarters driver was relieved his time is out he is going home in the morning to day has been a very nice and pleasant day at ten[?] in the eavening our Cavelry was fired on they took three of our [--?--] pickets and killed one horse the brigade wer fell in line at the breast works expecting to be attacked but the firing has seased [can’t read two words] war sent to their quarters and wer to be ready to fall in at five minutes notice Jan 10th At Head Quarters in the fournoon in the afternoon went to the train after forrage it is raining and has rained all day the roads are very bad Jan 11th At Head Quarters in the four noon in the afternoon went to the train after forrage the weather is pleasant but the roads are very bad The [something buyer?] in the 67th that [can’t read two words] started for home this morning at 1 one oclock went to the train at ten? oclock this morning after forrage the teamsters[?] have washed already so the teams could cross with their [--?--] so they wer late getting back Jan 12th At head Quarters in the four noon in the after noon I got Henry Andersons wagon and went and got a load of [--?--] to fit[?] a flor in my stable I got to dine out so their is the way I spent the day it is a pleasant day Jan 13th At Head Quarters went with Joseph Anck[???] after a load of foder[?] to flear[?] his stable we get the and...[--?--]...their is no...[--?--]...the weather is warm and nice but the raods are bad Jan 14th At Head Quarters all day on no duty the roads are very bad Jan 15th At Head Quarters in the for noon in the after went to the train the weather is quite pleasant Col A C Voras came back from furlough to day Jan 16th Got of at [--?--] morning to take back[?] Mr Murry to the boat got to Bermuda Hundreads at 7 in the morning got home at 1 in the afternoon the roads are very bad Jan 17th At Head Quarters in the for noon went to the train after some oil to oil my harness for inspection the roads are drying of and getting better Jan 18th At Head Quarters in the for noon in the after went to the train to turn over the grain sack it has bin a nice day to day Jan 19th At Head Quarters went to the train at nine in the Fournoon and had inspection got home at noon in the after noon at head Quarters the weather is very pleasant Jan 20th At Head Quarters all day thair is nothing going on to day the weather is very pleasent Jan 21th Went to the train turned over our team[?] to the new Quartermaster and then went to the landing to take the old Quartermaster to his trane It rained all day and the raods are very bad Jan 22th At head Quarters in the fornoon in the after went to the train after forrage it is a rainey day to day they are fighting in front of Bermuda hundreads Jan 23th At head Quarters all day they are still fighting in Bermuda the weather is very suniey [--?--] Jan 24th At head Quarters in the morning went to the train with my team took the Quartermasters [unreadable word] to A?? [Aikens] Landing the rebs ar shelling in our front our fleet in the Hames river had a fight with the rebel ram and sunk the ran and run to other of their gun boates a general bet[?] they got off som [--?--] one went up the river it is...[--?--]...a good deal of firing to day in front[?] didn’t the weather is very coal [cold?] [unreadable word] the roads are bad Jan 25th At head Quarters the regt have orders to be ready to move with to days ratiens they expect to be attacked to day they say the rebs are evacuating Richmond but I dont think their is any thing to it? the weather is very cool and the ground is frozen Jan 26th At head Quarters all day went to the trains in landing the weather is very cool Jan 27th at head quarters all day the weather is quite cool yet Jan 27 At Head Quarters the weather is very cold and the ground is froze Jan 28 At head Quarters everything is going much? the same way no change the weather is yet quite cool Jan 29 Moved to Bermuda hundreads to take Capt M--en down? to the boat he resigned and is going home also frank Stowe went [unreadable words] he is going home on furlough the roads are very good [unreadable word] the weather is cool Jan 30th I [--?--] a mistake I went with the Captain the 30 and yesterday I was over to the train and earned? over the grain ?? the weather is pleasant today Jan 31th At Head Quarters all day the weather is very warm for this time in the year February 1th/65 At Head Quarters the regt has orders to be ready to move by sundown with five dayes ratiens but before ?? [unreadable words]...the weather is quite warm to day Feb. 2th At Head Quarters the brig has not proceded yet they are in camp...[can’t read words]...the weather is warm and pleasent Feb 3thAt Head Quarters all day the weather is quite cool Feb 4thAt Head Quarters all day the weather is quite pleasent Feb 5thWent on inspection to the train the weather is warm and pleasent Feb 6thGot of at 3 in the night and went to Bermuda 100" to take doctor --??-- to the landing. Feb 7thAt Head Quarters onno duty the weather is pleasent Feb 8 At Head Quarters halling wood for head quarters the driver had the [--?--] and the weather is very cool Feb 9th At Head Quarters on no duty the weather is cool Feb 10th At Head Quarters all day the weather is same warmer to day Feb 11th At head Quarters went to the landing in the afternoon to take the Col. B.?? trunk down the weather is cool yet Feb 12th At Head Quarters all day on no duty the weather is cool yet Feb 13th At Head Quarters Started for Bermuda 100 at for in the morning the weather is very cool yet my horses shod? Feb 14th At Head Quarters all day the weather is quite cool Feb 15th At Head Quarters went to the train to draw my clothing the weather is quite pleasent today February 16th At Head Quarters all day the weather is warm? and it has rained al day Feb 17th At Head Quarters all day the weather is cool Feb 18th At Head Quarters went to the train on in inspection in the four noon the weather is warm and pleasent Feb 19th At Head Quarters all day the weather is warm and pleasent...[can’t read last sentence] Feb 20th At Head Quarters all lday the weather is warm and pleasent Feb 21th At Head Quarters all day the [can’t read words news came?] last night that Charleston and Columbia are taken the weather is warm Feb 22th At head Quarters all day the weather is warm to day Feb 23 At Head Quarters all day the weather is quite wet? cool? Feb 24 At Head Quarters went to Bermuda 100 with...[unreadable words]...the weather is warm but the roads are very messy? Feb 25 At head Quarters all day the...[unreadable words] Feb 26 At Head Quarters on no duty rainy all day Feb 27th went to Ach?? [Aikens] landing to take Col. Comager to the boat Feb 28th went to the train to...[--?--]...the weather is wet and rainy March 1th 1865 At Head Quarters all day the weather is rainey and wet March 2th At Head Quarters all day the weather is wet and rainey March 3th At Head Quarters the weather is warm and pleasent March 4th At Head Quarters went to the train in the afternoon the weather is warm March 5th At Head Quarters all day the weather is warm and pleasent March 6th At Head Quarters the weather is warm and pleasent March 7th At Head Quarters the weather is nice today March 8th At Head Quarters the weather is wet and rainey March 9th At Head Quarters the weather is wet and rainey March 10th Went on inspection to Achens [Aikens] landing the roads are very bad March 11th At Head Quarters went to the [--?--] the roads are very bad |