"Oh, now what's this, then? I love this. A big, flashy-lighty thing. That's what brought me here. Big, flashy-lighty things have got me written all over them. Not actually, but give me time... and a crayon.”


“I’m on my way to Los Angeles now to stick my head in the pond”--Matt Smith, making 'shippers squeal

Cheeky Billie has let slip that her nickname for Dr Who co-star David Tennant is David Ten-Inch.  But she added hastily "I've no grounds for calling him that - I just find it funny."

In a ‘School Holidays’ special issue of Radio Times, Doctor Who star Matt Smith is interviewed by 13 year old Jack:
JACK: What makes you different from previous Doctors?
MATT: I’m younger, so my skin is a bit smoother. What would you say makes me different? Bigger ears?
JACK: You’re crazier.
MATT: There you go, I’m crazier.
JACK: How many marks out of ten would you give yourself so far?
MATT: That’s a tough one. Let’s say eight. I’ve two episodes left, so I can still get to ten. I don’t want to undersell myself.
JACK: We don’t often see the Doctor eating anything. My favourite food is sausage and mash. What’s yours?
MATT: Spaghetti bolognese, banana sandwiches. I love biscuits with tea and am partial to a chocolate muffin or two.

"The funny stuff is all down to Catherine Tate--I'm just her bitch."--David Tennant


11th Doctor
: I'm the Doctor; I'm worse than everybody's aunt! And that is not how I'm introducing myself.
-The Eleventh Hour

11th Doctor: I love a bad girl, me.
-The Impossible Astronaut

11th Doctor: I've got to get to that cockerel before all hell breaks loose. I never thought I'd have to say that again.
-The Rebel Flesh
Captain Avery: I'm confused.
11th Doctor: Yeah, well, it's a big club. We should get T-shirts.
Curse of the Black Spot

The Silence: "Fear me...I've killed Hundreds of Time Lords"
11th Doctor: "Fear me...I killed them all."
Day of the Moon

"From the day they arrive on the planet, and blinking, step into the sun, there is more to see than can ever be seen, more to do than... no. Sorry, that's The Lion King."--Ten

"An apple a day keeps the.... oh, nevermind."--Five

"Well Sergeant, aren't you going to say that it's bigger on the inside than it is on the outside - everybody else does."--Three

"You know, you're a classic example of the inverse ratio between the size of the mouth and the size of the brain."--Four

Doctor: Human?
Donna: Yes, why, is that optional?
Doctor: It is for me.
The Runaway Bride

The Doctor:(posing as a teacher) So... Physics! Physics, ey? Physics! Phyyyysics! Physics, Physics, Physics, Physics, Physics Physics, Physics, Physics, Physics... I hope you're getting all this down! School Reunion

The Doctor: Correctamundo! A word I've never used before, and hopefully never will again...
School Reunion

The Doctor: Oh, brilliant! It's you! You're my favorite, you are! You are the best! Know why? 'Cause you're so...thick! You're Mr Thick Thick Thickety Thickface, from Thicktown, Thickania! And so's your dad!
Girl In The Fireplace

Fashion-Bot: "Where did you get that weapon? You were unarmed!"
Captain Jack : "Ladies....You DON'T want to know."
Bad Wolf

Paul O'Grady: [on TV] Do you know what? I look up and there's all these moons and things, have you seen them? Do you see them?
[the audience agrees]
Paul O'Grady: What was I drinking last night? Furniture polish?
[Ianto laughs at the television screen]
Captain Jack Harkness: Ianto, time and a place!
Ianto Jones: It is funny though.
The Stolen Earth 

Captain Jack Harkness: I met a soldier in a bar...
[Ianto shoots him a death glare]
Captain Jack Harkness: [to Martha] Long story.
Ianto Jones: When was that?!
Captain Jack Harkness: Strictly professional!
The Stolen Earth 

Doctor (Nine): If ever he was a captain, he's been defrocked.
Rose (smiling):Yeah, shame I missed that.
Jack: Actually I quit.  Nobody takes my frock.
  The Doctor Dances

9th Doctor: "Rose... you were fantastic... absolutely fantastic -- and d'you know what? So was I..."
       - The Parting of the Ways

9th Doctor:"That'll never last. He's gay, and she's an alien."

