Aeryn: Nobody knows you here. It's only people who know you that want to kill you.

Aeryn: Oh, just to be in the warm glow of all this testosterone.

Chiana: If your hand is still there in one microt, I'll snap it off and use it as a good luck charm.

: Boy, was Spielberg ever wrong. Close Encounters my ass.

Crichton: You fart helium?

Crichton: The sound is doing something to my eye. Feels like it’s melting my brain. It couldn’t actually be doing something to my brain, could it?

Crichton: That’s your plan? Wile E. Coyote would come up with a better plan than that!

Crichton: Open your ears, or your tentacles, or whatever orifice it is you listen with!

Crichton: This is the end of hyper rage? I get hugged to death?

Crichton: It’s like Disney on acid! Ten years of really great sex all at the same moment.

Crichton: Rock, me, hard place.

D'Argo: She was vague to the point that I suspect she doesn't have a clue.

Rygel: John Crichton, unwelcome shipmate. May you have safe transport to the hallowed realm. Actually, not our hallowed realm. That's for Hynerians. Go find your own hallowed realm. With the Ceremony of Passage completed, I declare you officially dead, and claim all your possessions for myself.

Zhaan: Am I the only species in creation that doesn't thrive on conflict?

Zhaan: My dear, I've kicked more ass than you've sat on.
D'Argo: The bad news is that you are married and you must endure as a statue for eighty cycles in a strange world.
Crichton: What's the good news?
D'Argo: Chiana and I are having fantastic sex.
Crichton: Have we sent the ‘don’t shoot us we’re pathetic’ transmission yet?
Zhaan: That was actually the first thing we tried.
D'Argo: Fear accompanies the possibility of death. Calm shepherds its certainty.
Crichton: I love hanging with you, man.

Crichton: Oh hell, we're screwed.
Rygel: Should I disrobe so it's memorable?
<>Aeryn: "You say you want to go back to this planet of pain and suffering".
Crichton: "Well you guys don't have chocolate"

Aeryn: I'm sure your world has no force so ruthless, so disciplined.
Crichton: Oh, we call them linebackers. Or serial killers, depends on if they're... professional or amateur.
Aeryn: No offense, human, but what could I possibly need from you?
Crichton: Manners, personality, stock tips.
Aeryn:She gives me a woody.
Crichton:  …
Aeryn: Woody. Human saying. I've heard you say it often when you don't trust someone, or they make you nervous, then they give you-
Crichton: The willies! She gives you the willies.

D'Argo: This ship is legendary, even in my culture. It was thought invincible.
CrichtonWell just ask Leonardo DiCaprio. Even the big ones go down.

Zhaan: Pilot, does Moya know where we are?
Pilot: Yes, of course! We're someplace else. I'll... get back to you on the specifics.
