My world, welcome to it!

"In my world,there are people in chains and we can ride them like ponies."
-Evil Willow

So many people to thank, so many people to congratulate, so many people to mock. And not necessarily in that order. Of course, my mother did say, if you can't say anything nice, come sit next to me...or was it don't put it in your mouth if you don't know where it's been? Whatever.... But relax--if you don't see your name here, it doesn't mean I don't love you...oh, wait, yeah it does. (I kid. I kid because I love...) And remember, Fox Mulder for Empress!

"Oh, as usual, dear."

To the candidates: Kathleen (Schmoo) and Crystal (Garnet) You two are so fun, and I hope you can keep laughing through a successful year. Remember, it's your year, make sure it stays that way. I can't make any promises, but know I'll help when I can.

'Angel's as dull as a table lamp. And we have very different coloring.'

Anne! Thomas, honey, what's to say, except I love you so much, honey!! You just know we'll still be having brunch a hundred years from now, still oggling the chicken and making fun of Deedz!! I know I wasn't around for as much of your year as I would have liked to have been, but you know you're always in my heart!
Deedz-Lady! I can't imagine a brunch without you, or coffee night for that matter, though I'm starting to wonder about the scat fixation *L* I'm so glad that you've found your home in the community--don't let the actions of a few spoil it for you--you know you have friends and support, and you can always be proud that 'you're not a fucking drag queen' *L* Last but not least, 'You look lovely tonight, dear!'
The 13th House--though I don't know many of you, I bet I've served you drinks at one time or another. Tasha, Trey, great show you really brought down the house! Everyone else, congrats on another successful year, and I hope it was everything you all wanted it to be.

"Once again The Hellmouth puts the 'special' in 'special occasion'."

Shane-I love you so much my spleen aches...You'll always be just Waltery enough. But for gawd's sake, get out of my head!!
Mitchell-my buddy in all things Buffy and Xish, be it men or files. You've been a dear to me and I love you for it. Thanks for all the fun times, the music and the cookies! Oh, and don't forget the bucket of chicken! Mufasah!
Troy-you're sweet, and I know it's in you to be a force to be reckoned with in gayworld--remember, take that you bitches!
Thane/Kricket: Eat something!! Seriously, love you tons, and I'm not just saying that--you know the coffee's always on, and what gets said in the car/living room, stays in the car/living room!
Lee-you're so cute!! Just remember, you don't really have powers! Be happy!
Geoff--don't tell me about the six feet, just show me the nine inches! Welcome to the community, you've jumped in with both feet, I hope you're enjoying it!
Brian--our own darling welcome wagon--keep smiling!
Marlon--the more things change, the more they stay the same, huh? I don't miss the drama, how about you? Keep on keepin' on, Miss B. xo
Boris-Even though our paths have veered far away from one another, I still think the sun shines out of your ass, and I will always be your Starshine, while you'll always be that guy I met every day at four for a smoke on Scarth Street...
Kerry-I miss my Emperor--you're the best! And now that you and Clint are in the city, dammit, call me!! Or at least check your email!! Love ya!
Clint-it's been way too long! Let's try and hook up soon! Hugs!
Ben-you're a good friend and a PCR whore! I hope all your plans work out! Hugs!!
Tim, brunch is all new and exciting with you around--but Tess, keep those nasty shooters away from me, and keep your hands off my belt!
Martin--nice safe word! Hope you're enjoying life with Thomas, and I can't wait to get to know you better!

"I'm so evil and skanky. And I think I'm kinda gay."
-Willow, talking about Vampire-Willow

Jason, Whitney: I miss the hell outta you kids, and I'm so glad we talked the other night! Take care of each other, and hey, get me all the details, so I can book that flight--I can't wait to be there!!
Neal-Buster, darling, I miss you so much!! Early happy birthday! Thank you for all the great prezzies, and as always, the gift of laughter! See ya at Christmas!
Brent-Thanks for the early morning chats! A pox on all webcams, stay safe and sane in the midst of Asian insanity, and I hope we can hook up for a real life chat someday soon. Love ya, pissboy! :)
Jae-Congrats to you and the doctor! Vancouver is damned lucky to have you!
Trixie-I miss you, come sleep at me! Seriously, Kris, I really miss ya!

"Bunnies! Bunnies! It must be bunnies!"
-Anya,Once More,With Feeling

Mick-Thank you for teaching me so much. You truly are an angel! Luvz ya I duz!
Jaxon-B'rer Bear, I've been missing you so much! I hope things are going well for you, and that you are happy, cos your smiles are beautiful! Hugs!!
Chad-I'm doing my damndest to get there for Star Wars, sugar. I hope you know how much I love you! Always yours, all ways...
Beau-You're making your life into something wonderful and important, and I'm very proud of you, and happy for you too! You need to call me sometime, though, I want to hear that sexy voice again!
Lori(lie)-Girl, you kick ass! It's been great fun getting to know you, and I can't thank you enough for the coffee and music! Come visit soon!
Listsibs one and all-my lifesavers. There are no words to say what you all mean to me, and how much richer my life is for knowing you all, be it just a story in the Basement, a note on my birthday, or all manner of chats inbetween. You are all special, and don't you forget it!

"I think I speak for everyone when I say 'huh'?"

PTCS-Imagine what we could do if we actually had money *L* Kim, Pat, Jason, Geoff, Shane, Thane and Mitch, the work you do is outstanding, and our community is richer for it. You guys are the best, and I hope the community figures that out! Kim, you make the best food ever!!
GBLUR-I look forward to working with a new crew, and a big shout out to the graduates, who made this group such a force to be reckoned with!
RSAR- such a vital part of our community. I hope each and every person who has ever worked with, backed up or even just played with this group knows how much your hard work is appreciated! Bruce, Daniel, Wayne and Joanne, you are the backbone of this organization, and I hope that the new members can take their turn to shine as "lifers" too.
GLCR-The more things change, right? I hope that this fine organization, which has supported so many people throughout the years, can see past the differences in everyone and find a way to truly make this a community center for the whole community. Troy, Rick and Geoff, the work you do is amazing and you should be damned proud of yourselves. To all the volunteers, keep up the good work, the GLCR would not exist without you!

I understand this sort of thing requires ice cream of some kind.

I don't doubt for a minute that I've missed someone, or more than one...however, in some cases it is very very intentional. In others not so much. Just got lots on my mind, I guess. But hey, that's what updates are for--send me a note, and I'll be sure to add your name--I'm easy that way! Look for Coronation quotes on the Monday after, as well as any o/t additions to this message, once I actually see some of the o/ters *L*

 Copyright 2000-04 Michele. All rights reserved. I went to law school.