My world, welcome to it!

"I always say have a nice life--some people say have a nice day, I say why limit yourself?
Have a nice day? Which one?"
-Bud Anderson 

 LIFE'S TOO SHORT. You could go out tomorrow and get hit by a bus, for God's sake!. And would you want your last thought to be an angry one? Your last impression to be a malicious one? Love each other. Love yourselves. Today is a gift; that's why they call it the present.

"Dear God, what is it like in your funny little brains?
It must be so boring!"
-- Sherlock Holmes

So many people to thank, so many people to congratulate, so many people to mock. And not necessarily in that order. Of course, my mother did say, if you can't say anything nice, come sit next to me...or was it don't put it in your mouth if you don't know where it's been? Whatever....But relax--if you don't see your name here, it doesn't mean I don't love you...oh, wait, yeah it does. 

 "The really important thing is...
is that I’m taller than you. Yeah."
--Jessica Pearson

BERNIE/ANITA: double decade! I am so glad you are here! And no matter what happens now, we know who the real heroes are! I hope you have/had fun this weekend, and you will always be my very good friend!
BOB/WILMA/GIA: You look amazing and you did an awesome number! Cheers!
BRENT: Always great to see you, and I'll see what I can do about getting to Calgary! Are you free? I'm "wildfree"!!
BREYANNA: Don't ever change, honey, I love you so much! The world needs more queens like you!
CHINA: Remember, Lassie, Danno Loves You! Despite missing mocking you during the intown show, I look forward to mocking loving you again soon. It's been not long enough too long in between terrifying laughs! Oh, look, is that bacon?
DION: Why you wanna love our boys so hard! You and that sambuca...Seriously, thank you for always beng Regina's biggest supporter!
JASON&WHITNEY:Dudes, holy crap! Okay, first off, I miss you guys at shit like this. I need more mocking, and witty banter. But seriously, how did I get so lucky to have such brilliant friends!? Do you even know how fucking awesome you are? (Cats and reality shows aside, of course *L*) Thank you for indulging my inner Brit, always, plus all the care-taking. I sometimes despair of what this old lady would do without her "kids"! And finally, most of all, from the bottom of my heart....YELLOW CAR!
KERRY: There will never be a time that you will not be my/the best Emperor ever!!! Thanks for always having my back! Thank you for always being my go-to guy for the bling! I'm so glad things are going so well for you--you have certainly earned it!
KIANA DIOR: I have no idea if I spelled that right, but you definitely were ALL of Ontario tonight. Great to meet you!
KORINNE: I miss you, I miss Blacked-out Korinne, I miss Japanese Tourist Korinne, I miss Fifth-and-Cameron Korinne! I want my whole set of Tranny Action figures back! Seriously, though, do whatever you need to in order to be happy!
KRICKET:Wait, is that the phone? The pink lady's phone? Great job number crunching this week, and good on you for sticking with it! You are such a good friend and I can't thank you enough for all that you do for me. What I can do, though, is ask you to take care of yourself, and not go with the flow when it makes you unhappy. You don't have to be that queen. You are so much better than that!
LEXY: That dress was inspiried! You keep this up and you'll be wearing the big crown soon!
MIRANDA AND JAMES: A surprising new addition to the circle, and I couldn't be more pleased! We really need to finish watching Sherlock. Thanks for sharing the Doctor Who love. Stay positive, you two, you both have so much to offer! Thanks for being such great friends.
MITCHELL: When he's not crying into his ice cream, that hot guy in the blanket at the end of my couch says "don't give up; I'm sure you'll get the hang of rain someday!" Seriously, best friend, but knuckle bumps are only for old ladies, kids, and Harvey Specter if he looks sheepish about it. Clarky, Sammy and Steve all say you are on the right track--stay there and only great things will come your way! Last thoughts: I don't want to know about those little kitty outfits, and chicken on Tuesday!
NEAL: I am so happy you are here and can't wait to mock watch the show with you! The best part of the weekend so far has been coffee with you! Ottawa? Seriously? Too freakin' far away!!!! As always, I'll take the pretty blue bun-bun to love and spindle and mutilate...and for the block, Blink! Love you, Buster!
NINATRON aka NINANNE: Congratulations, you've won! Seriously, thanks for being an integral part of my best coronation memories!
RENE: My favorite MLC! I see what Kerry sees in you, and I can't wait to do a Buffy marathon with you! I have a theory, it could be bunnies....
ROXY aka ROXANNE: Watch the hair! The HAIR!
SHANE: I love you like I love my lightsaber! I wish I could make things better for you! In the meantime, of course I wish I could see you, and no,despite how it looks, not just because my computers are all in computer hell right now. Even if you just want to hang out, know that I am ALWAYS here for you!
Don't let the bastards get you down. You are one hell of an  entertainer, and you did a great job as Empress. Don't let anyone tell you different, and always keep smiling and doing what you do! Thanks for the kudos and let me know what they charge you for brunch!
THOMAS&MARTIN: I know you have so much on your plate right now, but you have to know that we all miss the fuck out of you guys, and wish we could see more of you! Hope the house and the cottage and the roof and the shop and all your plans are better than you ever dreamed--you guys deserve it!!
TRIXIE aka TRIXANNE: Oh, God, I've missed the fuck outta you I have to say! Call me if you have some Sangrias that need drinking! Nice purse, nice hitch cover--no one would ever guess you're a northend farmer's wife *L* Thanks for always making me laugh! And for the last time, there is no fucking pizza and offsale at my house!
TYRA: Russel Tovey was supposed to be here to throw it in you, but he missed his flight. He's currently sitting at home in his black y-fronts and a wife-beater, crying and eating crisps and missing you....oh, wait, is this my dream, or yours? You are a good friend! And handjobs are definitely not cheap!

