My world, welcome to it!

"In the Jungles of Peru, the fight for survival heightened his senses...."
-Blair Sandburg, The Sentinel

So many people to thank, so many people to congratulate, so many people to mock. And not necessarily in that order. Of course, my mother did say, if you can't say anything nice, come sit next to me...or was it don't put it in your mouth if you don't know where it's been? Whatever.... But relax--if you don't see your name here, it doesn't mean I don't love you...oh, wait, yeah it does. (I kid. I kid because I love...)

"Chief, I'm not in the mood for one of your touchy-feely lectures."
--Jim Ellison, The Sentinel

Part 1: Drama
Life's too short. That pretty much sums it up, but to be specific, get over it. Yes, there will always be drama--we're human. Yes, there will always be gossip; we like to talk (Douglas Adams says if we stop using our mouths, our brains might start working, and some days I agree with him); yes, there will always be people who enrich our lives, and people who hurt us, and God knows we're always going to be masters of hurting ourselves. But think about it. Think about how you feel at the end of Coronation, after three days of meeting people, smiling, working together (even when it's just for show) and supporting your community. You know it feels good. Would you rather feel bad, quit, walk away, be angry at people when they don't even know it and all you are doing is hurting yourself? Again, I say, LIFE'S TOO SHORT. You could die tomorrow; we all could. And would you want your last thought to be an angry one? Your last impression to be a malicious one? Love each other. Love yourselves. Today is a gift; that's why they call it the present.

"I could never be a cowhand's girl, and you wanna know why? I just can't keep my calves together!"
-Everybody's Girl, Steel Pier OST

Part 2: The Women's Movement
Let's here it for the Ladies Who Lunch, everybody laugh! I mean it! Gotta say, big snaps for all the girls out there now. Schmoo, Andrea, Sheena, Trey, Auto, Tripp, Trixi, just to name a few. There have been more, of course, here and gone too soon. And I have to say thank you for carrying on the tradition started over a decade ago. The one that says that women can do this. That women have a place in this part of the GLBT community. And that women might not have dicks, but by God we've got balls. And that we can wear big hats, just like the boys! I only hope that the actions of a few do not ruin it for the rest of us, and that everyone knows that we can do the work, even if our penises are innies.

"They're always coming and going, and going and coming...and always too soon..."
-Madeline Kahn, I'm Tired

Part 3: Upper House
Emperor 15 Regent Schmoo:  You work as hard as anyone I know; thank you for stepping in to the best of your abilities, and know that I will always be your protocol whore. You are a fine example of everything an Emperor should be! Thank you.  Boris, you will always be in my heart, not in the decoupage way, just in the 'I miss us' way. Kim, I'm sorry you missed out. Chad, hope Winnipeg is as kind to you as I know you can be. Imperial Crown Princess Kricket, you are kind and beautiful and you carried yourself like the perfect Princess we all want to be. You are amazingly talented, creative and strong, and you don't need to be anyone but yourself, for anyone but yourself, to show it.   Justin, hope it all worked out for you. Imperial Grand Duke Mitchell, way to step up to the plate. Like me, I know your heart is in your community, and I hope no one ever denies you the satisfaction of all the work you do for us. Dutchie was lucky to have you. Imperial Grand Dutchess Anastasia, you are freaking amazing! No wonder Bubbles and Deb want to eat you up with a spoon--you are going to make one hell of an Empress someday! You're my favorite Broadway Baby, and it's so wonderful to see old school drag in a new generation!

"It's Smile Time"
-demon puppet, Angel the Series

Part 4: The Decade
And still more. Why? Cos I'm the pushiest bitch you'll ever meet. Or maybe I just love the sound of my own voice! Ten years ago, I was Empress of Regina....again. We had no candidates, hell, we barely had a bar. We'd busted our asses to keep the GLCR alive and functioning, and we weren't about to quit now! A group of incredibly talented individuals, and me *L* decided that we were going to keep on keeping on, as they say, and I am as proud as I can be of the work we accomplished together. Dale, your life took a different direction and I respect that. Anita Lay, Calgary was the right decision for you, and in turn, they are lucky to have you. Congratulations on getting the wonderful life you deserve. Andy Rogenous aka Yada, the hardest working queen in show biz--you never stop, and your energy carries us through in hard times. Jade, you were always the most amazing queen. Know that you're missed.
Emperor 4, Kerry...where do I start? The fourth year you were so there for me--I couldn't have done it without you, and you know it. And then you walked right into the fifth year and did more for the Court than anyone I know. Every bit of that year was a direct result of your hard work, and I hope everyone knows it! Co Entertainer of the Year Myrna--I miss the smiles and laughter you ALWAYS brought to my life! And a moment please for Co Entertainer of the Year David; gone too soon.
All my love to the Fifth Imperial House of Too Many Crowns and Not Enough Rhinestones!

