My world, welcome to it!

"How hard can it be?"--Jeremy Clarkson

Life's too short. That pretty much sums it up. Yes, there will always be drama--we're human. Yes, there will always be gossip; he said, she said and no one owning up to their own crap; yes, there will always be people who enrich our lives, and people who hurt us, and God knows we're always going to be masters of hurting ourselves. But think about it. Think about how you feel at the end of Coronation, after three days of meeting people, smiling, working together and supporting your community. You know it feels good. Would you rather feel bad, quit, walk away, be angry at people when they don't even know it and all you are doing is hurting yourself? Again, I say, LIFE'S TOO SHORT. You could die tomorrow; be hit by a bus or have an accident with a toaster or something else equally ridiculous.  And would you want your last thought to be an angry one? Your last impression to be a malicious one? Get the f**k over it! Love each other. Love yourselves. Today is a gift; that's why they call it the present.

" great fat balding useless hopeless bandy-legged bubble-haired pointless talentless gutless cowardly witless lump of suede-shoe-wearing daft-jean-wearing idiocy!"--Richard Hammond

So many people to thank, so many people to congratulate, so many people to mock. And not necessarily in that order. Of course, my mother did say, if you can't say anything nice, come sit next to me...or was it don't put it in your mouth if you don't know where it's been? Whatever....But relax--if you don't see your name here, it doesn't mean I don't love you...oh, wait, yeah it does.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I insult you? Is your body mass somehow tied into your self worth?"--Sheldon Cooper


Cheyenne: Miss Anne Thropy I still say you should consider a big crown someday. Also, more coffee time, more Torchwood, and maybe even a comicon or two! Love ya!
Heather (Yuvi Rain): You know you can always call on me. Take care of yourself!
Ninatron, a pleasure as always, you're a brilliant host and always make me laugh!
Mandy, thanks for never forgetting me--you remind me of all the best the court system has to offer.
Bob, Oi, I can't believe I forgot my beads--brilliant to see you Thelma!
Matt: I love that you were here this weekend--how brilliant--and you're still quote worthy and freakishly beautiful!
Godiva: I wish we had more time together to sit back and gab! I miss you lots and hope you are happy!
Al, you are really amazing, and I don't know if you know that.
Chris--wow, that ASL was brilliant, and I think I love you now!

Kerry: Absolutely the most amazing Emperor ever. Good on you for putting aside the bullshit and just having a good time. And a million thank yous for always making me feel like an Empress. I hope you had fun this weekend!
Thomas: I bet you're glad that's over *L* You are looking amazing these days--busy work and marriage suit you! Hope we can have breakfast again some random morning soon! xo
Martin: Bacardi Marty, the life of the party! The Bunny to Anne's Bear, and she's lucky to have you!
Brian M: remember, life's too short and I'm too fat *L* Don't let the bastards get to you. Then they've won. You are so much more than that, and nobody needs their two bucks that badly *L* Know that you have a strong and caring network of friends who will support you better on their worst days than others would on their best, and be happy!
Mary Jane Greene: It's fun to be a girl, isn't it? Good luck with everything this year, and hopefully GenQ will continue to grow while you find your own place in the community. Don't hesitate to call if you ever need anything! Thanks for the ride(s) yesterday!
Jason/Whitney: Congratulations on becoming homo...wners ;) What in the world will we do without you?

Jiminy/Raymond, Happy birthday, honey! Thank you for the sacrificial lamb--my own Ianto! And know that you're often in my thoughts! Love ya lots!
Neal:I really wish you could be here! Thank you so much for the fox and the earrings--they are brilliant and I got some good jealousy vibes out of some of those bitches, so hey, mission accomplished *L* The Eagle was well represented at our ball and I hope you will be equally as represented here soon! xoxo Oh, and Buster! you really are the pretty blue bun bun to fold and spindle and mutilate...for the block, Bink....
Bernie, it bears repeating:  We are the history police, and good or bad, we'll keep the rich history of our community alive for many more years to come! I'm so glad things are working out for you, and that the good is still outweighing the bad. Congrats on the impending nuptials and the house, and I can't wait for the double decade next year--good times! Cheers!

