My world, welcome to it!

"A drag fairy's work is never done!"
-Boris Tateerz

So many people to thank, so many people to congratulate, so many people to mock. And not necessarily in that order. Of course, my mother did say, if you can't say anything nice, come sit next to me...or something like that. And remember, if you don't see your name here, it doesn't mean I don't love you...oh, wait, yeah it does.

"What in gay hell?"
-Trixie Speed Diva

And now, let me share a little something with you: Shane: I love you too, you know that, no matter what. And you are funny! Miss B. What a long strange road it's been, hey? You rock. Now eat!! Bubbles and Deb. You made your dreams come true, and I hope you had a fun year. I understand, believe me I do, and I'll be right over here watching X-Files.  Wayne, it's true, I would have done ya for a ticket to Portland. To the College: Oi, where to start? Anita, you're skinny and I still love you! Trixie, oh girl, I'm so sorry this was a sad weekend for you. You rock, baby. Curt, bless you and your staggering creativity--you awe me constantly. Thomas, my darling, look how hard you work--please don't let 'em take you for granted! Kerry, my Emperor, first and always!! You are amazing, and we both suck! Now let's get it together this year!!! Yada, you're always having fun, and always having a title! Love ya! Troy, it could have been stardust, or something like that...Dale, good to see you! There's a load of people I should say hi to as well, from the club and PTCS, but the list will have to wait til I'm less tired, less drunk and less likely to forget anyone. Suffice to say, thanks, and I honestly want to just be a part of it, you know? You guys are all terrific!

Vera, did you come in a rocket car? You should have bought a squirrel! Crystal--was that your rocket car? Nice ta tas...Endora, you are just too sweet--I love when you tell the boss how fabulous I am! Nate, oh my goodness, how fabulous are you? Savannah, hmmm...Roxy, I have one of those too--is yours a porn store? Mandy--OMG, I love that wagonwheel! Remember, it's a Black Forest, and I know you're not blonde anymore! Jose, it was fun to meet you again for the very first time *L* I see you still like my Emperor. Hey, Silky, want a Grande Moccachino? Doug, Paul, I've missed you guys!

Chad, JUST LIKE THAT! I love you and that mighty lightsaber (ZSCHOOM!) Thank you! Mick, mon frere, you have been something amazing in my life. Yes, I said amazing! Merci, beaucoup, Samurai Lapin! Jax, the man with the smile, always. You never fail to make me laugh, smile, and remember all the good things that life holds! :) Hugs!! Beau, darling, I know how it is--believe me, I know! Just know that I'll always be here for you, come rain or shine or...CRIKEY! List sibs far and wide, thanks for everything, even you, Janet, cos you made me stronger! Deedz, thanks for've given me insight and humour and a tour through tranny town that I am grateful for! Binky--don't be Oprah. We'll like you, I promise. Be good to your man. Jason, the coolest straight guy I know, except for Mick! And I've never seen him in a dress, so you've got him there! Thanks for sticking with me, hon, I know it can't always seem like a wise choice. Whitney, thanks also for being my friend. I can't imagine what you must think some days, but you rock, hon, and not just cos of your clever remarks! Again, I'm sure I owe more thanks to folks, but I'm so tired...