"You wanna know why Joey Ramone's my hero? Cause people like you never managed to grind him down. They never stole his spirit. He never gave in. Never gave up and never sold out right til his last breath. And he's not dead. Guys like that. They live forever."
-Richard "Ringo" Langly, Jump The Shark

Part 5: It's About Friendship
Okay, special mention time (this is the part where you look for your name): Monique/Tripp: Believe in yourself; the rest comes naturally. You're so beautiful, boy or girl, and work so hard, I just know amazing things are in store for you! Clint, you're one of the sweetest guys I've ever met, and Kerry's one damn lucky man! Wayne, you bastard. Tara, take care of yourself and know I'm here for you in all ways; you are amazing and I love you. Trixie, you were needed this weekend. We miss the shit outta you!  Gerrard, thank you so much for everything, especially for keeping it fun, no matter what--your energy is amazing!  Brian M: the man with the BBQ! Thank you for being here for me and us, in surprising ways. Take the chances you're given, and try not to sabotage yourself; you really are a good person. Chris, thanks for the drink; you can hang out with us, you know, we don't bite. Lee, Citizen of the Year--who knew. Don't be afraid to work, or give yourself credit when you do. Troy, I love you, you know. Love and trust yourself.  Kimmy, Holy crap, lady, you rock in the kitchen! You make PTCS a force to be reckoned with; thank you! Bubbles and Deb, thanks for stepping in. Though you didn't want the damned thing in the first place, you've been instrumental in making this Court a force to be reckoned with. Good on ya! Glen, try not to mess this up until at least next September--Glenda the Good Witch is pretty! Ezra, I'm a little bit in love with you! Interchangeable Twinkies--remember where you come from, and do the work. Toddy, God I miss you--the Board of Education is damned lucky to have you. Oh, and I miss Carly, too, who is so full of good energy that she makes me smile just thinking about it! Jeff, our phone line boy--wow! Thank you for your dedication--I'll be talking to that priest for you right away!
My Winnipeg clan. Love you all, love the purple pen! Godiva, Str8 Guy rocks--I'm so happy for you--thanks for breakfast. Shooters in November, for sure! Jiminy, Raymond, you're an absolute doll. Don't listen to gossip, and by the way, you and Ginger were awesome Saturday--good for you!  Joe, hurry up and move here! Sabrina, I wish you had been here. I love you, Demchuk!  Tyra, see you at Investitures!
Crystal, still my favorite--damn I wish you lived here! Chyna, Roxy, good luck on getting here--ps Roxy, hope you enjoyed the sandwiches, and Dave tells me there's no smoking in the kitchen *L* Bernie, wish you could have been here.  Jae, thank you again for all you've been to me; I miss ya. Ryan, you're beautiful! Louise, Wade, Michael you guys knew me when and still love me *L* I love you all and miss you more than you'll ever know! ps The early Cougar visit was brilliant, and anyone who knows Louise and Elaine knows these ladies rock our world!  Neal, wish you could have been here--you are so beautiful, Buster! I mean, really beautiful! Miss ya! Brent, Sorry TO didn't work out, double sorry that you're on another continent! See you at Christmas!  Chuck, aka Anita Cane, thank you for being here with us, you and your partner both. It's so appreciated, and hey, Congrats on winning Miss Tuff Drag two years running! We love you!   Mykayla (did I spell that right?) It was brilliant to meet you, and I trust that all of Neal's stories were good ones--get him back in a dress! Southern Comfort, I think I'm a little bit in love with you! Dyna Mite--wow, guess I should keep those Alan from Saskatoon stories to myself, huh? Good luck with your year! Lonnie, first Coronation I ever attended was yours, and you're still beautiful; thanks for being here!

