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this page is for anybody, really... just mah thoughts on niggaz...

so you ask, where da fucc is mr. right? i don't know, and for right now i ain't all into findin' him either. i'm yung, i ain't ready to commit to nobody all like dat, but i do need someone special that'll hold me down, juss like errbody else. i talked to so many niggas in my life, i could say i been thru it all... learned from mah own mistakes and got mah mind righ. but i still haven't found the dude that's gon be down for me when i need him to. personally, i like all men, but most of the time i like'em how i like mah milk... chocolate. it's not a racial thang, just mah personal preference, so don't e-mail me with bullshit. i don't discriminate (duh, if you know me you know i don't.)

i don't really have a type, there's just certain thangs i like. i like thugs and pretty boys... they both have qualities that i go for. but if i could make the perfect man, he'd prolly end up like this...

i can't stand no lame niggas. as soon as i start thinkin' a nigga is lame, i'm done. i might have my own definition of the word, but hey, i know when i'm not feelin' somebody for that reason and i know what it means to me. i hate liars, so i don't associate with dudes that don't keep it trill. i like kickin' it, so i need a live nigga. not too live either, just live enough. i'm prolly one of the silliest girls you'll ever meet. i always act a ass when i'm kickin' it somewhere, meanin' i like to have fun, try to make the best outta shit. some niggas can't handle that. i like the type of nigga that makes my girls say "damn girl, you did good on this one," somebody sexy and confident.

i think lightskinned niggas are the sexiest. don't get me wrong though, most of my dimepiece niggas are brown, which means i don't necessarily care what complextion they are, as long as they're cute, but i got a thang for light skin. first thang i usually look at is lips. i like big (not hideous big, but not no white-boy shits either), sexy, juicy lips. i always look at eyes, eyelashes. i like long, curly eyelashes like pac had, or still has. eyes, they don't have to be a certain color, just sexy (ron)... i like braids, as long as the dude keeps his shit nice. waves are cute, just plain ole hair is nice too... lmao. body-wise... whoaaaaa... i don't like skinny niggas, but if their face is cute, i make exceptions. i just like somethin' i can hold on to, ya know... everybody needs that, so i like thick niggas. thick like umm... jaheim is a nice example evendoe his face ain't righ. i like strong arms and six-packs, sexiness. it's not a must, but it's crazy sexy. that's what type of body i like. i also prefer tall dudes, you ain't gotta be no kobe or nuthin, just tall enough, cuz i'm tall as hell for a female (5'8"). i can't fuck with nobody shorter than me, it don't look right. a dude my height i ain't got no problem with really, as long as his body is bigger than mines. but yuhhh, i like when a dude has to bend down to hug or kiss me, that's sexy as fuck.

but like i said, i ain't lookin' fo no committment, i'm way too young for all that. i just need somebody to be down for me, make me feel special and loved. one of them niggas you always think of, no matter where you at, whachu doin or who you with. you could be at the club, bout to holla at the finest nigga, but at the end of the day, you'll always think of him. that's what i'm talkin bout... i'm openminded most of the time and i say whus on mah mind, but sometimes i do hold bacc. i guess i got high standards, but hey, at least i know what i want.

"...i done met a lot of women in my lifetime, but see it's not a lot of women that got the right mind, i done had pretty chickz with all the right features and hoodrat chickz that only rock sneakers, cellphones and beepers, and know how to treat ya, you break her heart, she'll walk out and leave ya... if i find a girl i'ma keep her cuz now i'm gettin' money and the game gettin' deeper... yo on some real shit, i need somebody i can chill with, i need somebody i can build with, i need somebody i can hold tight in winter time and the full limps snow white, anytime we together would feel so right, you the girl i been lookin for my whole life, God bless me, I'm glad I got the insight, because of you girl, now i understand life, i need a girl..."

- i need a girl (remix) - p.diddy, usher & loon

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