A weekly talk/comedy show hosted by Dennis Miller. Each show starts off with a topical monologue typical of evening talk shows. After this, Dennis goes into "The Rant" in which he talks about some subject that bothers him, starting calmly but gradually building into a frothing, expletive-laden fenzy, then ending with "that's just my opinion, I could be wrong."

Of course that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.

Now, I don't want to get off on a rant here...

"Normally something like that would mean nothing to me, coming from you, I'm proud to say it means even less."

"Americans stick their noses where they don't belong more than Simone DeBergeraque going down."

East and West Germany got together Tuesday afternoon for a quickie but it didn’t work and they once again agreed to see other countries.

"You can fake it like a hooker paid by the moan."

"Don't you remember simpler days when "Palm Pilot"was just a nickname your friends gave you at puberty."

"To combat global warming President Bush will build a gigantic cooling machine that runs on gas-powered coal."

"They've been chasing it down like a mutt on an ass-flavoured milkbone."

"Further hurting a chance at peace, this week, Palestinians clashed with their own furniture."

Masturbation needs to be taught in high school like holding your breath needs to be taught in diving class.