"Bigotry has never been exclusively white!"
-Gary Coleman, Everyone's A Little Bit Racist

Part 6: Community Unity

PTCS-the hardest working men and women in show business! Uh, gay business... Kim, Scott, Monique, Korinne, Pat and  Dorian , the work you do is outstanding, and our community is richer for it. You guys are the best, and I hope the community figures that out!And hey, I think we won best In Town Entrance! Let's keep doing puppet shows for our community! see ya at brunch!
GBLUR-Hope you all get it together; as one of the first GLBT groups in Regina to get real funding, we need you all to be frontrunners in the fight for equality now! See you at the Owl show!
GEN-Q: You guys and girls are amazing!  Stay happy and believe in yourselves, and you're going to keep the gay community in Regina going forever! Morticia Scarlett, our first Miss Gen Q: your shows are amazing, and so are you! Always be proud of your accomplishments, but don't ever be afraid to ask for help! And I cannot wait til you're 19 and kicking big girl ass!
RSAR- such a vital part of our community. I hope each and every person who has ever worked with, backed up or even just played with this group knows how important it is, and how much hard work goes into it. Believe me, every little bit helps, and is appreciated! Bruce, Daniel, Joanne, in many ways you have been the backbone of this organization, and I hope that new members can take their turn to shine as "lifers" too.
GLCR-Unbelievable how you all stepped in last minute to make something so vital to our community work to the level of success that it did. Thank you, and let's keep working together. Corey, you're something else! I think you finally have my respect. Cameron, Trixi, Deedz, Ezra and Thane, the work you do is amazing and you should be damned proud of yourselves. To all the volunteers, keep up the good work, the GLCR would not exist without you!

"You don't want to forget who your friends are, Agent Mulder; to remember who you can trust."
Walter Skinner, Redux II

Part 7: The Support Group
And you thought that I couldn't keep going *L*: Mick, I thank God every day for blessing me with such a friend in my life. I pray for you to always be well and happy.  Jax, Br'er Bear, I will always love you and someday I hope I can get one of those bug higs in person!  Chad, I miss you so much, and think about that part time job at the Piggly Wiggly probably more than I should. I wish we could get together! Always yours, all ways..... Susan, I can't wait to see you again. When I talk about the 'net, I tell people my success story, and you're the star. Miss you! Hug the babies for me!  Laurie, keep smiling, squirrel lady, and thank you for keeping me in the loop, whether it's metaquotes, story recs, tv quotes (there are whole shows that owe their pages to you!) or just a friendly hi. It's appreciated!! Lori, Yja, Jay, Logan, Kim, Hal, Lightstar, LS, TS Iconmakers and all the other LJers, thanks for letting me into this world; you all rock!  List sibs far and wide, you keep me sane! Jason, Whitney, thank God you're home. I love you both so much! ps Whit, thanks for the discount *L* Dorian I hope the Sentinel stuff doesn't wear off too soon, cos I love you a lot, no not in a nasty faghag way, it's just that you're adorable *L* You can be my princess, or my gay boyfriend anyday! And Blair can have 15% cos I'm feeling generous! Thane, I love you, your crackers, your cheap shots at Storm, your waistline (eat something, bitch! *L*), your enthusiasm, your generosity and everything else. Shane, You know I love you, right? I hope this Philly thing works out just like it should. Thanks for the TIVO. Mitchell, God, where to start. I love you. I hope you know you'll always have a home in my heart and in my living room, But hey, now that coronation's over, I've got garbage to take out and light bulbs that need changing! See you in eleven hours for chicken! Thomas, we're not really that old, are we? We will always be thin and gorgeous *L* I love you so much! Thank you for Mondays, you keep me sane!  Martin,our own Regina bunny! Let's get drunk and dish about our Anne lots! Thanks for letting 'Bacardi Marty' come out to play once in a while!  Andrea, you're our film goddess! More please! Our goal is to find you a str8 boyfriend this year (so you can take pictures of him and sell them--I kid, I kid because I love) Thanks too, for the Nip/Tuck and all those good Sunday night giggles!

KUDOS: anyone who found their way to Sunday brunch or TV night. Thanks, you make me feel special; anyone I served at the club who didn't treat me like the help; I may not know your names, but I know what you drink. This does not include anyone who couldn't say please, or anyone who called me a name, or anyone who thought they were better than me; any Cingular customers who actually have read their own bill, read their instruction manual, or NOT purchased a phone for their kid; all out of town guests who make Regina more beautiful by virtue of their presence....

There's more and more after that, but remember, if you don't see your name here, buy me a drink and get a mention. Oh, and Blair Sandburg tops....from the bottom!

Congratulations to Mitch da Bitch and Kricket Tyme da Bitch, Emperor (or is that Emeror) and Empress 16 of Regina and all of Saskatchewan!

 Copyright 2000-06 Michele. All rights reserved. I went to law school.