My world, welcome to it!

 LIFE'S TOO SHORT. You could go out tomorrow and get hit by a bus, for God's sake!. And would you want your last thought to be an angry one? Your last impression to be a malicious one? Love each other. Love yourselves. Today is a gift; that's why they call it the present.

 "Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another:
 “What! You too? I thought I was the only one."

— C.S. Lewis

So many people to thank, so many people to congratulate, so many people to mock. And not necessarily in that order. Of course, my mother did say, if you can't say anything nice, come sit next to me...or was it don't put it in your mouth if you don't know where it's been? Whatever....But relax--if you don't see your name here, it doesn't mean I don't love you...oh, wait, yeah it does.

ANDY SMOKES/BRIAN: You big crybaby! You were terrific this week and oddly enough, a great calming influence on me.  And you rock all white--praise Jeebus!
BERNIE/ANITA: I love and miss you a lot. Let me know if there's ever anything I can do for you!
BOB/WILMA/GIA: You made me nostalgic and at the same time very proud of how far we have all come! Brilliant performance tonight, and thanks for just being as cool as you always are in my memories!
BOB T. Thank you for being so kind and sweet and gentlemanly, and yet still trying to convince the doorman to get under the table for you. You're brilliant.
BRENT: Oh, son, you rock a dressing gown like nobody's business! *L* Love ya, and fairly bust with Pride every time you walk as a W.T.T.
DEREK AKA JENNY TALIA: So much fucking talent--please tell me someday you'll be up there, boring me senseless and making everyone else cry. The planet needs an Empress!Jenny action figure!
DION: Congrats; you and your husband are doing it right!
JASON&WHITNEY: Jason, thank you for the ride today and the chat. I won't lie--I miss the fuck out of you guys!! But at the same time, wee Xander (ia) is such a joy to you both that I'm absolutely delighted for you every second of every day.
JOELLE: You are such an awesome friend--Benedict's lucky to have us and I'm lucky to have you!
JOZEF: Kerry 2.0!! You are awesome and it was fantastic to meet you!
KERRY: There will never be a time that you will not be my/the best Emperor ever!!! Thanks for the tips and the bling and I promise--next time I'll empty that bottle in 201!
KRICKET: Always so beautiful. Love you honey!
MIRANDA AND JAMES: Ha ha Mitchell made James cry! Seriously, you guys have worked so hard for the community this year and I know you don't hear 'thank you' often enough. So just, yeah, thank you!
ROXY aka ROXANNE: God don't ever stop. I can't help but smile when I see you.
SHANE: I miss you sweetie, more than you'll probably ever know.
THOMAS&MARTIN: I missed you both tonight and I hope we can all try to make time for one another soon.
VERA: Oh, brilliant that you were here. You will always own a little piece of my father's heart...and mine.
WIZZARD: Dunno what I love more, the Burger King crown or that you're a Whovian--I hope you visit us again soon!
YADA/GERRARD: You always look so amazing, and you always keep smiling--dunno how you do it, but hope you keep right on doing it!


"Oh, brilliant! It's you! You're my favorite, you are!
You are the best! Know why? 'Cause you're so...thick!
You're Mr Thick Thick Thickety Thickface, from Thicktown, Thickania!
And so's your dad!"
--Eleven, Doctor Who

TRIXIE aka TRIXANNE: Oh, God, I've missed the fuck outta you I have to say! Call me if you have some Sangrias that need drinking! I am so happy you are trolling Facebook. Thanks for always making me laugh! And for the last time, there is no fucking pizza and offsale at my house!

KELLY aka HAND-JOB SOLO: You are sweet and kind and have an amazing smile--thank you for joining Brunch Club! Are you really a Star Wars fan?

LEXY: Don't take the 'problem child' title to heart. You are destined for great things!!

MERCEDEZ BENDZ: Good luck, no matter where life takes you. Also, the bells! the be-e-e-l-l-l-s!

MITCHELL: You're a good friend, I love you and I'll always do what I can for you. Thank you for being such a brilliant pseudo-husband. Now cut back on the mushy food, stay focused on the good things and know that you'll always have a judgement free space on the couch of shame, even if I make you watch horrible British TV while you're here. xo

BRUCE & AVAUGHNA: You and your house worked hard and the charities you support will be eternally grateful. Send me a post card from Boca (or wherever your dreams take you)

GLCR-To all the volunteers, keep up the good work, the GLCR would not exist without you! ps Hey, everybody! No drugs in the fucking building! Do it at home if you have to, but leave my fucking bar alone, cos if we get shut down cos you couldn't keep that crap out of your nose, Imma totally gonna cut a bitch!!
QUEEN CITY PRIDE: Time to get back to work. I'll always do what I can for this amazing organization.
RWRC: Welcome! Can't wait to see what our community can do with a bit of backing.
RSAR- such a vital part of our community. It may not be what it once was, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Of course, as with every year, there has been some utterly reprehensible behaviour, and people taking it upon themselves to decide what the rules should be, but as I often say to gay men, don't let a couple of cunts ruin the whole party for ya! It looks like there are plenty of fresh faces and hard workers ready to step up and continue the work that Bernie, Sean and I started.

HUGS: Wes, Travis, Harvey, Mike, Steve, Danny, Neal, Peter, Sherlock, John, Ianto, Jack, Blair, Jim, Giles, Spike, Lex, Clark, Fox, Walter....
KUDOS : Anyone who found their way to Sunday brunch or TV night. Thanks, you make me feel special; Online friends and fans, you are my support system and I couldn't do any of it without you--I really am that internet success story; all out of town guests who make Regina more beautiful by virtue of their presence and home town folks who do the same; God Bless you all....

  John: "That...was amazing."
Sherlock: "Do you think so?"
John: "Of course it was, it was extraordinary. It was quite extraordinary."
Sherlock: "That's not what people normally say."
John: "What do people normally say?"
Sherlock: "Piss off."

There's more and more after that, and I'd probably go on and on if I wasn't so old and tired. And besides, all that online porn won't read itself! At any rate, I'll add names later if I feel like it, if I remember, or if you email me to bitch about not being in here!

Oh, and don't forget:
In my world, the coffee is strong as death, black as hell and sweet as love (and always made by Ianto Jones). The smoking section is always open. Fox Mulder is always just as close as my dvdplayer, Slow Motion Walter is always more than  just a blues song,  and the Gunmen always visit on Friday. Bunnies and bears always frolic in my living room, Blair Sandburg is always the bottom, there is always a next Sunday, everything's Benedict and nothing hurts, and finally, the Blanches are always shaken, never stirred.
That's enough to be going on with, don't you think?


 Copyright 2012 Michele. All rights reserved. I went to law school.