Patsy: Darling, you are a fabulous, wonderful individual, and remember, I've known you longer than your daughter has.

Eddie: [in front of Saffy] Ooo, she's so cold, sweetie! I'll just bet she has her period in cubes.

Edina - 'Inside of me, sweetie, inside of me, there is a thin person just screaming to get out.'
Mother - 'Just the one, dear?'

Mother - 'What is my email address?'
Eddy - 'oldwoman @ risk of being strangled by own I should imagine'

Oh you little BITCH TROLL FROM HELL.--Patsy, to Saffy

Miserable little turnip.--Patsy, to Saffy

The last mosquito that bit me had to check into the Betty Ford clinic.--Patsy

Sweetie, being gay is the best excuse to not be boring!--Edina

She's so anally retentive she wouldn't sit down for fear of sucking up the furniture.--Patsy

"In zen terms we are all just molecules. There's no difference between me and the table, me and a tree, me and Madonna..."--Eddy

I've got my hands in loads of pies darling. Darling! Sweetie! Eddy PIE HANDS!--Eddy

SAFFY: I thought they didn't let people with drug convictions into America.
PATSY: It's not so much a conviction, darling. It's more of a firm belief.


She is there, behind the rich and powerful... beside the rich and powerful... *under* the rich and powerful.--Patsy describing her sister, Jackie

Patsy: One more facelift on this one and she'll have a beard.

Patsy: One snap of my fingers and I can raise hemlines so high, the world's your gynaecologist.

Magda: If the models get any younger, Pats, they'll be chucking fetuses down the catwalk!

Eddie: No Twiggy, we want to go with you for this. We could've gotten Kylie, but we know you have more class. You don't need to parade around with a pair of gold lame hot pants wedged up your chocolate starfish to make an impression.
Saffie: What's happened to your face?
Eddie: Darling, she's just had a bit of the botox.
Patsy: No, it's not botox. It's "paralox."
Saffie: You look like a zombie.
Eddie: She still has emotions, you know. She just doesn't have to pay for them in wrinkles.
Patsy: I'm happy about that, can't you tell?
Eddie: No.
Patsy: Money well spent.