" a lion in orange dungarees. Kind of fierce, but ridiculous all at the same time."--Jeremy Clarkson


Derek aka Jenny Talia: Oi, you're brilliant! Not just the outfits and eyelashes, but that you found your way through the labrynth of BS that this group can be, and emerged stronger for it, and my god I can't wait for you to be Empress! Way to exceed every expectation I had!
Trixie: Christ I miss you! You were brilliant this weekend, and will always be a big princess to me! Oh, no, wait...I mean a big queen! Seriously, though....PIZZA AND OFF SALE AT MY HOUSE!

"You like to think you're the hero. But you're the biggest monster of all."--Ianto Jones

Caesar/Danni, Congratulations! You're in for a year of great fun and hard work. Don't let the old guard push you around, and remember, while you will be fetching the cocktails and carrying the purse on occasion, it's a partnership and don't let your Empress take you for granted.
Simone Duvall, You have the potential to be one of the most amazing Empresses we've ever had! Just don't start believing your own PR too much, cos you put on your pantyhose one leg at a time just like everyone else. Same goes for you--don't let the bullshit games get to you, and remember, it's your year--work it like you own it!
Max Factor, Welcome! You came in to this as a new fresh face, and ran an excellent campaign. It was brilliant to actually see candidates plural and not see crap whinging and moaning. I think you have what it takes, and I hope that you stick with it. If this was just an attention seeking thing, fine, but I think you're better than that. Know you can come to me for help anytime.

   "You've never seen me panic. When I panic, I make this face."--Fox Mulder


Mick, I miss you so much some days I don't know if I can keep going. And then I remember your amazing strength and compassion, and know that you are still with me in my heart, and I find the strength for one more day. God bless you and keep you, frere. . Gobeithia 'r choffi ydy 'n fawr i mewn Celi.

 "Agent Mulder, you and I both know that if it looks bad, it's bad for the FBI. Blame has to be assigned somewhere."
--Walter Skinner

GEN-Q: Brilliant! As usual, you blew away everyone at the Ball, and I hope that our residents learn to appreciate you as much as the out of town guests always do. Sabrina said you are our future, and she's right. It's a big challenge, and one you won't meet if you don't work together, so know that you do have people backing you, figure out where you want to go, and let us know--we'll help where we can, and if we can't, we promise to get out of the way! :)
GLCR-This community is so rare and beautiful, no matter how we might feel after ten beers on a dead Friday night *L* You always come around to taking care of your own, and that kind of dedication is priceless. Marlon, welcome back, and I can't say enough about how wonderful we are now. A lot of court members should take a page from your book! Thank you, and let's keep working together. To all the volunteers, keep up the good work, the GLCR would not exist without you!
RSAR- such a vital part of our community. Let's get back to our roots and show the gay community that it still matters. I hope each and every person who has ever worked with, backed up or even just played with this group knows how important it is, and how much hard work goes into it. Believe me, every little bit helps, and is appreciated! Bruce, Daniel, in many ways you have been the backbone of this organization, coming on board only a few years after Bernie, Sean and I started it, and I hope that you will manage to find a way to always be mentors to the new members  as they take their turn to shine. Playing "Bad Guy of the Month is stupid, childish, and frankly, beneath you. And not what this organization is about.

"I'm warm and tingly with the tenderness here, Chief."--Jim Ellison

KUDOS: Anyone who found their way to Sunday brunch or TV night (welcome, Alicia and Shawn!). Thanks, you make me feel special; List sibs, LJ friends and online fans, you are my support system and I couldn't do any of it without you--I really am that internet success story; everyone I met on my travels: from the Philippines to Chicago and Memphis and every hick town inbetween--what a ride! Thank you all so much!! all out of town guests who make Regina more beautiful by virtue of their presence and home town folks who do the same; God Bless you....

 "Can't imagine a time when this isn't everything. Pain so constant, like my stomach's full of rats. Feels like this is all I am now. There isn't an inch of me that doesn't hurt."--Ianto Jones

There's more and more after that, and I'll add names if I feel like it, or if you email me.
Oh, and even though we are still in mourning for Ianto, and even though Richard Hammond is making us watch a damned car show, and even though Supernatural is so not about brothers, and even though X-Files started this whole mess, remember this:
Blair Sandburg is now and forever, a total bottom!

"If you have any thoughts or opinions on what you've seen in the last ten weeks, do please keep them to yourselves."
--Jeremy Clarkson

 Copyright 2009 Michele. All rights reserved. I went to law school.