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.the life and timez Of vedrana.

// nàmè: vèdrànà bkà drànà \\
// sèx: gØt dèm tètàs n dàt punànè \\
// lØcàtìØn: dà lànd, clèvèlànd Ø'hìgh'Ø \\
// nàtìØnàlìty: crØàtìàn/bØsnìàn \\
// àgè: ìllègàl dèn à mØ'fuccà \\
// stàtz: lìvìn lìfè sìnglè n luvìn dàt shìt \\
\\ hØbbìèz: clubbìn, shØppìn, phØnè, kìckìn ìt wìt màh fèw mìssès //
\\ hèìght: 5'7" //
\\ wèìght: 140 lbz. //
\\ èyè cØlØr: grèèn //
\\ hàìrcØlØr: brØwn wìt dàrk rèd hìghlìghtz //
\\ zØdìàc sìgn: àrìès //

aigh aigh... dat was juss da mOst basic 411 fa shO. but hea cOmez da gOOd and lOng part Of mah site, sum shit yOu might wanna cOnsider readin' when yOu gOt a few minz On yO handz. but yuhhh... lemme start. well like i mentiOned in the 411, i'm was bOrn and raised in crOatia. fOr thOse Of yOu whO dunnO what/where that is, it's a small cOuntry in sOuthern eurOpe. well unfOrtunately, a war brOke Out in crOatia in like '91 i think it was, but it didn't get tO Our city til the end Of '93. it was sOme crazy shit yO, if yOu didn't live it and gO thrOugh it all, yOu can't pOssibly imagine hOw it was. One day Outta nOwhere a whOle buncha pOlice carz juss drive arOund the whOle city and literally tell us tO leave Our hOuses n errthang. it sOund crazy nOw mayne, but shit was just like dat. i remember all this evendOe i was a lil' nigga. sO we did that, tOOk sOme clOthes and left Our hOuse, nOt knOwin it wOuld be the last time i wOuld see the shit. still tO this day i haven't seen it. we went tO visit, but just never made it tO the hOuse. anyway. it was Only me, mah mama n mah Older sister cuz mah daddy was in the army... sO we mOved tO a safer part Of the cOuntry where da situatiOn wasn't all dat messed up yet. we stayed dere fO bOut 6 mOnthz, then mOved tO germany in '94 cuz they accepted immigrantz. sO life went On in germany. i had tO learn the language and get used tO all dem german mO'fuccaz, and when i first mOved there i ain't knOw One wOrd in german. tOday i speak it fluently, but i'm fOrgettin mO n mO errday. lmaO. sO we lived in germany fO almOst 4 yearz, but we cOuldn't stay there cuz the immigrantz cOuld Only be there tempOrarily, til da war ended. we was suppOsed tO mOve bacc tO Our crOatia/bOsnia. but it was in '96 that the war ended and the german gOvernment made it clear we had tO leave befOre '99 Or we will be literally "kicked Out". sO mah daddy punk azz gOn get us all tOgetha One night in da livin rOOm and just Outta nOwhere be like "whachall think bOut da u.s.?" cuz see, bacc in eurOpe errbOdy think u.s. is like dis dream type cOuntry, but az y'all knOw it really ain't. lmaO. plus mah dad had a friend up in dat killa kali, like righ next ta Oakland. sO Of cOurse we was hyped az fucc, we wanted tO cOme here sOo0OoO bad. me n mah sister thOught it wOuld be like beverly hills 90210 Or sum ill shit like dat. lmaO. Of cOurse dat turned Out much, much different. after we sent in sOme kinda applicatiOn, the germanz called us tO an interview... we gOt accepted... and came tO da u.s. we landed in da friscO (san franciscO) and mah dad'z friend came ta pick us up. we stayed wit dem fO bOut a mOnth. then we settled in a city called walnut creek, where i gOt mah luv fO mexicanz. lmaO (meenah). Of cOurse i aint speak nO english, sO i had tO learn da language again and get used tO a whOle buncha mexicanz whO was pretty much just like me, just speakin spanish. we ain't stayed dere lOng dOe, Only fO bOut 2 mOnthz. sO 3 in cali all tOgetha, but i swear yO, it seemed like it was sO lOng. then mah mama came in da picture and her auntie dat she had neva met. she stayed in cleveland righ... sO then mah mama gOt us all tOgetha One night in da livin rOOm, asked us wha we think bOut cleveland. i'm like "damn mayne..." cuz i had heard bOut cleveland bacc when i was in germany cuzza bOne thugz -n- harmOny n shit. dem niggaz put it On da map fO me. sO mah mama n dem decided tO mOve ta cleveland. me n mah sister daydreamin bOut all da nigg'z n shit, lmaO. sO me and mah mama caught a plane tO da c-tOwn where we met mah mama'z auntie fO da first time in Our livez. she came ta pick us up frOm the airpOrt. we stayed wit her fO bOut a week and then mOved tO euclid, a part Of cleveland. i started gOin ta schOOl, mayne i was luvin dat shit. euclid central middle schOOl, middle Of 8th grade. i was scurred at first, but i started luven it in bOut a week Or sO. it was a whOle buncha fyne azz niggaz and cO0 girlz tO me. i ain't even speak english all the way. lmaO. but hey, i was havin mah fun. sO then... we stayin in euclid, im Out kickin it all da time, mah gradez started gettin bad n wut nOt, mah parentz trippin. i started dOin bad in schOOl n wut nOt. den mah ass did sOme dumb shit n gOt suspended. ;x meanwhile mah daddy been lOOkin fO hOuses in suburbz n shit... fO da niggaz frum cleveland dat knOw dey way rOund... hOw da fucc willOwick sOund? lmaO... (meenah, yOu feel me On dat One)... sO he did it, bOught a damn hOuse Out herr in willOwick where i stay at nah. actually, it's like 10 minz dOwn da street frOm where i lived befO, but still yO... it was sO crazy cuz it happened all sO quick while i was at hOme suspended. i had like 4 days left and i cOuld gO bacc tO schOOl, but nO, we mOved 4 days befOre mah suspensiOn was Over. sO uhhh, he made me switch schOOls... i hadda leave da best schOOl eva, euclid high schOOl, which i lOve wit all mah heart tO dis day fa shO. sO nOw... i gO tO a all white schOOl called nOrth high schOOl, hang wit the mOst impOrtant friend i gOt righ nOw - meenah whO helps me get thru dat shit err'day cuz i knOw witOut her i cOuldn't dO it. dere's sO many fuccin haters in that schOOl. nO Offense tO nObOdy yO, but sOme white peOple iz sOme hatin' mO'fuccaz. like i dun said, i'm crOatian, call it whachu want (race-wise) but white peOple at the schOOl hate us... nOt Only students but teachers tOO. err'day sOmebOdy say sum'n and i get intO it...but yO, nObOdy givez a shit, pluz das a whOle utha stOry mayne... sO... yuhh, fucc it. well... dat wOuld be mah life summarized fa shO... i hOpe y'all enjOyed. nOw please dOn't e-mail me wit nO bullshit like "yOu made dat up"... fucc i lOOk like mayne? anyway... yuhh, y'all juss make shO yOu sign mah guestbOOk n peep Out da rest Of da page... ya knOw, hOlla atchO girl... One luv...

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.gO bacc hOme.
.peep da shOutz.
.sexiest malez.
.mah preferencez.

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