BARBARA (trying to tell the Doctor that the TARDIS has landed): Doctor, the trembling's stopped.
THE DOCTOR: Oh, my dear! I'm so glad you're feeling better.
BARBARA: No! Not me, the ship!
The Rescue

VICKI (on the Beatles): I didn't know they played classical music!
The Chase

BARBARA: You're from Earth?
MORTON C. DILL: No, ma'am. I'm from Alabama.
The Chase

THE DOCTOR: The power cable generated an electrical field and confused their tiny metal minds. You might almost say they've had a complete metal breakdown.
JAMIE: Oooo!
The Tomb of the Cybermen

THE DOCTOR: Logic, my dear Zoe, merely enables one to be wrong with authority.
The Wheel in Space

THE DOCTOR: You know Jo, I sometimes think that "military intelligence" is a contradiction in terms.
Terror of the Autons

JO: So that was some sort of spell that you said?
THE DOCTOR: He thought it was. That's why he ran away. Actually it was the first line of a Venusian lullaby. Roughly translated, it goes, "Close your eyes, my darling; well, three of them at least."
[The Daemons]

THE DOCTOR: Allow me to congratulate you, sir. You have the most totally closed mind that I've ever encountered.
[Frontier in Space]

THE DOCTOR: You humans have got such limited, little minds. I don't know why I like you so much.
SARAH: Because you have such good taste.
THE DOCTOR: That's true! That's very true.
[The Masque of Mandragora]

THE DOCTOR: I wonder...
LEELA: What?
THE DOCTOR: Shh! I'm wondering.
[The Face of Evil]

THE DOCTOR: You know, the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common: they don't alter their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit the views, which can be uncomfortable, if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering.
[The Face of Evil]

THE DOCTOR: Answers are easy. It's asking the right questions which is hard.
[The Face of Evil]

THE DOCTOR: You're a classic example of the inverse relationship betweeen the size of the mouth and the size of the brain.
[The Robots of Death]

THE DOCTOR: I never carry weapons. If people see you mean them no harm, they never hurt you. Nine times out of ten...
[The Robots of Death]

THE DOCTOR: Should we try using our intelligence?
LEELA: Well, if you think that's a good idea.
[The Invisible Enemy]

BORUSA: You have access to the greatest source of knowledge in the universe.
THE DOCTOR: Well, I do talk to myself sometimes...
[The Invasion of Time]

THE DOCTOR: Professor, when we were by the river, we heard the strange babble of inhuman voices, didn't we, Romana?
PROFESSOR CHRONOTIS: Oh, undergraduates talking, I expect. I'm trying to have it banned.

THE DOCTOR: First things first, but not necessarily in that order.

NYSSA: It sounds as if it might be some sort of neutral environment. An isolated space cut off from the rest of the universe.
TEGAN: If that's all the Doctor needs, I could have shown him around Brisbane!

TURLOUGH (to Tegan): You look so sweet when you get angry.

THE DOCTOR (to Peri): America doesn't have a monopoly on bad taste.
[Revelation of the Daleks]

THE DOCTOR: Weapons. Always useless in the end.
[Remembrance of the Daleks]

THE DOCTOR: Anybody remotely interesting is mad, in some way or another.
[Remembrance of the Daleks]

ACE (when the Doctor won't let her help defuse a bomb): I never get to have any fun!
[The Happiness Patrol]

GWENDOLINE: I think Mr. Matthews is confused.
THE DOCTOR: Never mind. I'll have him completely bewildered by the time I'm finished.
ACE: I'll help.
[Ghost Light]

THE DOCTOR: Who was it said Earthmen never invite their ancestors round to dinner?
[Ghost Light] (Douglas Adams, by the way!!)

