"Hissssssss. Don't worry! I'm a sizzling piece of bacon. I'm not poisonous!"


AMBER: "why am I so itchy?"
SPENCER: "Well maybe fleas are having a party on you!"

"I'm going to read this book"-Spencer, holding one of my Van Gogh books. Sits down. Starts flipping ", how famous is this dude?"

"Chocolate is more important than brothers"

"I had a thinking headache yesterday. Pretty much you think and then you get a headache. Grandma tries not to think. Those thinking headaches are worse than normal headaches, that's why you shouldn't think too much!"

"I have to put these glasses on. They're part of my look!"

SPENCER:"How do you have more babies?"
AMBER: "Ummm why are you worried?"
SPENCER: "Yeah. I don't want another brother...that'd be more bad! I think I want a sister"

Jamie (talking to Spencer while him and his brother were fighting): "There's still such a thing as fairness"
Spencer:"No there isn't! I deleted it off the internet!"

Spencer:"I didn't think life would be like this!"
Amber: "What did you think life would be like?"
Spencer: "I thought Crispin would be nice to me!"
Crispin (climbs on Spencer):"Giddy up!"

Spencer:"Mom's a hippie!!!"
Jamie: "I know"
Spencer: "Are you not going to kiss her anymore?"

AMBER:Crispin brings her a Wii game. "Hey, where'd you get that?"
SPENCER:"Oh he got it from his Girlfriend. His Girlfriend gives him stuff"
AMBER: "Crispin has a Girlfriend?"
SPENCER:"Yeah that girl he showed you on your iPod!"
AMBER:"Who? What's her name?"
SPENCER:"Oh nevermind her name!"
AMBER:"Do you want to give some of these toys to kids that don't have any toys?"
SPENCER:"How about you just give their Mom and Dads some money to buy them toys?"

"Mom when can we order more of these toys on the interwebs?"
SPENCER:: "Mom I have the bad swallow" (claiming to have a sore throat.)
AMBER: "Lies! You just want the bubble gum Tylenol"
SPENCER: "Well Mom, I can tell it's coming. It just come up like the sun. You can't see it and then it's there!"

AMBER:"Hey how about you don't do that? I don't want you to cut my face off"- to Spencer, who was pointing scissors towards her face while helping me wrap some presents.
SPENCER: "How about your hair?"

There's a baby on me!
pinned under brother Crispin)
AMBER: A baby? Where'd he come from?
SPENCER:You bought him. You and dad bought him at the store.

Spencer runs up to Amber and wipes his hands on her pants.
AMBER: "Spencer, I am not a napkin"
SPENCER: "A talking napkin! Dad! There's a talking napkin over here!!!"

"I'm a grape soda!"-Spencer holding a grape soda
"Do you want me to drink you?"-Spencer to the can of soda
"Yes"-Spencer, aka grape soda

SPENCER:""I don't want my mom anymore!"
AMBER:"Ok, I'll go pack my bags!"
SPENCER:""I don't want dad to cook all the suppers! He doesn't know how to! I don't want you to leave anymore!"

"I'm sorry I annoy you so much can I have some Oreo cookies?"

SPENCER:"He wants to be a doctor"-about Crispin.
AMBER: "What do you want to be when you grow up Spencer?"
SPENCER:"An octopus!"

SPENCER:"Dad's doing the dishes!"
AMBER: "Is he?"
SPENCER:"yeah later. He's going to wash the floor...he's going to be your helper!!!"-planning out Jamie's evening.

AMBER: "Spencer, do you remember what country you live in?"
SPENCER:"PBS kids island!"

"I'm a rectangle!"

"Don't take pictures of mad babies!". -after mom showed him a picture of his brother with a grumpy face.

"Anakin poofs into Darth Vader, so I wanna beat up Anakin" -while playing Star Wars Lego.

"R2D2 says it's Star Wars the Clone Wars time!"

"There's blood on my band-aid! That means I was bleeding! That's ok. These things, veins, will pump blood all over me and back into my feet!"

"Baby can have an m&m...just don't give him too many or he'll be a fatty"-sharing his Easter candy.

SPENCER:"what happened to your arm?"
AMBER: "your brother bit me"
 SPENCER:"what a jerk!"

"I was skipping along to the potty when I had to jump over cat barf! "- informing mom that she had a clean up to do.

JAMIE: "You should go get a blanket Spencer"
JAMIE: "Cause I am cold"
SPENCER:"You have arms and feet"

SPENCER::"I am Spencer Julian Zombie Karr!"
AMBER: "Did you just say you are Spencer Julian Zombie?"
SPENCER::"Noooo, I said....A B C D (and continues the alphabet)"

SPENCER::"Mom goes in the bathtub!"
AMBER: "huh? Why?"
 SPENCER::"Cause you are stinky!!! You smell like farts!!!"

SPENCER::"Mom, do you see any germs on my hands?"
AMBER: "Do I see germs? Nooooo whyyyy?"
SPENCER::"Cause I touched my butt when I was at Grandma and Grandpa's"

"Cowboys don't have lightsabers no no no!!!"

SPENCER::"Don't vacuum my toys! Vacuum dad's!"
AMBER: "ok. All the heroclix?"

"uh ya I love Pearl Jam!"

AMBER: "Spencer, tell a ghost story!"
SPENCER:"A ghost got you and then went boo!!!"

SPENCER: "You don't have magic powers, you just momsie!"
AMBER: "Who has magic powers?"
Proof that Jamie is his father.

 "I'm gonna feed you to wolves dad! I keep them in the basement!"