KIM: I miss you a lot somedays....most days....every day....

"His idea of communication is dropping a witty one-liner
 and shooting you in the face."
-Danny Williams, Hawaii Five-0

RYAN AKA VICTORIA: You are the gayest Doctor I have ever seen. I can't wait to see what happens as you make your way through life. Hope you had fun this year!!
MONIQUE AKA TRIPP N'FALL:You did an excellent job stepping in the way you did. Tripp is a fun and creative fella and I hope we get to see more of him! Now for God's sake, quit tripping literally! Also, the plants need watering *L*
DEREK AKA JENNY TALIA: In many ways you are everything that is brilliant about the community. Also, you are a sarcastic mean total bitch! This is definitely a good thing. I deeply wish that you were moving on up tonight, but I get it, I really do. Just know that whatever you decide to do with your life, your art, your entertainment, your career--whatever it is, I am in your corner 100% and I love you very much!
ANDY SMOKES/BRIAN: You big crybaby! How the hell did you go from that asshole drunk guy a million years ago to being such a terrific friend? You stepped up to the plate this year while you had so much else going on, and you knocked it out of the fucking park! This night is for you as much as the Empress, and I cannot tell you how very very proud I am to call you Emperor! Well, I guess I can tell you, cos I just did! But seriously, way to exceed everyone's expectations over and over again. You are a force to be reckoned with and I for one can't wait to see what you do next! Beyond that, you have been such a ridiculously good friend to me that I really don't know what to say. I love you too! And finally, you know I'm the top, so you know what to do: NOW SWIRL!!!
YADA/GERRARD: What can be said that hasn't already been said! I hope the music in your soul plays for a thousand years! Enjoy the evening, and I'm looking forward to your next step-down *L* You once said its all about being entertaining, and I hope you know you have never disappointed in that regard! We've been doing this a long time and you always come through with truly original and innovative stuff. Don't ever change! Also, I don't want to see your panties anymore, please.

"...because life isn't worth living if you can't be thoughtlessly kind."
-Kristin Thomas

JOELLE: You are such an awesome friend--Benedict's lucky to have us! KLU: Thank you for all the wacky Alaskan shenanigans! DO DO DO DO DO DO DO STEVE! CHAD: I miss us but we will get a chance to watch Doctor Who together someday!  LAURIE: Just random hugs, you know how it goes!

MICK and JAX: They are at peace and leave everyone who knew them with an emptiness unfillable.

"I am sincerely sorry. That is what I was trying to tell you,
last year, when this conversation started."
--Steve McGarrett

GLCR-What the hell was I thinking? Nothing says community spirit like cleaning up vomit in the men's room! I'm dreading the coming snow just about as much as I'm expecting to get accused of theft any second now. It really is what all the cool kids do *L* But the fact of the matter is that no matter how far we've come,  the GLCR is still vital to the men and women of the community and will be for many years to come. Take pride in the uniqueness of us! I am so very proud to call myself a lifetime member of this amazing organization. To all the volunteers, keep up the good work, the GLCR would not exist without you! ps Hey, everybody! No drugs in the fucking building! Do it at home if you have to, but leave my fucking bar alone, cos if we get shut down cos you couldn't keep that crap out of your nose, Imma totally gonna cut a bitch!!
QUEEN CITY PRIDE: Welcome to the gay community! Seriously, we've already repaired a decade worth of PR damage in just one weekend. I hope those of you who made it to Coronation enjoyed it, and I'm looking forward to working on an amazing pride week together!
RSAR- such a vital part of our community. It may not be what it once was, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Of course, as with every year, there has been some utterly reprehensible behaviour, and people taking it upon themselves to decide what the rules should be, but as I often say to gay men, don't let a couple of cunts ruin the whole party for ya! It looks like there are plenty of fresh faces and hard workers ready to step up and continue the work that Bernie, Sean and I started. Bubbles, Deb, this is your baby and I'm glad you have it like I have the X-Files. You love it and are tenacious at what you do, so try not to hurt yourselves or anyone else too badly and I'll see what happens in a couple of years.

"Only one death threat, two demands for my immediate resignation, and two for my suicide. IT'S A HIT!!"
--Steven Moffatt

HUGS: Harvey, Mike, Steve, Danny, Neal, Peter, Sherlock, John, Ianto, Jack, Blair, Jim, Giles, Spike, Lex, Clark, Fox, Walter....
KUDOS : Anyone who found their way to Sunday brunch or TV night. Thanks, you make me feel special; Online friends and fans, you are my support system and I couldn't do any of it without you--I really am that internet success story; all out of town guests who make Regina more beautiful by virtue of their presence and home town folks who do the same; God Bless you all....

  John: "That...was amazing."
Sherlock: "Do you think so?"
John: "Of course it was, it was extraordinary. It was quite extraordinary."
Sherlock: "That's not what people normally say."
John: "What do people normally say?"
Sherlock: "Piss off."

There's more and more after that, and I'd probably go on and on if I didn't have a shit-ton of work to do, not to mention all my plans to take over the world...okay, maybe not, but seriously, all that online porn won't read itself! At any rate, I'll add names later if I feel like it, if I remember, or if you email me to bitch about not being in here!
Oh, and don't forget:
In my world, the coffee is strong as death, black as hell and sweet as love (and always made by Ianto Jones). The smoking section is always open. Fox Mulder is always just as close as my dvdplayer, Slow Motion Walter is always more than  just a blues song,  and the Gunmen always visit on Friday. Bunnies and bears always frolic in my living room, Blair Sandburg is always the bottom, there is always a next Sunday, everything's Benedict and nothing hurts, and finally, the Blanches are always shaken, never stirred.
That's enough to be going on with, don't you think?


 Copyright 2011 Michele. All rights reserved. I went to law school.