
"If I were going to be productive today, it would've happened by now."

"You had me at rufi..."

"What'll Howie say if I come home with two bottles of wine?"

I'm not sure I can handle a "cougaritaville the sequel"......although I didn't get sick or fall over on anyone last trip so that was a total bonus!

"Turns out all the guys here are gay--I'm outta here!"

"Maybe Cherry jello would go down better next year"

"Blue jello bad."

"I brought us presents. Starts with a "Glo" and ends in "bracelets"!"

"Who's Martin? Oh, hi Martin."

"Mary's havin' some issues over here."

"Shh! no talking!"

We need to bag a buy...
(on getting ice)

"Starts with a C and ends in 'rabs'!"

"I still have something sparkly for tomorrow's supper."

"You're doing laundry tomorrow, right?"
(after spilling)

"I snore, too--welcome to your forties."

"I'll have a mohawk!"
 (hey, it sounds like Baja Mocha, dontcha think?)

"What was his name again? Binky? Barky?"

"Good times!"

"A good friend will bail you out of jail, but your best friend will be the one sitting next to you saying "That was fucking awesome!"

"Drugs have no effect on me."

"You know what's hot? Me!"

"That guy just asked if he could lick my neck...should I buy him a drink?"

"Those two guys that were bartending downstairs bought me a shooter. Me! Me! Cos it's all about me!"

"Does anyone ever call you a freak? Cos we have a friend named Jason and we call him Little Freak."
 (talking to Ed)