GRACE: Maybe you have selective amnesia brought on by shock.
THE DOCTOR: Maybe. I don't remember.
[Doctor Who-The Movie]

GRACE: Doctor? I only have one life. Can you remember that?
THE DOCTOR: I'll try.
[Doctor Who-The Movie]

"I have a very quick temper and very long claws!"
-Anne Travers, The Web of Fear

"What do you mean time's running out? It's only 1505!"
 The Doctor, City of Death

"Please do not throw hands at me."
 D84, The Robots of Death

"I may have had a bang on the head, but this is a dashed queer story!"
                      Professor Litefoot, The Talons of Weng-Chiang

 "Well, you're an agent aren't you?"
 "No, I'm the Doctor. I keep telling you that."
 "Yes, but who do you work for?"
 "Work for? I don't work for anybody. I'm just having fun."
Rigg and the Doctor, Nightmare of Eden

 "Why are Earth people so...parochial?"
                      The Doctor, The Visitation

"That sounded awfully close."
  "Some sort of subterranean wind effect, I should think."
[A roar sounds]
 "Who're you kidding?"
"Myself, chiefly."
Sarah and the Doctor, Death to the Daleks

"I might be able to help."
"That's what worries me!"
The Doctor and Tegan, Time-Flight

"You know I'm no good with my hands!"
Adric, Four to Doomsday

"To the rational mind nothing is inexplicable, only unexplained."
 The Doctor, The Robots of Death

"Don't you think it would be simpler to use a computer?"
"Yes, they're very useful for digital analysis...but I  rarely use them -- except when I have to. There is one thing you could do
for me that would be very  important."
"Yes, yes -- anything. What is it?"
 "Lend me a pencil."
   Clent and the Doctor, The Ice Warriors

"Perhaps everyone runs from the tax man?"
Leela, The Sun Makers

"They are aggressive, callous and unfeeling. Don't expect them to act as you do! They are alien -- from another world."
"Well so are you, Doctor."
"Oh dear, you've got me there!"
The Doctor and Senex, The Dominators

ACE: What's going on, Doctor?
THE DOCTOR: Adventure, excitement, that sort of thing.
-Remembrance of the Daleks

"I'm just a mouth on legs."
Tegan, Earthshock

"I'm so confused."
"So's the TARDIS."
The Doctor and Romana, Shada

"Circular logic will only make you dizzy, Doctor."
Peri, The Two Doctors

"Interfere? Of course we should interfere! Always do what you're best at, that's what I say!"
The Doctor, Nightmare of Eden

"You know, I don't think these cows know anything about the Time Scanner."
The Doctor, Image of the Fendahl

"We're on the edge of the cosmos! The frontiers of creation! The boundary between what is and isn't or isn't yet, anyway. Do you think that's interesting?"
"I suppose so."
The Doctor and Leela, Underworld

"Killing me isn't going to help you -- and it isn't going to do me much good either."
The Doctor, The Face of Evil

"Later, you will be tortured, questioned and killed!"
"Well, I hope you get it in the right order!"
The Nimon and the Doctor, The Horns of Nimon

"There's no comfort in dying. I always said it was the last thing I wanted to do!"
Garron, The Ribos Operation

The Doctor:"Our lives are different to anybody's else's, that's the exciting thing! Nobody in the universe can do what we're doing..."
The Tomb of the Cybermen

"Shall we take the lift, or fly?"
"Let's not be ostentatious."
"All right, let's fly then."
"That would be silly. We'll take the lift."
The Doctor and Romana, City of Death

The Doctor:"For some people, small beautiful things is what life is all about!"

"How do we look?"
"Oh, good gracious! Absolutely absurb! Why you want to dress yourselves up like convicts I can't imagine. You're asking for trouble."
Dodo and the Doctor, The Gunfighters

The Doctor:"You've had this place redecorated, haven't you? I don't like it!"
The Five Doctors

The Doctor:"Oh, I used my own special technique: keeping my eyes open and my mouth shut!"
The Tomb of the Cybermen

The Doctor:"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes."

The Doctor:"The trouble with computers, of course, is that they're very sophisticated idiots."

"Where to now, Ace?"
"Yes, the TARDIS." [As the Doctor leads Ace back to the TARDIS, he tell his companion] "There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, and the sea's asleep and the rivers dream. People made of smoke and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice, somewhere else the tea's getting cold. Come on, Ace, we've got work to do."
The Doctor and Ace, Survival (the last shot of the final episode of Doctor Who until 2005)
